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Тема: Interview with kotlomoy

  1. #26
    Репутация: 125
    Аватар для kotlomoy

    По умолчанию

    - But this the thing that can't be "decided" by you, can it? The matter is about your own behaviour

    Hmm, can't remember any concrete bad decision, except those which I don't want to talk about

    - If you consider the advertisement a program.... Well, i'll go into some details: in many TV projects the journalists used to discuss things, which during the program runs out of control and the guests start to use bad language, shout, etc. The topics can be around anything- politics, private lives of famous (and ordinary people), crime, about extraordinary events and such situations, which show the worst sides of people's nature...Do you thing it's a good idea to have such programs widely discussed on TV? Or, which ones are to be forbidden?

    Do you mean those pathetic pseudo-real shows where all "guests" are actors? These shows have good ratings, it means that there are many stupid hateful people. I do not watch this shit.
    There are too many trash on TV (more than 50%) so it's impossible to forbid it.

    -What does it mean- watch them? imagine? compose your own ending or what? I am trying to get through your thoughts- still bad luck, you are too complicated and seldom show your emotions, feelings and views...am I right? Doesn't this my attempt irritate you?) (hope, no! )

    I imagine visually. When I read book I play movie in my mind.
    The most difficult is to imagine environment and characters. There's often no detailed description so I have to think out visualization. Sometimes I just cast real actors to play characters. On the contrary, action scenes are easy for me. I imagine them instantaneously.
    There is interesting side effect. When there is a screen adaptation of a book (a.e. "Pet Sematary" by Stephen King), I cannot remember whether I saw movie or read book. Because in both cases I keep in memory motion pictures.

    As about second part. I don't get what is "ad luck" and why you call me a "toy" Indeed, I do not share all my emotions. Only positive ones. Sometimes. :P
    And yes, your attention is very pleasant

    Your answer inspired me to ask some questions about your sleep. Do you sleep so soundly, that no any noise can wake you up?

    No, usually I wake up from alarm or any other loud noise.

    -Do you have dreams when sleeping? And do you remember them after waking up?

    Of course I have dreams. And if I was forced to wake up during REM sleep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid_eye_movement_sleep) I remember my dream. As any people. Sometimes I watch sequels of such dreams.
    Sometimes I force myself to wake up when something beyond endurance happens in my dream. So I suppose instinctively I know that I sleep in my dreams.
    Once I saw "transparent" dream - I totally realized that I sleep but continued my dream. Then I was able do interesting thing, a.e. I decided to fly instead of walking. Though I had to shift significant effort to fly forward and especially up.
    What interesting else...
    Once I experienced something weird - hard to describe exactly. I can compare with fall in hyperspace. Feelings were so intense so I was literally knocked out from sleep.
    Once I died in my dream. Feelings were also very intense and I was knocked out like in previous case. May be same feelings suffer human in sudden death in reality too.

    - Do they sometimes come true?

    Not yet.

    - Are you afraid of dreams and do you believe in them?

    I don't believe. But leave open the possibility.
    Two years before death my father thought he'll die soon because his dead brothers called him in his dreams. We didn't believe. He was 50 when he died.

    So, do you really have a gun or not? you said "usually" i don't have..

    No, I haven't. But going to buy one. Not firearm of course, just gas pistol.

    -What's your opinion, should everybody be allowed to have a gun? In some cases, when people have them, they will use them, if get extremely angry (i am not talking about defense)

    Hard question. But I think rather yes than no. Because there are more people who wants defend themselves than criminals. In current situation normal people usually have no chance against criminals. Firearms will give more chances to defend yourself in extreme situations.

    Are you sure you will not take your gun out (if have any)every time somebody gets on your nerves?

    If you mean firearm - I'm sure. Because any use of gun will be penalized.
    Now even traumatic gun gives more problems than sense.
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 03.05.2010 в 12:03.

  2. #27
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от kotlomoy Посмотреть сообщение
    - But this the thing that can't be "decided" by you, can it? The matter is about your own behaviour

    Hmm, can't remember any concrete bad decision, except those which I don't want to talk about
    ....and with this answer you just make me ask over and over and go into full details...so, there are things you don't want to talk about- at least could you give a hint, what they concernrivate life, friendship, other relations..? I'm afraid, i won't stop asking,'cause the more you answer enigmatically, the more you tempt me

    Цитата Сообщение от kotlomoy Посмотреть сообщение
    I don't get what is "bad luck" and why you call me a "toy" Indeed, I do not share all my emotions. Only positive ones. Sometimes. :P
    And yes, your attention is very pleasant
    I beg your pardon, Kotty, it was a typing mistake-i told you once,that the letters on my keyboard are all gone,so, when typing fast,u sometimes press wrong buttons!so, instead of "you" i typed "toy"
    And- the pleasure is mine, Shurken!
    I must say, i like to make discoveries and now for me you are an "undiscovered land", terra incognita- a person with a fountain of emotions, big fantasy and unbelievable imagination, with passions and sometimes sharpness; very often you let your thoughts and emotions flow fast, and sometimes abruptly cut...- yet you are extremely reserved, with great sense of humour and broad-minded.
    This is my another conclusion and i am sure that you will approve of it
    But still you seem to be undiscovered, u dunno why this feeling keeps on chasing me...

