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Тема: Блог Алины

  1. #26
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Food Idioms


    acquire a taste for (something)
    - to develop a liking for some kind of food or drink or something
    My friend has recently acquired a taste for classical music.

    apple of (someone`s) eye
    - someone or something that one likes a lot
    The little girl is the apple of her grandfather`s eye.

    as black as a skillet
    - very black
    The bottom of the little boy's feet were as black as a skillet.

    as busy as popcorn on a skillet
    - very active
    The children were as busy as popcorn on a skillet when the teacher entered the classroom.

    as cool as a cucumber
    - to be calm, to be not nervous or anxious
    The man is as cool as a cucumber and never worries about anything.

    as easy as apple pie
    - very easy
    The test that I wrote yesterday was as easy as apple pie.

    as easy as duck soup
    - very easy
    It was as easy as duck soup to find the book that I wanted in the library.

    as flat as a pancake
    - very flat
    The child's toy was as flat as a pancake after the car drove over it.

    as hungry as a bear
    - very hungry
    I was as hungry as a bear when I returned home from work yesterday.

    as nutty as a fruitcake
    - silly, crazy
    The man in the supermarket was as nutty as a fruitcake.

    as red as a cherry
    - bright red
    My new sweater is as red as a cherry.

    as slow as molasses in January
    - very slow
    The little boy is as slow as molasses in January and he never gets his work finished on time.

    as sour as vinegar
    - sour and disagreeable
    The old man next door is as sour as vinegar.

    as sweet as honey/sugar
    - very sweet
    The retired librarian is as sweet as honey and everybody loves her.

    as thick as pea soup
    - very thick (can be used with fog as well as with liquids)
    The fog was as thick as pea soup when we walked along the beach.

    as warm as toast
    - very warm and cozy
    Our house was as warm as toast when we went in from the rain.

    at one sitting
    - at one time, during one period
    We ate most of the cake at one sitting.

    back to the salt mines
    - to go back to work (this is a humorous expression to express going back to unpleasant work)
    "Lunch is over so let`s go back to the salt mines for the afternoon."

    bad/rotten apple
    - a bad person
    The boy is a bad apple and he is always in some kind of trouble.

    bad egg
    - a bad person, a bum
    My neighbor is a bad egg and you should avoid him if you can.

    bear fruit
    - to yield or give results
    The woman's hard work at her business finally began to bear fruit when she started to make money.

    best bib and tucker
    - one's best clothes
    I put on my best bib and tucker for the wedding reception.

    big cheese
    - an important person, a leader
    My uncle is a big cheese in his company so you should be very nice to him.

    big enchilada
    - the biggest and most important thing or person
    The new accounting manager is the big enchilada in our company.

    binge and purge
    - to overeat and then to vomit
    The young woman had eating problems and she would often binge and purge her food.

    bite off more than one can chew
    - to try to do or eat more than you can manage
    I bit off more than I could chew when I began to work at the store in the evening.

    bite the hand that feeds one
    - to harm someone who does good things for you
    I do not want to make my company angry because I do not want to bite the hand that feeds me.

    bitter pill to swallow
    - something unpleasant that one must accept
    It was a bitter pill to swallow when I learned that I would not get the job that I thought I would.

    born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
    - to be born to a wealthy family with many advantages
    The boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he never has to work very hard.

    Bottoms up!
    - everybody should drink now (this expression is used at the end of a drinking toast)
    "Bottoms up," our host said at the beginning of the dinner.

    bread and butter
    - one's income/job to buy the basic needs of life like food/shelter/clothing
    The voters are worried about bread-and-butter issues like jobs and taxes.

    bread and water
    - the most basic meal that is possible (just as you would get in prison)
    The prisoners were fed bread and water for several days last winter.

    bring home the bacon
    - to earn your family`s living
    Recently, I have been working very hard to bring home the bacon. I have no time to do anything else.

    burn (something) to a crisp
    - to burn something very badly
    I burned the eggs to a crisp when I left the stove on while I was talking on the telephone.

    butter (someone) up
    - to flatter someone in order to get his or her favor or friendship
    The man spends much time trying to butter up his boss so that he will not have to work so hard.

    can't stomach (someone or something)
    - to dislike or hate someone or something
    I can't stomach the idea of meeting my old girlfriend.

    carrot and stick
    - the reward for someone if they do what you want or the punishment if they do not do what you want
    The government took a carrot-and-stick approach to remove the people who were protesting against the construction of the dam.

    cheese (someone) off
    - to annoy/irritate/anger someone
    I cheesed off my neighbor when I borrowed his ladder without telling him.

    cheesed off
    - to be bored/depressed/annoyed
    I was cheesed off when I heard that I would not be able to go away for the weekend.

    chew the fat with (someone)
    - to chat with someone
    We stayed up very late last night chewing the fat about our university days.

    chips and dip
    - potato chips and something to dip them into before eating them (potato chips are called crisps in the United Kingdom)
    We bought some chips and dip for the party.

    clear the table
    - to remove the dishes and other eating utensils from a table after eating
    We had to clear the table before we could eat our dessert.

    coffee break
    - a break from work to rest and drink coffee/tea
    We usually have a coffee break every morning at 10 o`clock.

    Come and get it!
    - Dinner is ready. Come and eat.
    "Come and get it," my mother called after she made dinner.

    compare apples and oranges
    - to compare two things that are not similar and should not be compared
    It was like comparing apples and oranges when we compared our new boss to our old one.

    cook (someone's) goose
    - to damage or ruin someone
    I think that I cooked my goose when I made a mistake at work today.

    cook (something) to perfection
    - to cook something perfectly
    The chef always cooks the food to perfection at the small restaurant.

    cook (something) up
    - to cook something, to make some kind of plan
    I do not know what my girlfriend is cooking up for the weekend but we will probably do something interesting.

    couch potato
    - someone who spends a lot of time on a couch watching television
    My cousin is a couch potato and he never wants to leave his house.

    cream of the crop
    - the best of a group, the top choice
    Our company is a very good place to work and is always able to hire the cream of the crop of university graduates.

    a cream puff
    - a person who is easily influenced or beaten
    The boy is a cream puff and is always a victim of other people's insults.

    cry over spilled/spilt milk
    - to cry or complain about something that has already happened
    You should not cry over spilled milk. The past is past and you cannot do anything to change it.
    (not one's) cup of tea
    - something that one does not enjoy or do well (usually used in the negative)
    Going to art galleries is not my cup of tea so I think that I will stay home this evening.
    cut the mustard
    - to succeed, to do adequately what needs to be done
    The young man was not able to cut the mustard and he had to leave the army after only one year.

    dine out
    - to eat a meal at a restaurant
    I love to dine out at nice restaurants.

    done to a T/turn
    - to be cooked just right (just as one would cook a steak perfectly)
    The steaks were done to a T when my friend cooked them on the barbecue.

    down the hatch
    - something is swallowed
    My drink was down the hatch before I could order another one.

    drop (someone/something) like a hot potato
    - to suddenly stop being involved with someone or with some kind of a problem
    The advertisers dropped the basketball star like a hot potato when he became involved in a scandal.

    duck soup
    - a task that does not require much effort
    "It was like duck soup. I was able to finish my school project last night."

    eat and run
    - to eat a meal and then quickly leave
    I had to eat and run in order to be on time for my evening class.

    eat crow
    - to admit that one is mistaken or defeated, to take back a mistaken statement
    I was forced to eat crow and apologize for the things that I had said about my co-worker.

    eat dirt
    - to act humble, to accept another person's insults or bad treatment
    We made the boy eat dirt after he accused us of lying.

    eat high on/off the hog
    - to eat expensive and high quality food
    My uncle has been eating high on the hog since he got his new job.

    eat humble pie
    - to be humbled, to admit one`s error and apologize
    Our boss was forced to eat humble pie after he made the wrong budget estimate for next year.

    eat like a bird
    - to eat only a small amount of food
    The girl eats like a bird and is very slim.

    eat like a horse
    - to eat a large amount of food
    I usually eat like a horse after I work hard all day.

    eat one`s cake and have it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    The man refuses to give up anything and he always wants to eat his cake and have it too.

    eat one's heart out
    - to be envious of someone or something
    I ate my heart out when I saw my friend and his new bicycle.

    eat one`s words
    - to take back something that one has said, to admit that something is not true
    I told my boss that I would soon quit my job but later I had to eat my words and tell him that I wanted to stay.

    eat out
    - to eat a meal at a restaurant
    My aunt and uncle eat out often at very nice restaurants.

    eat out of (someone's) hands
    - to do what someone else wants
    The young secretary is always eating out of her bosses hands.

    eat (someone) for breakfast
    - to defeat someone easily
    The young wrestler can eat the older wrestler for breakfast.

    eat (someone) out of house and home
    - to eat a lot of food in someone's house
    The young boy is eating his parents out of house and home.

    eat (something) up
    - to enjoy/absorb/appreciate something
    The students were eating up the comments by their professor.

    egg (someone) on
    - to encourage someone to do something (often something bad/wrong/dangerous)
    The boys egged their friend on to jump into the water.

    either feast or famine
    - either too much or not enough of something
    Either I have too much time or too little time. It is either feast or famine..

    everything from soup to nuts
    - almost everything that one can think of
    We brought everything from soup to nuts for our weekend holiday.

    eyes are bigger than one's stomach
    - the amount of food that one takes is greater than what one could possibly eat
    My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I took too much food at the buffet dinner.

    fat is in the fire
    - a situation is bad or a person has serious problems
    The fat is in the fire now that the deadline is fast approaching for the court case.

    feed one's face
    - to eat
    I stopped at a small restaurant after the game to feed my face.

    fine kettle of fish
    - a mess, an unsatisfactory situation
    It was a fine kettle of fish that I was in when I lost the keys to my apartment.

    food for thought
    - something to think about
    The advice from the bank manager was food for thought when I made my financial plan.
    for peanuts
    - for very little money, for almost nothing
    I was able to buy a used computer for peanuts.

    forbidden fruit
    - something that one finds attractive partly because it is illegal/immoral/prohibited
    Entering the old building was forbidden fruit for the young boys.

    fruits of one's labor
    - the results of one's work
    My father is retired now and he is finally enjoying the fruits of his labor.

    full of beans
    - to feel energetic, to be in high spirits
    My aunt is full of beans tonight and she does not want to stop talking.

    get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
    - to be worried or upset about someone or something
    I try hard not to get myself into a stew over some of the rude remarks of my supervisor.

    go bananas
    - to become highly excited, to behave in a crazy way
    The boy's girlfriend went bananas when he forgot to buy her a birthday present.

    go/turn beet-red
    - to become red in the face because you are embarrassed
    The girl turned beet-red when her friend asked her about her boyfriend.

    go on a binge
    - to eat/do too much of something
    My friend went on a binge and ate too much chocolate recently.

    good egg
    - a good person
    The man is a good egg and everybody likes him a lot.

    (one's) goose is cooked
    - one has been found out and is now in trouble
    I told a lie to my company and now my goose is cooked and I am in much trouble.

    grab a bite to eat
    - to get/have something to eat (usually quickly)
    I will grab a bite to eat after the game today.

    gravy train
    - a job or some work that pays more than it is worth
    For many years my father's job was a gravy train but now the company has become very strict about paying extra money.

    greatest thing since sliced bread
    - the greatest thing that there has ever been
    My mother believes that the microwave oven is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    grist for the mill
    - something that can be used to bring advantage or profit
    The information that we got on the Internet was grist for the mill of our company's operations.

    half a loaf is better than none
    - a proverb that says that having part of something is better than having nothing at all
    Half a loaf is better than none and I would rather work part-time than have no job at all.

    - to be not thought about or studied carefully
    Our friend has a half-baked idea about starting a new business but most of us think that it will fail.

    hand (something) to (someone) on a silver platter
    - to give a person something that has not been earned
    The father handed everything to the boy on a silver platter and now he is very spoiled and selfish.

    hard nut to crack
    - a difficult person or thing to deal with
    My friend is a very serious person and she is a very hard nut to crack.

    have a lot on one's plate
    - to have a lot of things to do or deal with
    I have a lot on my plate this week and I am very, very busy.

    have a pick-me-up
    - to eat or drink something stimulating
    I wanted to have a pick-me-up so I stopped at a small shop for a coffee.

    have a sweet tooth
    - to have a desire to eat sweet foods
    I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolate bars.

    have a taste for (something)
    - to have a desire for a food/drink/experience
    The opera singer has always had a taste for classical music.

    have bigger fish to fry
    - to have other more important things to do
    I have bigger fish to fry and I do not want to spend every evening doing extra work for my company.

    have egg on one`s face
    - to be embarrassed (because of an obvious error)
    The man has egg on his face now that he has admitted that he was wrong about his boss.

    have one's cake and eat it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    I wanted to have my cake and eat it too when I wanted more holidays and more responsibility at work.

    have one's finger in the pie
    - to be involved in something
    The man has his finger in the pie of everything at his workplace.

    have one's finger in too many pies
    - to be involved in too many things so that you cannot do any of them well
    Our supervisor has her finger in too many pies to really do her job well.

    Here's mud in your eye!
    - Drink up! (a drinking toast)
    "Here's mud in your eye," I said as we drank a toast to my new job.

    hit the sauce
    - to drink alcohol (usually regularly)
    I think that the woman began to hit the sauce after her husband lost his job.

    hot potato
    - a question or argument that is controversial and difficult to settle
    The issue of building the nuclear power plant is a hot potato for the local town council.

    icing on the cake
    - something that makes a good situation or activity even better
    I was able to find a good job and the fact that I can work where I want is the icing on the cake.

    in a nutshell
    - briefly, in a few words
    We went to the meeting and they told us in a nutshell about the plans for our company.

    in a pickle
    - to be in trouble, to be in a mess
    The boy was in a pickle when he lost the keys to the school cupboard.

    in a stew about/over (someone or something)
    - to be worried or upset about someone or something
    My father is in a stew over the fact that his order of car parts has not arrived.

    in one's salad days
    - to be in one's youth
    My aunt was a beautiful woman in her salad days.

    in the soup
    - in serious trouble, in a bad situation
    The woman is in the soup now. She told her boss that she was sick but he saw her downtown shopping.

    kill the fatted calf
    - to prepare an elaborate banquet in honor of someone
    We killed the fatted calf for my cousin when she returned from her trip abroad.

    know which side one's bread is buttered
    - to know what is most advantageous for you
    My aunt knows which side her bread is buttered when she visits her sister.

    lay an egg
    - to give a bad performance of something
    The singer laid an egg during her performance last evening.

    life is a bowl of cherries
    - only good things happen in life
    Ever since my father retired from his job he has believed that life is a bowl of cherries.

    like taking candy from a baby
    - something is very easy to do
    I asked the department store to refund the money for my goods and they quickly agreed. It was like taking candy from a baby.

    like two peas in a pod
    - to be very close or intimate with someone
    The sisters are like two peas in a pod and they do everything together.

    live high off/on the hog
    - to live well and eat good food
    The woman is able to live high on the hog when she goes away on a business trip.

    live off the fat of the land
    - to grow one's own food, to live on the resources of the land
    The family is able to live off the fat of the land on their small farm.

    make a meal of (something)
    - to eat enough/much of one kind of food for one meal
    We made a meal of the fish that we caught in the lake.

    make mincemeat/hamburger out of (someone or something)
    - to beat up or destroy someone or something
    The older boxer made mincemeat out of the young boxer.

    make one`s mouth water
    - to make someone hungry, to make someone want to eat or drink something very much
    The restaurant is wonderful and when I see the menu it makes my mouth water.

    make (someone) eat crow
    - to cause someone to admit an error or retract a statement
    We made our boss eat crow when we discovered the mistake that he made with our work schedule.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  2. #27
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Food Idioms

    meal ticket
    - a thing or person that someone uses to get the money that they need to live
    The woman's nursing degree is her meal ticket to a flexible and good life.

    meat and potatoes
    - basic simple and good food, simple tastes
    The man is a meat-and-potatoes person who enjoys the simple pleasures of life.

    melt in one's mouth
    - to taste very good
    The pastry melted in my mouth.

    milk of human kindness
    - the natural kindness and sympathy that is shown to others
    The woman at the community center is full of the milk of human kindness.

    milk (someone) for (something)
    - to pressure someone into giving information or money
    The man was trying to milk the elderly lady for much of her money.

    neither fish nor fowl
    - not in any recognizable category
    The movie was neither fish nor fowl and I did not know what category to put it into.

    not for all the tea in China
    - not for anything
    I will not for all the tea in China lend my friend any more money.

    not know beans about (someone or something)
    - to know nothing about someone or something
    I do not know beans about repairing a car.

    not worth a hill of beans
    - worthless
    The man is a liar and what he says is not worth a hill of beans.

    on a diet
    - to be trying to lose weight by eating less food
    I have been on a diet for two months now.

    one man's meat is another man's poison
    - something that one person likes may be disliked by someone else
    One man's meat is another man's poison and while my friend hates coffee, I love it.

    out of the frying pan and into the fire
    - to go from something bad to something worse
    The woman jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire when she quit her job. Now her problems are much worse.
    out to lunch
    - to be crazy, to be uninformed
    The woman is out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you.

    out to lunch
    - to be eating lunch away from one's work
    The bank manager was out to lunch when I went to see him at the bank.

    packed in like sardines
    - to be packed in very tightly
    The commuters were packed in like sardines in the subway car.

    pie in the sky
    - an idea or plan that you think will never happen
    My cousin's plans are usually pie in the sky and will never happen.

    piece of cake
    - a task that is easily accomplished
    The small job was a piece of cake. I had everything done before lunch this morning.

    polish the apple
    - to flatter someone
    Nobody likes the girl because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher.

    put all one's eggs in one basket
    - to risk everything at once
    I do not want to put all my eggs in one basket and only invest money in real estate.

    put on the feed bag
    - to eat a meal (like a horse would)
    We put on the feed bag immediately after we got home.

    put weight on
    - to gain weight
    The basketball player is putting weight on now.

    rotten to the core
    - to be completely worthless (like a rotten apple)
    The political organization was rotten to the core and everybody knew that they must change.

    rub salt in (someone's) wound
    - to try to make someone's unhappiness or misfortune worse
    I did not mention the car accident to my friend because I did not want to rub salt in his wound.

    salt of the earth
    - good/basic/honest/ordinary people
    Our new neighbors are the salt of the earth. They are good, basic, honest people.

    salt (something) away
    - to save money or some other item
    I am salting away much money from my new job.

    save (someone's) bacon
    - something helps you from failing or having trouble
    My friend at work saved my bacon when he came to help me with the job that I could not do.

    sell like hotcakes
    - to sell quickly or easily
    The new CD has only been released for one week but already it is selling like hotcakes.

    sink one's teeth into (something)
    - to take a bite of some kind of food, to get really involved in something
    I am trying hard to sink my teeth into the project at work.

    slice of the cake/pie
    - a share of something
    The government wants a slice of the cake of the money from the new casinos.