    Цитата Сообщение от kotlomoy Посмотреть сообщение
    Of course I have dreams.
    Once I saw "transparent" dream - I totally realized that I sleep but continued my dream. Then I was able do interesting thing, a.e. I decided to fly instead of walking. Though I had to shift significant effort to fly forward and especially up.
    What interesting else...
    Once I experienced something weird - hard to describe exactly. I can compare with fall in hyperspace. Feelings were so intense so I was literally knocked out from sleep.
    Once I died in my dream. Feelings were also very intense and I was knocked out like in previous case. May be same feelings suffer human in sudden death in reality too.
    -The same has happened to me, sometimes in my dreams i knew that i was sleeping; sometimes i was so "really" feeling and sensing the dream, that i once woke up crying, with tears running down my face- other time- with my heart beating extremely fast...maybe this happens to sensitive people?
    As for the case about your father...Well, Kotty, this happens to very many people, and, i'm afraid, in all cases it works out just like it did with you...
    Some psychologists insist that dreams are the work of our subconsciousness; for example- we thing over something and see it in our dreams. Does seem to be true? I would disagree in some cases, case very often people also see the future... Your opinion?

    Thank you for full answers! I am about to call you also "Mister X", or "Duncan", even persona incognita)))) Every answer tells more about your inner world, though, you are still mysterious. So, i go on asking, on a dare...
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  3. #28
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    - I have noticed your sense of humour- though, you rarely use it! Do you like to make fun of people? And what's your reaction when you are made fun of?

    - Kotty, do you ever talk to yourself? If yes, when? when angry or when happy?

    - If you were asked to criticize yourself, which shortcomings would you underline in yourself?

    - What do you do when you feel very lonely?

    - What can make you fly into rage? And how can a woman make you extremely angry?

    - What do you feel when you find yourself in situations which you can't control?( be it funny or serious, love affairs or disputes)

    - Are you an initiator or a person who follows the situation as it runs?

    - What could you say about your political views? Who is the latest politician you voted for?

    - I have also noticed your talent for organization. What do you think, could you be a leader and lead masses? We know from history that many leaders were able to lead masses and even conquer lands; some did it for their own purposes...Have you ever lead a group?

    - Now Fantasy tournament is over. Do you have any other interesting ideas about the forum? I do hope, you are not going to be a rare guest here? Otherwise i will have to do my best to keep you here

    - I have noticed another tendency by you: you rare expres your thoughts in the forum. What's the reason for your being "silent" ? Yet i must confess, you are not that "silent planet", it's just the matter of topic for you to become lively...

    - You have created your own blog- topic "kotovaya"- a very interesting one. What made you do it? Maybe a volcano of ideas, feelings that stir inside you?

    - Which is the wildest, the most unexpected proposal/suggestion you have ever had?

    - Kotty, do you follow the fashion? Always dress just how the fashion tells? (I guess no...) What sort of things do you like to wear? and hate?

    - Since i touched the topic of fashion and dressing, i would like to know, what you don't like about women's fashion- i mean, what you don't like to see girls wearing ( and what mostly attracts your attention)

    - Kotty, did you use to speak/tell something gesticulating? What's your opinion about people who used to? Is it a bad habit?
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 03.05.2010 в 19:01.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  4. #29
    Репутация: 125
    Аватар для kotlomoy

    По умолчанию

    - I have noticed your sense of humour- though, you rarely use it! Do you like to make fun of people? And what's your reaction when you are made fun of?

    Yep, I like to have fun and make fun. If I have fun I'll share it with my friends.

    - Kotty, do you ever talk to yourself? If yes, when? when angry or when happy?
    Once, when I lived alone long time I started to talk at home. This was phrases like "Ok, now I have to do something, need something" etc.

    - If you were asked to criticize yourself, which shortcomings would you underline in yourself?

    Shortcomings of my budget

    - What do you do when you feel very lonely?

    I do usual things, which I do when I don't feel lonely.

    - What can make you fly into rage? And how can a woman make you extremely angry?

    Anything. Anyhow.

    - What do you feel when you find yourself in situations which you can't control?( be it funny or serious, love affairs or disputes)

    These are everyday situations. Feel depends on situation.

    - Are you an initiator or a person who follows the situation as it runs?

    Usually I follow. Because by laziness

    - What could you say about your political views? Who is the latest politician you voted for?

    Never voted. I'm politically indifferent.

    - I have also noticed your talent for organization. What do you think, could you be a leader and lead masses? We know from history that many leaders were able to lead masses and even conquer lands; some did it for their own purposes...Have you ever lead a group?

    Am I missed something? Didn't noticed any talent I can lead people only when I really interested in something and I need people.

    - Now Fantasy tournament is over. Do you have any other interesting ideas about the forum? I do hope, you are not going to be a rare guest here? Otherwise i will have to do my best to keep you here

    Usually I rare guest outside Fantasy thread. But I'm surely will check my interview topic

    - I have noticed another tendency by you: you rare expres your thoughts in the forum. What's the reason for your being "silent" ? Yet i must confess, you are not that "silent planet", it's just the matter of topic for you to become lively...

    Yes, indeed. I rarely deal with unfamiliar topic. I don't follow sport events, so almost all topics on this forum are not interesting for me.
    Only two interesting topics I've found here - "fantasy football" and fresh "talking with nice girl"

    - You have created your own blog- topic "kotovaya"- a very interesting one. What made you do it? Maybe a volcano of ideas, feelings that stir inside you?

    Wish to share my emotions with people made me do it. I do not like to have fun not sharing it.

  5. #30
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Thank you very much for the interview, Kotlomoy, it was very nice to talk to you!
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 12.06.2010 в 13:37.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

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