    small potatoes
    - something that is not very big or important compared with other things or people
    The amount of money for the stadium is small potatoes compared to the total cost of the Olympics.

    so clean you can eat off the floor
    - very clean
    My mother's kitchen is so clean you can eat off the floor.

    soup up (something)
    - to make something faster or more powerful by changing or adding something (this expression is often used for a car)
    My neighbor decided to soup up the car that he recently bought.

    spill the beans
    - to tell a secret to someone who is not supposed to know about it
    "Please do not spill the beans about my plans to quit work and return to school next year."

    spoon-feed (someone)
    - to help or care for someone too much when you are trying to teach him or her something
    We had to spoon-feed the new employee when we were teaching him about the new computer system.

    square meal
    - a good filling meal
    I was very busy at work last week and I did not have time for a square meal until Saturday.

    stew in one`s own juice
    - to suffer from something that you yourself have caused to happen
    The man is the one who caused the problem for himself and he is now being forced to stew in his own juice.

    stick to one's ribs
    - to last a long time and to fill one up (used for food)
    The meal that my grandmother made stuck to my ribs.

    take (something) with a grain of salt
    - to accept or believe something with much doubt, to not give much credit or importance to something that was said
    "You should take everything that the supervisor says with a grain of salt because he likes to exaggerate things."

    take the cake
    - to be the best or worst of something
    The behavior of the young girl takes the cake. It is terrible.

    teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
    - to try to tell someone who has more knowledge than you how to do something
    I tried to teach my friend something about computers but he is a computer expert. It was like teaching my grandmother to suck eggs.

    teething problems
    - difficulties/problems that happen in the early stages of a project/activity
    The new project which we were trying to start had many teething problems.

    that's the way the cookie crumbles
    - that's life, those things happen
    That's the way the cookie crumbles, I thought when I learned that I would not get the new job.

    there is no such thing as a free lunch
    - you cannot get something without working for it or paying for it
    There is no such thing as a free lunch and you must work hard if you want to get something in life.

    too many cooks spoil the broth/stew
    - too many people trying to do something will cause problems
    Too many cooks spoil the broth and we decided to have less people work on the project because having too many people was making it difficult to do anything.

    top banana
    - the person who is the boss or the top person in a group or organization
    The famous actor in the movie was the top banana in the story.

    toss a salad
    - to mix a salad with the dressing
    I quickly tossed a salad and we ate dinner.

    tub of lard
    - a fat person
    The young boys always call the chubby boy a tub of lard.

    tuck into (something)
    - to eat something with energy and enjoyment
    We tucked into our dinner as soon as we sat down at the table.

    upset the applecart
    - to ruin a plan or event by surprise or accident
    Everything was going well at the company picnic until our boss arrived and upset the applecart.

    variety is the spice of life
    - differences and changes make life interesting
    Variety is the spice of life and I enjoy doing different things in my free time.

    walk on eggs
    - to be very cautious
    I must walk on eggs when I ask my friend to do something for me.

    what's good/sauce for the goose is good/sauce for the gander
    - what is good for one person should be good for another person as well
    "What's good for the goose is good for the gander and you should not ask your child to take the cough medicine if you will not take it yourself."

    whet (someone's) appetite
    - to cause someone to be interested in something and want to learn more about it
    The introduction to playing a musical instrument helped to whet my appetite to learn more about music.

    whole enchilada
    - everything, all of something
    I decided to buy the whole enchilada when I looked at the set of dishes and kitchen goods.

    wine and dine (someone)
    - to treat someone to an expensive meal, to entertain someone in a lavish manner
    My uncle often has to wine and dine his important business clients.

    worth one`s salt
    - to be a good worker, to be worth what one is paid
    The man has only been working here for a month but quickly he is proving that he is worth his salt.

    you can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs
    - you cannot do something without causing some problems or having some effects
    "You can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs and if you want to change the work schedules, then you are going to cause problems."

    apple Idioms

    apple of (someone`s) eye
    - someone or something that one likes a lot
    The little girl is the apple of her grandfather`s eye.

    as easy as apple pie
    - very easy
    The test that I wrote yesterday was as easy as apple pie.

    bad/rotten apple
    - a bad person
    The boy is a bad apple and he is always in some kind of trouble.

    compare apples and oranges
    - to compare two things that are not similar and should not be compared
    It was like comparing apples and oranges when we compared our new boss to our old one.

    polish the apple
    - to flatter someone
    Nobody likes the girl because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher.

    rotten to the core
    - to be completely worthless (like a rotten apple)
    The political organization was rotten to the core and everybody knew that they must change.

    upset the applecart
    - to ruin a plan or event by surprise or accident
    Everything was going well at the company picnic until our boss arrived and upset the applecart.

    bean Idioms

    full of beans
    - to feel energetic, to be in high spirits
    My aunt is full of beans tonight and she does not want to stop talking.

    not know beans about (someone or something)
    - to know nothing about someone or something
    I do not know beans about repairing a car.

    not worth a hill of beans
    - worthless
    The man is a liar and what he says is not worth a hill of beans.

    spill the beans
    - to tell a secret to someone who is not supposed to know about it
    "Please do not spill the beans about my plans to quit work and return to school next year."

    bread Idioms

    as warm as toast
    - very warm and cozy
    Our house was as warm as toast when we went in from the rain.

    bread and butter
    - one's income/job to buy the basic needs of life like food/shelter/clothing
    The voters are worried about bread-and-butter issues like jobs and taxes.

    bread and water
    - the most basic meal that is possible (just as you would get in prison)
    The prisoners were fed bread and water for several days last winter.

    greatest thing since sliced bread
    - the greatest thing that there has ever been
    My mother believes that the microwave oven is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    grist for the mill
    - something that can be used to bring advantage or profit
    The information that we got on the Internet was grist for the mill of our company's operations.

    half a loaf is better than none
    - a proverb that says that having part of something is better than having nothing at all
    Half a loaf is better than none and I would rather work part-time than have no job at all.

    - to be not thought about or studied carefully
    Our friend has a half-baked idea about starting a new business but most of us think that it will fail.

    know which side one's bread is buttered
    - to know what is most advantageous for you
    My aunt knows which side her bread is buttered when she visits her sister.

    cake Idioms

    eat one`s cake and have it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    The man refuses to give up anything and he always wants to eat his cake and have it too.

    have one's cake and eat it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    I wanted to have my cake and eat it too when I wanted more holidays and more responsibility at work.

    icing on the cake
    - something that makes a good situation or activity even better
    I was able to find a good job and the fact that I can work where I want is the icing on the cake.

    piece of cake
    - a task that is easily accomplished
    The small job was a piece of cake. I had everything done before lunch this morning.

    a slice of the cake
    - a share of something
    The government wants a slice of the cake of the money from the new casinos.

    take the cake
    - to be the best or worst of something
    The behavior of the young girl takes the cake. It is terrible.

    cooking Idioms

    as black as a skillet
    - very black
    The bottom of the little boy's feet were as black as a skillet.

    burn (something) to a crisp
    - to burn something very badly
    I burned the eggs to a crisp when I left the stove on while I was talking on the telephone.

    cook (someone's) goose
    - to damage or ruin someone
    I think that I cooked my goose when I made a mistake at work today.

    cook (something) to perfection
    - to cook something perfectly
    The chef always cooks the food to perfection at the small restaurant.

    cook (something) up
    - to cook something, to make some kind of plan
    I do not know what my girlfriend is cooking up for the weekend but we will probably do something interesting.

    done to a T/turn
    - to be cooked just right (just as one would cook a steak perfectly)
    The steaks were done to a T when my friend cooked them on the barbecue.

    (one's) goose is cooked
    - one has been found out and is now in trouble
    I told a lie to my company and now my goose is cooked and I am in much trouble.

    out of the frying pan and into the fire
    - to go from something bad to something worse
    The woman jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire when she quit her job. Now her problems are much worse.

    too many cooks spoil the broth
    - too many people trying to do something will cause problems
    Too many cooks spoil the broth and we decided to have less people work on the project because having too many people was making it difficult to do anything.

    toss a salad
    - to mix a salad with the dressing
    I quickly tossed a salad and we ate dinner.

    drink Idioms

    Bottoms up!
    - everybody should drink now (this expression is used at the end of a drinking toast)
    "Bottoms up," our host said at the beginning of the dinner.

    coffee break
    - a break from work to rest and drink coffee/tea
    We usually have a coffee break every morning at 10 o`clock.

    cry over spilled/spilt milk
    - to cry or complain about something that has already happened
    You should not cry over spilled milk. The past is past and you cannot do anything to change it.

    (not one's) cup of tea
    - something that one does not enjoy or do well (usually used in the negative)
    Going to art galleries is not my cup of tea so I think that I will stay home this evening.

    down the hatch
    - something is swallowed
    My drink was down the hatch before I could order another one.

    have a pick-me-up
    - to eat or drink something stimulating
    I wanted to have a pick-me-up so I stopped at a small shop for a coffee.

    Here's mud in your eye!
    - Drink up! (a drinking toast)
    "Here's mud in your eye," I said as we drank a toast to my new job.

    hit the sauce
    - to drink alcohol (usually regularly)
    I think that the woman began to hit the sauce after her husband lost his job.

    milk of human kindness
    - the natural kindness and sympathy that is shown to others
    The woman at the community center is full of the milk of human kindness.

    milk (someone) for (something)
    - to pressure someone into giving information or money
    The man was trying to milk the elderly lady for much of her money.

    not for all the tea in China
    - not for anything
    I will not for all the tea in China lend my friend any more money.

    wine and dine (someone)
    - to treat someone to an expensive meal, to entertain someone in a lavish manner
    My uncle often has to wine and dine his important business clients.

    eating Idioms

    acquire a taste for something
    - to develop a liking for some kind of food or drink or something
    My friend has recently acquired a taste for classical music.

    as hungry as a bear
    - very hungry
    I was as hungry as a bear when I returned home from work yesterday.

    at one sitting
    - at one time, during one period
    We ate most of the cake at one sitting.

    binge and purge
    - to overeat and then to vomit
    The young woman had eating problems and she would often binge and purge her food.

    bite off more than one can chew
    - to try to do or eat more than you can manage
    I bit off more than I could chew when I began to work at the store in the evening.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  3. #28
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Food Idioms

    bite the hand that feeds one
    - to harm someone who does good things for you
    I do not want to make my company angry because I do not want to bite the hand that feeds me.

    bitter pill to swallow
    - something unpleasant that one must accept
    It was a bitter pill to swallow when I learned that I would not get the job that I thought I would.

    can't stomach (someone or something)
    - to dislike or hate someone or something
    I can't stomach the idea of meeting my old girlfriend.

    clear the table
    - to remove the dishes and other eating utensils from a table after eating
    We had to clear the table before we could eat our dessert.

    Come and get it!
    - Dinner is ready. Come and eat.
    "Come and get it," my mother called after she made dinner.

    eat and run
    - to eat a meal and then quickly leave
    I had to eat and run in order to be on time for my evening class.

    eat crow
    - to admit that one is mistaken or defeated, to take back a mistaken statement
    I was forced to eat crow and apologize for the things that I had said about my co-worker.

    eat dirt
    - to act humble, to accept another person's insults or bad treatment
    We made the boy eat dirt after he accused us of lying.

    eat high on/off the hog
    - to eat expensive and high quality food
    My uncle has been eating high on the hog since he got his new job.

    eat humble pie
    - to be humbled, to admit one`s error and apologize
    Our boss was forced to eat humble pie after he made the wrong budget estimate for next year.

    eat like a bird
    - to eat only a small amount of food
    The girl eats like a bird and is very slim.

    eat like a horse
    - to eat a large amount of food
    I usually eat like a horse after I work hard all day.

    eat one`s cake and have it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    The man refuses to give up anything and he always wants to eat his cake and have it too.

    eat one's heart out
    - to be envious of someone or something
    I ate my heart out when I saw my friend and his new bicycle.

    eat one`s words
    - to take back something that one has said, to admit that something is not true
    I told my boss that I would soon quit my job but later I had to eat my words and tell him that I wanted to stay.

    eat out
    - to eat a meal at a restaurant
    My aunt and uncle eat out often at very nice restaurants.

    eat out of (someone's) hands
    - to do what someone else wants
    The young secretary is always eating out of her bosses hands.

    eat (someone) for breakfast
    - to defeat someone easily
    The young wrestler can eat the older wrestler for breakfast.

    eat (someone) out of house and home
    - to eat a lot of food in someone's house
    The young boy is eating his parents out of house and home.

    eat (something) up
    - to enjoy/absorb/appreciate something
    The students were eating up the comments by their professor.

    either feast or famine
    - either too much or not enough of something
    Either I have too much time or too little time. It is either feast or famine..

    eyes are bigger than one's stomach
    - the amount of food that one takes is greater than what one could possibly eat
    My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I took too much food at the buffet dinner.

    feed one's face
    - to eat
    I stopped at a small restaurant after the game to feed my face.

    go on a binge
    - to eat/do too much of something
    My friend went on a binge and ate too much chocolate recently.

    grab a bite to eat
    - to get/have something to eat (usually quickly)
    I will grab a bite to eat after the game today.

    have a lot on one's plate
    - to have a lot of things to do or deal with
    I have a lot on my plate this week and I am very, very busy.

    have a sweet tooth
    - to have a desire to eat sweet foods
    I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolate bars.

    have a taste for (something)
    - to have a desire for a food/drink/experience
    The opera singer has always had a taste for classical music.

    have one's cake and eat it too
    - to use or spend something and still keep it, to have something both ways
    I wanted to have my cake and eat it too when I wanted more holidays and more responsibility at work.

    make a meal of (something)
    - to eat enough/much of one kind of food for one meal
    We made a meal of the fish that we caught in the lake.

    make one`s mouth water
    - to make someone hungry, to make someone want to eat or drink something very much
    The restaurant is wonderful and when I see the menu it makes my mouth water.

    make (someone) eat crow
    - to cause someone to admit an error or retract a statement
    We made our boss eat crow when we discovered the mistake that he made with our work schedule.

    meal ticket
    - a thing or person that someone uses to get the money that they need to live
    The woman's nursing degree is her meal ticket to a flexible and good life.

    melt in one's mouth
    - to taste very good
    The pastry melted in my mouth.

    on a diet
    - to be trying to lose weight by eating less food
    I have been on a diet for two months now.

    out to lunch
    - to be crazy, to be uninformed
    The woman is out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you.

    out to lunch
    - to be eating lunch away from one's work
    The bank manager was out to lunch when I went to see him at the bank.

    put on the feed bag
    - to eat a meal (like a horse would)
    We put on the feed bag immediately after we got home.

    put weight on
    - to gain weight
    The basketball player is putting weight on now.

    sink one's teeth into (something)
    - to take a bite of some kind of food, to get really involved in something
    I am trying hard to sink my teeth into the project at work.

    spoon-feed (someone)
    - to help or care for someone too much when you are trying to teach him or her something
    We had to spoon-feed the new employee when we were teaching him about the new computer system.

    square meal
    - a good filling meal
    I was very busy at work last week and I did not have time for a square meal until Saturday.

    stick to one's ribs
    - to last a long time and to fill one up (used for food)
    The meal that my grandmother made stuck to my ribs.

    there is no such thing as a free lunch
    - you cannot get something without working for it or paying for it
    There is no such thing as a free lunch and you must work hard if you want to get something in life.

    tuck into (something)
    - to eat something with energy and enjoyment
    We tucked into our dinner as soon as we sat down at the table.

    whet (someone's) appetite
    - to cause someone to be interested in something and want to learn more about it
    The introduction to playing a musical instrument helped to whet my appetite to learn more about music.

    egg Idioms

    bad egg
    - a bad person, a bum
    My neighbor is a bad egg and you should avoid him if you can.

    egg (someone) on
    - to encourage someone to do something (often something bad/wrong/dangerous)
    The boys egged their friend on to jump into the water.

    good egg
    - a good person
    The man is a good egg and everybody likes him a lot.

    have egg on one`s face
    - to be embarrassed (because of an obvious error)
    The man has egg on his face now that he has admitted that he was wrong about his boss.

    lay an egg
    - to give a bad performance of something
    The singer laid an egg during her performance last evening.

    put all one's eggs in one basket
    - to risk everything at once
    I do not want to put all my eggs in one basket and only invest money in real estate.

    teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
    - to try to tell someone who has more knowledge than you how to do something
    I tried to teach my friend something about computers but he is a computer expert. It was like teaching my grandmother to suck eggs.

    walk on eggs
    - to be very cautious
    I must walk on eggs when I ask my friend to do something for me.

    you can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs
    - you cannot do something without causing some problems or having some effects
    "You can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs and if you want to change the work schedules, then you are going to cause problems."

    fish Idioms

    fine kettle of fish
    - a mess, an unsatisfactory situation
    It was a fine kettle of fish that I was in when I lost the keys to my apartment.

    have bigger fish to fry
    - to have other more important things to do
    I have bigger fish to fry and I do not want to spend every evening doing extra work for my company.

    neither fish nor fowl
    - not in any recognizable category
    The movie was neither fish nor fowl and I did not know what category to put it into.

    packed in like sardines
    - to be packed in very tightly
    The commuters were packed in like sardines in the subway car.

    fruit Idioms

    as nutty as a fruitcake
    - silly, crazy
    The man in the supermarket was as nutty as a fruitcake.

    bear fruit
    - to yield or give results
    The woman's hard work at her business finally began to bear fruit when she started to make money.

    forbidden fruit
    - something that one finds attractive partly because it is illegal/immoral/prohibited
    Entering the old building was forbidden fruit for the young boys.

    fruits of one's labor
    - the results of one's work
    My father is retired now and he is finally enjoying the fruits of his labor.

    nut Idioms

    everything from soup to nuts
    - almost everything that one can think of
    We brought everything from soup to nuts for our weekend holiday.

    for peanuts
    - for very little money, for almost nothing
    I was able to buy a used computer for peanuts.

    hard nut to crack
    - a difficult person or thing to deal with
    My friend is a very serious person and she is a very hard nut to crack.

    in a nutshell
    - briefly, in a few words
    We went to the meeting and they told us in a nutshell about the plans for our company.

    pie Idioms

    as easy as apple pie
    - very easy
    The test that I wrote yesterday was as easy as apple pie.

    eat humble pie
    - to be humbled, to admit one`s error and apologize
    Our boss was forced to eat humble pie after he made the wrong budget estimate for next year.

    have one's finger in the pie
    - to be involved in something
    The man has his finger in the pie of everything at his workplace.

    have one's finger in too many pies
    - to be involved in too many things so that you cannot do any of them well
    Our supervisor has her finger in too many pies to really do her job well.

    pie in the sky
    - an idea or plan that you think will never happen
    My cousin's plans are usually pie in the sky and will never happen.

    slice of the pie
    - a share of something
    The government wants a slice of the pie of the money from the new casinos.

    potato Idioms

    couch potato
    - someone who spends a lot of time on a couch watching television
    My cousin is a couch potato and he never wants to leave his house.

    drop (someone/something) like a hot potato
    - to suddenly stop being involved with someone or with some kind of a problem
    The advertisers dropped the basketball star like a hot potato when he became involved in a scandal.

    hot potato
    - a question or argument that is controversial and difficult to settle
    The issue of building the nuclear power plant is a hot potato for the local town council.

    meat and potatoes
    - basic simple and good food, simple tastes
    The man is a meat-and-potatoes person who enjoys the simple pleasures of life.

    small potatoes
    - something that is not very big or important compared with other things or people
    The amount of money for the stadium is small potatoes compared to the total cost of the Olympics.

    salt Idioms

    back to the salt mines
    - to go back to work (this is a humorous expression to express going back to unpleasant work)
    "Lunch is over so let`s go back to the salt mines for the afternoon."

    rub salt in (someone's) wound
    - to try to make someone's unhappiness or misfortune worse
    I did not mention the car accident to my friend because I did not want to rub salt in his wound.

    salt of the earth
    - good/basic/honest/ordinary people
    Our new neighbors are the salt of the earth. They are good, basic, honest people.

    salt (something) away
    - to save money or some other item
    I am salting away much money from my new job.

    take (something) with a grain of salt
    - to accept or believe something with much doubt, to not give much credit or importance to something that was said
    "You should take everything that the supervisor says with a grain of salt because he likes to exaggerate things."

    worth one`s salt
    - to be a good worker, to be worth what one is paid
    The man has only been working here for a month but quickly he is proving that he is worth his salt.

    soup Idioms

    as easy as duck soup
    - very easy
    It was as easy as duck soup to find the book that I wanted in the library.

    as thick as pea soup
    - very thick (can be used with fog as well as with liquids)
    The fog was as thick as pea soup when we walked along the beach.

    duck soup
    - a task that does not require much effort
    "It was like duck soup. I was able to finish my school project last night."

    everything from soup to nuts
    - almost everything that one can think of
    We brought everything from soup to nuts for our weekend holiday.

    in the soup
    - in serious trouble, in a bad situation
    The woman is in the soup now. She told her boss that she was sick but he saw her downtown shopping.

    soup up (something)
    - to make something faster or more powerful by changing or adding something (this expression is often used for a car)
    My neighbor decided to soup up the car that he recently bought.

    too many cooks spoil the broth
    - too many people trying to do something will cause problems
    Too many cooks spoil the broth and we decided to have less people work on the project because having too many people was making it difficult to do anything.

    stew Idioms

    get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
    - to be worried or upset about someone or something
    I try hard not to get myself into a stew over some of the rude remarks of my supervisor.

    in a stew about/over (someone or something)
    - to be worried or upset about someone or something
    My father is in a stew over the fact that his order of car parts has not arrived.

    stew in one`s own juice
    - to suffer from something that you yourself have caused to happen
    The man is the one who caused the problem for himself and he is now being forced to stew in his own juice.

    too many cooks spoil the stew
    - too many people trying to do something will cause problems
    Too many cooks spoil the broth and we decided to have less people work on the project because having too many people was making it difficult to do anything
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  4. #29
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Head & Mind Idioms

    a head
    - for one person, for one individual (used for counting people or some animals like cattle)
    "The tickets were only a few dollars a head."

    able to (do something) standing on one's head
    - to be able to do something very easily and quickly
    The man is able to do his job standing on his head.

    - to be forgetful
    Our neighbor is very absent-minded and he often forgets his keys.

    all in (someone's) mind
    - to imagine a situation or problem that does not actually exist
    The problem that my aunt has with her neighbor is all in her mind. It does not exist.

    as bald as a baby's backside
    - completely bald
    The man who works in the post office is as bald as a baby's backside.

    as bald as a coot
    - completely bald
    The man in the store was as bald as a coot.

    at one's wit's end
    - to be in a worrying or stressful situation where you have no idea about what to do next
    I was at my wit's end about what to do for my sister's wedding.

    bad hair day
    - a day when everything seems to go wrong (just like when you cannot make your hair look attractive)
    Yesterday was a bad hair day and everything went wrong for me.

    bang/beat one`s head against a (brick) wall
    - to not succeed at something after trying very hard, to waste one's time trying to do something that is hopeless
    I am beating my head against the wall trying to understand what my boss wants.

    bear (someone or something) in mind
    - to remember and think about someone or something
    "Please keep the starting time for the concert in mind so that we can arrive early."

    beat one`s brains out
    - to tire oneself by thinking too much
    I have been beating my brains out all day trying to remember where I put my notebook.

    beat (something) into (someone`s) head
    - to force someone to learn something by repeating it over and over
    The teacher tried to beat the material into the student's head.

    bite (someone's) head off
    - to speak to someone in an angry way
    I went to speak with my supervisor but she bit my head off.

    black out
    - to faint or pass out
    The man suddenly blacked out while he was waiting for the bus.

    blow one's stack/top
    - to become very angry
    My father will blow his top if he learns that I failed my course.

    blow (someone`s) mind
    - to overwhelm or excite someone
    My friend told me that the new book would blow my mind.

    blow up in (someone`s) face
    - to end abruptly/unexpectedly, to be ruined while you are working on it, to explode suddenly in front of you
    The plan to have a party for our boss blew up in our face when he decided not to come.

    blue in the face
    - to be very angry or upset, to be excited and emotional
    The man argued with the supervisor until he was blue in the face.

    boggle one's mind
    - to confuse someone, to overwhelm someone, to be hard to imagine
    It boggles my mind to think how quickly the Internet has changed people's lives.

    - an unusually dense or stupid person
    The boy is a bonehead. He never understands what other people are trying to tell him.

    bored out of one's mind/skull
    - to be very bored
    The little boy was bored out of his mind and wanted to return home.

    brain drain
    - the loss of talented and educated people from one place/country to other places/countries where conditions are better
    There is a brain drain from many poor countries to wealthy countries where conditions are better.

    brain (someone)
    - to strike a person on the head
    The spectator was brained in the middle of the match with a tennis ball.

    brain teaser
    - a problem for which it is hard to find the answer
    My father likes to look in the newspaper for interesting brain teasers.

    brains behind (something)
    - the person/people who thought of and developed a successful plan/system/organization
    The president of our company is the brains behind the plans to develop the new audio product.

    - an idea that one has thought of without any help from others
    The idea for building the new swimming pool was the brainchild of our boss.

    - to be stupid
    The woman is brainless and she has no idea what she is doing.

    brainstorm (something)
    - to try to develop an idea
    The club members gathered to try and brainstorm some ideas for a spring festival.

    brainwash (someone)
    - to make someone believe something that is not true by repeating it again and again
    The people were brainwashed into thinking exactly what their leader wanted them to think.

    bring (something) to a head
    - to cause a situation with problems to reach the point where something must be done to solve/deal with the problems
    The union brought the issue of working hours to a head when they threatened to go on strike.

    bury one's head in the sand
    - to ignore a problem or hide from some obvious danger, to refuse to see or face something
    My uncle buried his head in the sand and tried not to talk about the problem.

    butt heads with (someone)
    - to argue with someone about a particular subject/problem
    I do not want to butt heads with the manager of our department.

    by a hair's breadth
    - just barely, by a very small distance
    I got to the concert in time to see the beginning but only by a hair's breadth.

    by a whisker
    - just barely, by a very small distance
    I won the race by a whisker.

    by the sweat of one`s brow
    - by hard work
    The man built up his business by the sweat of his brow.

    change (someone's) mind
    - to cause a person to think differently about something
    I tried hard to change my friend's mind about going on a holiday with me.

    cheek by jowl
    - side by side, close together
    The boxes were placed in the room cheek by jowl and nothing else could fit in.

    collect one's wits
    - to make an effort to control one's thoughts and feelings after something shocking or unexpected happens
    I stopped at a small coffee shop after the job interview in order to collect my wits.

    come face to face with (someone or something)
    - to meet someone or something in person, to deal with someone immediately
    I was walking through the forest when I came face to face with a black bear.

    come to mind
    - to enter into one's consciousness (used for an idea)
    It came to mind last night that I had only two more weeks to work before my holiday.

    come to one's senses
    - to wake up, to begin to think clearly
    The man came to his senses and finally stopped spending his money as soon as he receives it.

    commit (something) to memory
    - to memorize something
    The new manager was able to quickly commit the names of his staff to memory.

    count heads
    - to count people
    The teacher always counts heads in the morning.

    crack a smile
    - to smile a little
    I tried not to crack a smile during the speech.

    cross (someone`s) mind
    - to be a sudden or passing thought, to occur to someone (an idea)
    It suddenly crossed my mind that the store would be closed all day on Monday.
    curl (someone`s) hair
    - to shock/frighten/horrify someone
    The movie is very realistic and many of the scenes will curl your hair.

    drum (something) into (someone's) head
    - to keep telling someone something until they cannot forget it
    The teacher worked hard to drum the mathematics material into the heads of the students.

    enter (someone's) mind
    - to come into someone's mind (used for an idea or thought)
    It never entered my mind that my friend would leave his job.

    exercise one's brain
    - to exercise one's intelligence
    I always do puzzles in order to exercise my brain.

    - in person, in the same location
    The soccer star had a face-to-face meeting with his new team yesterday.

    fall flat on one's face
    - to be completely unsuccessful
    I fell flat on my face when I tried to make a speech at the wedding.

    fall head over heels
    - to fall down (and maybe roll over)
    The little boy fell head over heels down the hill.

    fall head over heels in love with (someone)
    - to fall deeply in love with someone
    The girl fell head over heels in love with the boy on the basketball team.

    feed one's face
    - to eat
    I stopped at a small restaurant to feed my face.

    fly in the face of (something)
    - to ignore something
    The explanation by the criminal flies in the face of any common sense that someone would have.

    from head to toe
    - from the top of one's head to one's feet
    The woman was dressed in her best clothes from head to toe.

    get a head start
    - to get an advantage when you start doing something or going somewhere
    We woke up early in the morning in order to get a head start on our holiday.

    get a load off one's mind
    - to talk about what is troubling you
    I wanted to get a load off my mind so I passed the evening talking with a friend.

    get gray hair
    - to have your hair turn gray because of stress
    The father said that he was getting gray hairs from his son.

    get in (someone's) hair
    - to bother or irritate someone
    The little boy often gets in his mother's hair.

    get into (someone's) head
    - to understand what someone thinks and feels so that you can communicate well with them
    I am having a difficult time to get into the principal's head and understand what he is really doing.

    get it into one's head to (do something)
    - to decide to do something even though there may not be a good reason to do it
    The girl got it into her head to learn to swim this winter.

    get out of (someone's) face
    - to go away or leave someone
    I wish that my friend would get out of my face.

    get (someone) out of one's hair
    - to stop someone from annoying or bothering you
    The woman tried hard to get the little boy out of her hair.

    get (someone or something) out of one's head/mind
    - to stop thinking about or wanting someone or something, to forget someone or something
    My friend is trying hard to get his former girlfriend out of his mind.

    get (something) into/through (someone`s) head
    - to make someone understand or believe something
    It was difficult to get it through the bank manager's head that I did not want a credit card.

    get (something) through (someone's) thick skull
    - to manage to get someone (including oneself) to understand something
    The salesman cannot get it through his thick skull that I do not want to talk to him.

    give (someone) a piece of one`s mind
    - to scold someone angrily, to say what one really thinks of someone (especially when they have behaved badly)
    I gave the store manager a piece of my mind when I told him about the bad product.

    give (someone) a swelled head
    - to make someone conceited
    The girl's high test scores are giving her a swelled head.

    go head to head with (someone)
    - to compete in a direct and determined way with another person or group
    We plan to go head to head with the other team in order to win the city championship.

    go over (someone's) head
    - to be too difficult for someone to understand
    The reasons for the decision went over my head. I could not understand why.

    go to one's head
    - to make one dizzy
    The drink quickly went to the man's head and he had to sit down and rest.

    go to (someone`s) head
    - to make someone too proud, to make a person think that he or she is too important
    The man's new job has gone to his head and he thinks that he is better than everyone else.

    gray matter
    - brains, intelligence
    The young man seems to be lacking in gray matter.

    great minds think alike
    - someone has the same idea or says the same thing as you do and at the same time
    Great minds think alike and just as I suggested that we go to a movie, my friend suggested the same thing.

    hang by a hair/thread
    - to be in an uncertain position and depend on something not substantial
    The results of the election are still undecided and are hanging by a hair.

    hanging over (someone's) head
    - to be worrying someone and be something that you will eventually have to deal with
    The court case has been hanging over my friend's head for many months.

    have a big head
    - to think that you are better than everyone else, to be conceited
    My friend has a big head now that he has won the speech contest at university.

    have a brainstorm
    - to suddenly have a very good idea
    I had a brainstorm last night and I now have some very good ideas for next year's party.

    have a brainwave
    - to have a sudden clever idea
    Last night I had a brainwave and had some great ideas about what to do at my job.

    have a clean/clear conscience (about someone or something)
    - to be free of guilt about someone or something
    I have a clear conscience about what happened to my father's car in the accident.

    have a closed mind (about something)
    - to be unwilling to change one's ideas or opinions about something
    My aunt has a closed mind and she is not flexible about most things.

    have a good head for (something)
    - to have the mental ability for something, to find it easy to learn something
    My uncle has a good head for numbers.

    have a good head on one's shoulders
    - to be sensible and intelligent
    The supermarket manager has a good head on his shoulders and he should be able to solve the problem.

    have a good mind to (do something)
    - to be tempted to do something, to be almost ready to do something
    I have a good mind to go and tell my boss that I am planning to look for another job.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  5. #30
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Head & Mind Idioms

    have a head start
    - to have an advantage when you start doing something or going somewhere
    The boy had a head start and he easily won the race.

    have a lot on one's mind
    - to have many things to worry about
    I have a lot on my mind with my new job and new apartment.

    have a mind like a steel trap
    - to have a very sharp and quick mind
    The man has a mind like a steel trap and he never forgets a thing.

    have a mind of its own
    - a machine/vehicle does not do what you want it to do
    Sometimes my car seems to have a mind of its own and it will not do anything that I want.

    have a mind of one's own
    - someone does/thinks what they want to do/think instead of doing/thinking what they are told
    The little boy has a mind of his own and he always wants to do what he wants.

    have a notion to do (something)
    - to have a desire to do something
    I have a notion to go to the beach for my holidays.

    have a one-track mind
    - to have a mind that thinks only about one thing
    The boy has a one-track mind and he only thinks about car racing.

    have a price on one's head
    - to be wanted by the authorities who have offered money for your capture
    The criminal has a price on his head and should soon be captured by the police.

    have a stroke
    - to suddenly become (partially or totally) paralyzed because of an interruption in the blood supply to the brain
    The truck driver had a stroke just before the accident on the highway.

    have an open mind about (something)
    - to be flexible and willing to listen to other people's opinions and change your own ideas
    I usually have an open mind and I am willing to listen to what other people say about something.

    have bats in one's belfry
    - to be slightly crazy
    The woman has bats in her belfry. She is a little crazy.

    have egg on one's face
    - to become embarrassed because of something that is obvious to everyone or after you make a mistake
    I had egg on my face after I learned that I had suggested the wrong day for the wedding.

    have half a mind to do (something)
    - to have almost decided to do something
    I have half a mind to take my new television set back to the store because I do not like it.

    have keen wits
    - to have the ability to think quickly
    The man has keen wits and he can make smart decisions very fast.

    have one's head in the clouds
    - to be unaware of what is going on
    The store clerk usually has his head in the clouds and makes many mistakes.

    have one's head screwed on right/straight
    - to be sensible and make good decisions
    The woman has her head screwed on right. She always makes good decisions.

    have rocks in one`s head
    - to be stupid/silly/crazy, to not have good judgement
    My friend must have rocks in his head if he thinks that I am going to lend him more money.

    have second thoughts about (someone or something)
    - to have doubts about someone or something
    We are beginning to have second thoughts about going camping on our holiday.

    have (someone or something) on one's mind
    - to be thinking a lot about someone or something
    My friend has many school problems on his mind.

    have (something) hanging over one's head
    - to have something bothering or worrying you, to have a deadline to worry about
    I have had the final essay hanging over my head for many weeks now.

    have (something) in mind
    - to be thinking of something in particular, to have an idea in your mind
    "What do you have in mind for the meeting next week?"

    have (something) on the brain
    - to be obsessed with something, to never stop thinking or talking about something
    The boy has cars and trucks on the brain and he does not think of anything else.

    have the presence of mind to (do something)
    - to have the calmness and ability to act sensibly in a difficult situation
    The farmer had the presence of mind to close the barn door after the fire started.

    have the wits to do (something)
    - to have the intelligence or understanding to do something
    The man had the wits to quickly phone the police when he saw the accident.

    head and shoulders above (someone or something)
    - to be superior to someone or something
    The new principal is head and shoulders above those who have come before.

    a head case
    - to be crazy
    The apartment manager is a head case. She is crazy.

    head is buzzing
    - to be thinking of something or many things at the same time
    My head was buzzing after I left the meeting last night.

    - with the head or front pointing at something, with the front facing something
    There was a head-on car crash last night near our house.

    head over heels
    - upside down, head first
    The little boy fell head over heels down the steep hill.

    head over heels in debt
    - to be deeply in debt
    My cousin has been head over heels in debt for many years.

    head over heels in love with (someone)
    - to be very much in love with someone
    The young man is head over heels in love with the girl in his swimming club.

    head shrinker
    - psychiatrist
    When I was a child my next door neighbor was a head shrinker.

    Heads up!
    - Raise your head and be careful about some nearby danger!
    "Heads up," the construction worker yelled at the other worker.

    heads will roll
    - serious trouble is coming, someone will lose his or her job
    Heads will roll if we do not make some progress in fixing the accounting problem.

    - to search for qualified individuals to fill certain positions
    The company is now headhunting in order to find a new president.

    hide one's face in shame
    - to cover one's face because of shame or embarrassment
    The manager of the company hid his face in shame when he was fired for stealing company money.

    hide one`s head in the sand
    - to ignore a problem or hide from some obvious danger, to refuse to see or face something
    The man likes to hide his head in the sand and he never wants to deal with any problem.

    hold one's head up
    - to keep or display one's dignity
    The accounting manager was totally honest during the investigation into the scandal and when it was over he was able to hold his head up and be proud of himself.

    in a positive frame of mind
    - to be happy and in a good mood
    Our teacher has been in a positive frame of mind this week.

    in one`s hair
    - to be bothering someone, to be always annoying someone
    My sister's small son is always in her hair when she is making dinner.

    in one's mind's eye
    - in one's mind
    In my mind's eye I cannot imagine what happened to my friend in the accident.

    in one's right mind
    - to be sane, to be sensible
    The man who hit the dog was not in his right mind.

    in over one's head
    - to be having more difficulties than one can manage
    The electrician seems to be in over his head and he does not know how to fix the electrical problem.

    in the face of (something)
    - in spite of the fact that there may be problems/difficulty/danger
    In the face of many problems, my cousin was still able to raise wonderful children.

    in two minds about (something)
    - to be undecided about something
    I am in two minds about going to a movie tonight.

    keep a cool head
    - to keep calm in a difficult and stressful situation
    The bank manager kept a cool head during the bank robbery.

    keep a straight face
    - to not smile or laugh
    It was hard to keep a straight face during the comedy movie.

    keep an open mind about (something)
    - to be flexible and willing to listen to other people's opinions and change your own ideas
    I tried to keep an open mind and was willing to listen to what others said about the problem.

    keep one`s chin up
    - to be brave, to be determined, to face trouble with courage
    My brother is trying to keep his chin up even though he has no job.

    keep one`s head
    - to stay calm when there is trouble or danger
    Everyone tried to keep their head during the fire at the hotel.

    keep one's head above water
    - to keep out of difficult financial problems, to stay out of trouble
    My brother has been having a hard time keeping his head above water since he lost his job.

    keep one's head down
    - to quietly do your work without causing any problems and causing other people to notice you
    I knew that there was a problem at work so I kept my head down all morning.

    keep one's wits about one
    - to keep one's mind operating clearly in a time of stress
    Firefighters must always keep their wits about them when they are fighting a large fire.

    keep (someone or something) in mind
    - to remember and think about someone or something
    I tried to keep my cousin in mind when I was inviting people to the dinner party.

    keep (someone) out of one's hair
    - to keep someone from annoying or bothering you
    We tried hard to keep the little boy out of our hair while we were preparing for the wedding.

    knit one's brow
    - to wrinkle one's brow (by frowning)
    The ticket agent knit his brow when I began to ask questions about the airline routes.

    knock some heads together
    - to scold some people to get them to do what they are supposed to be doing
    The principal felt that it was time to knock some heads together and begin to get things done in the school.

    knock (someone's) block off
    - to strike someone hard in the head
    The young boy said that he was going to knock his friend's block off.

    know one's own mind
    - to be very sure of what one's opinions are and what you want to do
    My friend knows his own mind and it is difficult to convince him that he is wrong.

    last thing on (someone's) mind
    - the last thing that someone is thinking about
    Going to a movie was the last thing on my mind yesterday evening.

    laugh one's head off
    - to laugh a lot and for a long time
    I laughed my head off during the movie.

    let one`s hair down
    - to act freely and naturally, to relax
    We were able to let our hair down at the party and have a good time.

    a long face
    - a sad or disappointed look
    The man had a long face after he was fired from his job.

    lose face
    - to be embarrassed or ashamed by an error or failure, to lose self-respect
    The manager lost face when the person who she hired was a terrible worker.

    lose one's head over (someone or something)
    - to become confused or obsessed over something
    The woman lost her head during the investigation into the company problems.

    lose one's marbles/mind
    - to go crazy, to go out of one's mind
    I think that the man next door is beginning to lose his marbles.

    lose one's train of thought
    - to forget what one was talking about or thinking about
    I lost my train of thought during my meeting with my boss.

    make a face (at someone)
    - to twist one's face into a strange expression in order to show dislike etc.
    The boy made a face at the girl in the hall.

    make chin music
    - to talk, to chatter
    The two old friends spent the morning making chin music.

    make heads or tails (out) of (something)
    - to find meaning in something, to understand something
    I was unable to make heads or tails out of our company's plans to restructure our department.

    make (someone's) hair curl
    - to surprise or shock someone (used for a story or experience)
    The horror movie made my hair curl.

    make (someone's) hair stand on end
    - to cause someone to become frightened
    The movie made my hair stand on end.

    make (someone's) head spin/swim
    - to confuse or overwhelm someone, to make someone dizzy
    The speed of the day's events made my head spin.

    make up one`s mind
    - to choose what to do, to decide something
    I have not been able to make up my mind about going to the party or not.

    meeting of minds
    - complete agreement
    We were able to achieve a meeting of minds at the meeting and everybody was happy.

    mind goes blank
    - to be suddenly unable to remember something
    My mind went blank when I tried to remember the woman's name.

    mind is buzzing
    - to be thinking of something or many things at the same time
    My mind was buzzing after I left the theater last night.

    mind is in the gutter
    - someone is thinking or talking about a subject that offends and shocks people
    The man's mind is often in the gutter and I do not like to talk to him.

    mind is on (something)
    - someone is thinking about and giving attention to something
    My mind has been on my summer holidays all week.

    mind over matter
    - if you really want to you can do something that is very difficult or even impossible
    "It is mind over matter. If you really want to succeed with your project you will be able to do it."

    - overwhelming, startling
    The choices of evening classes at the university are mind-boggling.

    - to be extremely boring
    The speech was so boring that it was mind-numbing.

    - to be thinking about something, to focus on something
    The girl is very sports-minded and she loves to participate in any kind of sport that she can.

    - to be unwilling to accept or understand new ideas
    My uncle is very narrow-minded and he is not flexible at all about anything.

    need one's head examined
    - to make remarks or do actions that are wrong or stupid
    My teacher needs her head examined. It will be impossible to finish the project before Monday.

    need (something) like a hole in the head
    - to not need something at all
    My friend needs a new stereo system like he needs a hole in the head.

    neither hide nor hair (of someone or something)
    - no sign or indication of someone or something
    I have seen neither hide nor hair of the girl in my geography class.

    nobody in his/her right mind would do (something)
    - it would be very stupid or unreasonable to do something
    Nobody in his right mind would drive his car when the roads are so terrible.

    - to be easy to do or understand and not need much intelligence
    It is a no-brainer that if you do not study then your marks will not be good.

    not beyond the wit of (someone)
    - to not be too difficult for someone to do
    It would not be beyond the wit of my cousin to enter the best school in the country.

    not just a pretty face
    - to be intelligent and capable and not just good-looking or pretty
    The woman is not just a pretty face. She is very smart.

    not show one's face
    - to not appear somewhere
    The hero of the movie did not show his face for most of the movie.

    of one mind
    - to have the same opinion about something, to agree on something with someone else
    The finance committee was of one mind when they made this year's budget.

    of the same mind
    - to have the same opinion about something, to agree on something with someone else
    I was of the same mind as my friend when we made our decision about our holiday.

    of two minds
    - to be unable to decide what to do or what you think about something
    I am of two minds about going to the movie tonight. I am very busy but I also want to see the movie very much.

    off the top of one`s head
    - without thinking about something very much
    I was unable to remember the name of the restaurant off the top of my head.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  6. #31
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Head & Mind Idioms

    on one's mind
    - occupying one's thoughts, currently being thought about
    Recently I have had many things on my mind.

    on/upon (someone`s) head
    - on one's own self
    The little boy brought the anger of his parent's upon his head.

    on the face of it
    - on the surface of an issue or a problem
    On the face of it, it is very easy to see who caused the problem with our schedules.

    out of one`s hair
    - to get rid of an annoying person or thing
    My sister is trying to get her daughter out of her hair.

    out of one's mind/head/senses
    - to be crazy/irrational/silly
    The woman is out of her mind and she is always doing something crazy.

    out of sight, out of mind.
    - if you do not see something then you will not think about it
    The chocolates were out of sight, out of mind and nobody thought about them.

    out of the mouths of babes
    - something that a child says shows that they understand more about a situation than you thought that they did
    The statement was right out of the mouths of babes. The little boy knew everything that was going on.

    over one`s head
    - to be/go beyond one's ability to understand, to be too difficult
    The mathematics lectures went over my head during the first few weeks.

    pass through (someone's) mind
    - to occur to someone, to think about something briefly
    The idea passed through my mind briefly but then it was gone.

    pay (someone or something) no mind
    - to ignore someone or something
    I was told by the policeman to pay the traffic lights no mind while the accident was being cleaned up.

    per head
    - for one person, for one individual (used for counting people or animals like cattle)
    The tickets cost only a small amount of money per head.

    pick the brains of (someone)
    - to talk to someone in order to get some information about something
    We picked the brains of the official who was sent to talk about the pollution problem.

    pit one's wits against (someone)
    - to challenge someone over something to see who wins
    The best students in our school decided to pit their wits against the best students in the city.

    pull one's hair out
    - to be angry/upset/worried about something
    My friend began to pull her hair out when she discovered that she had no nice clothes for the party.

    put hair on one's chest
    - to be good for someone (something that you eat or drink)
    I told my friend that vegetable juice will put hair on his chest.

    put ideas into (someone's) head
    - to suggest something to someone
    The girl's best friend is always putting ideas into her head.

    put on a brave face
    - to try to appear happy or satisified even though you are faced with serious problems
    The man put on a brave face after he was fired from his job.

    put one's face on
    - to put make-up on one's face
    The woman spent a long time putting her face on.

    put one's head in a noose
    - to say or do something that could harm you or your image
    The man put his head in a noose when he became angry and criticized his boss at the meeting.

    put one's head in the lion's mouth
    - to put oneself in a dangerous or difficult situation
    I put my head in the lion's mouth when I went to the meeting with my boss.

    put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
    - to take great risks or to go to a lot of trouble for someone or something
    I love my boss and I would be happy to put my head on the block for her.

    put one's heads together
    - to discuss/talk about something with someone or a group of people and try to solve a problem
    We put our heads together with the other members of the department to try and find a solution to the problem.

    put one's mind to (something)
    - to give one's complete attention to something
    I put my mind to making the party as successful as possible.

    put (someone or something) out of one's head/mind
    - to try to forget someone or something
    I was forced to put my holidays out of my head when we had the emergency problems at our company.

    rack one`s brain
    - to try one's best to think about something, to make a great mental effort
    I racked my brain for over an hour to try and decide what to do about the new computer.

    raise a hand against (someone or something)
    - to threaten to strike someone or something
    The teacher never raises a hand against her students.

    raise its (ugly) head
    - a problem or bad situation appears or happens after not happening for a period of time
    The problem between the two managers raised its ugly head again after many months of calm.

    raise one's voice to (someone)
    - to speak loudly or shout at someone in anger
    The child was told not to raise his voice to his parents.

    read (someone's) mind
    - to guess what someone is thinking (as if one has special powers to see someone's thoughts)
    The girl told her boyfriend that she cannot read his mind and that he must tell her what he wants.

    rear its ugly head
    - to appear after being hidden (usually something unpleasant)
    The problem between the two sisters rears its ugly head at the beginning of every year.

    red in the face
    - embarrassed
    The clerk was red in the face after she heard the comment by the customer.

    save face
    - to save one's good reputation or dignity when something has happened to hurt him or her
    The government was unable to save face after they failed to deal with the crisis properly.

    say (something) right to (someone's) face
    - to say something unpleasant or important directly to someone
    I said that the man was not telling the truth right to his face.

    scratch one's head
    - to be confused or perplexed
    I was left scratching my head after the speech by our department manager.

    scream one's head off
    - to scream a lot and for a long time
    The girl screamed her head off after the accident.

    should have one's head examined
    - to behave as if you are mentally ill or crazy
    My sister is crazy to buy that car. She should have her head examined.

    show one's face
    - to appear
    I do not think that my friend will show his face tonight.

    shut one's face/trap
    - to be quiet, to shut up
    "Please sit down and shut your trap."

    sixth sense
    - the ability to know or feel things that are beyond the five basic senses of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch
    The woman has a sixth sense and she knows everything that is happening around her.

    a slap in the face
    - an insult
    The terrible candidate who won the city election was a slap in the face to the voters.

    slip one's mind
    - to forget something
    It slipped my mind that I need to phone my dentist soon.

    - to be not very smart
    The girl is slow-witted and she has trouble doing simple things.

    speak one's mind
    - to say frankly what one thinks about something
    My father plans to speak his mind at the school meeting this evening.

    split hairs
    - to find and argue about small and unimportant differences
    My boss always splits hairs when I talk to him about something important.

    stand head and shoulders above (the rest/someone/something)
    - to be much better than anyone or everything else in the same group
    Our new principal stands head and shoulders above the one who we had before.

    stand on one's head (to do something)
    - to make a great effort to do something
    I did everything but stand on my head to help my friend get a job.

    stand (something) on its head
    - to show that an idea or argument is wrong and means the opposite of what it first seemed to mean, to change the way that people think about something
    We stood the argument on its head with our intelligent argument against it.

    stare (someone) in the face
    - to be very likely to happen, to be clear and easy to recognize
    Defeat was staring the runner in the face right from the beginning of the race.

    stick in (someone's) mind
    - to not forget something
    The date of my friend's wedding stuck in my mind for many years.

    stick one's head in a noose
    - to say or do something that could harm you or your image
    I stuck my head in a noose when I mentioned that I wanted to find another job.

    stuff one's face
    - to eat a lot in a short time
    I stuffed my face in the restaurant last night.

    swelled head
    - a feeling that one is very important or more important than one really is
    My sister has had a swelled head since she got her new job.

    take it into one's head to do (something)
    - to decide to do something that does not seem sensible to others
    The young woman took it into her head to go to China and she did.

    take it on the chin
    - to be badly beaten or hurt, to get into trouble
    My friend took it on the chin when he fought with the man at the store.

    take leave of one's senses
    - to become irrational/crazy
    I believe that the woman in the store is beginning to take leave of her senses.

    take one's mind off (something)
    - to stop from worrying or thinking about a problem
    I went to a movie to take my mind off my problems at work.

    take (something) at face value
    - to accept something as the truth and with no hidden meaning
    I was forced to take what my boss said at face value.

    take (something) on the chin
    - to experience and endure a blow or hardship
    The man is able to take things on the chin and quickly move on with his life when he has a problem.

    talk (someone's) head off
    - to speak too much
    The woman beside me in the bus talked my head off during our journey.

    talk until one is blue in the face
    - to talk until one is exhausted
    I talked until I was blue in the face but my friend would still not change his mind.

    tear one's hair out
    - to be anxious/frustrated/angry
    The mother was tearing her hair out as she waited for her daughter to return home.

    tell (someone) to his or her face
    - to tell something to someone directly
    I told my friend to her face that I did not like her constant complaining.

    thin on top
    - bald or balding
    My uncle is a little thin on top but he is very handsome.

    throw (something) back in (someone's) face
    - to use something that someone has said previously to harm or upset him or her
    I immediately threw the question back in the lawyer's face.

    to (someone's) mind
    - in someone's opinion
    "To my mind I believe that both opinions are valid."

    tongue in cheek
    - jokingly, insincerely, mockingly, not really meaning something
    The remark was made tongue in cheek and the man did not mean it.

    touched (in the head)
    - to be crazy
    My neighbor is touched in the head. He is really crazy.

    trouble one's head about (someone or something)
    - to worry about someone or something
    "Please do not trouble your head about the arrangements for the party. I will do everything."

    turn (someone's) head
    - to distract someone, to make someone notice you
    The woman's beautiful dress turned everybody's head. It was beautiful.

    turn (something) on its head
    - to show that an idea or argument is wrong and means the opposite of what it first seemed to mean, to change the way that people think about a subject
    The lawyer was able to easily turn the argument on its head.

    turn (something) over in one's mind
    - to think about something continuously
    I could not sleep last night because I was turning my situation at work over in my mind.

    turn the other cheek
    - to ignore someone's abuse or insult, to not hit back when someone hits you
    The children were told that they should turn the other cheek when they were attacked by someone.

    up to one's chin in (something)
    - to be very busy with something, to be working hard at something, to have much/many of something
    The woman is up to her chin in work and has no free time.

    use one`s head/noggin/noodle
    - to use one's brain or mind, to use one's own common sense
    Sometimes I think that the manager of the video store never uses her head when I ask her a question.

    wag one's chin
    - to chat with someone
    I stopped at the coffee shop to wag my chin with an old friend.

    weigh on (someone's) mind
    - to be in someone's thoughts, to be bothering someone
    The decision about selling my car or not was weighing on my mind.

    within a whisker of (doing something)
    - almost do something
    I came within a whisker of quitting my job but I decided to continue working there.

    written all over (someone's) face
    - to be shown clearly what someone is thinking/feeling or if they are guilty by the look on his or her face
    The fact that the little boy took the cookies was written all over his face.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  7. #32
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Heart Idioms

    aching heart
    - a feeling of sadness that one has when love has been lost or has faded
    The young woman spent the weekend alone with her aching heart.

    after one`s own heart
    - to be well-liked for agreeing with one`s own feelings/interests/ideas
    My new boss loves to go fishing. He is a man after my own heart.

    at heart
    - basically, essentially, what one really is rather than what one seems to be
    The man seems to be angry all the time but actually he is a very gentle person at heart.

    bleeding heart
    - someone who feels too much sympathy for people such as poor people or criminals etc.
    The man is a bleeding heart and he is always asked by other people for money to help others.

    break (someone`s) heart
    - to make someone feel sad or hopeless (usually from love or a similar loss)
    It broke my heart to see the boy who had just lost his dog.

    close/near to (someone's) heart
    - an idea or something that is important to you and that you care about
    The plan to improve the downtown area was very close to the mayor's heart.

    cross one`s heart and hope to die
    - to say or promise that what you have said is true (often used by children)
    "I promise that I will meet you tomorrow. Cross my heart and hope to die."

    die of a broken heart
    - to die of emotional distress, to suffer from emotional distress (from a failed romance)
    The man almost died of a broken heart several times when he was a teenager.

    do (someone's) heart good
    - to make someone feel good, to make someone healthy
    It does one's heart good to get a reasonable amount of exercise every day.

    do (something) in a heartbeat
    - to do something almost immediately if you have the chance
    I would change jobs in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

    eat one`s heart out
    - to suffer from excessive longing or envy
    "You can eat your heart out but I will not give you a piece of this chocolate cake."

    find it in one's heart to (do something)
    - to have the courage or compassion to do something
    I could not find it in my heart to tell the young woman that she could not continue to work at the company.

    follow one's heart
    - to act according to one's feelings
    The boy followed his heart and decided to study music at school.

    from the bottom of one`s heart
    - with great feeling, sincerely
    My sister thanked the man from the bottom of her heart for saving her dog`s life.

    from the heart
    - sincerely, honestly
    The speech by the politician was right from the heart.

    get to the heart of (something)
    - to understand the most important/essential thing about something
    It took a long time but we finally got to the heart of the problem with the new computer.

    go (somewhere) in a heartbeat
    - to go somewhere almost immediately if you have the chance
    I would go camping in the mountains in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

    have a big heart
    - to be very kind/generous/helpful
    The man has a big heart and he will always try to help other people.

    have a change of heart
    - to change the way one feels/thinks about something
    I had a change of heart and I decided to go to the movie with my friend.

    have a heart
    - to be a generous and forgiving person
    I wish that our boss would have a heart and try to help other people.

    Have a heart!
    - Don't be unkind or do something mean or cruel!
    "Have a heart," I told my supervisor when he said that I must work during the weekend.

    have a heart of gold
    - to be kind/generous/friendly
    My grandmother has a heart of gold and she is always willing to help a stranger.

    have a heart of stone
    - to be cold and unfriendly
    The man who murdered his wife and children has a heart of stone.

    have a heart-to-heart talk with (someone)
    - to have a sincere and intimate talk with someone
    I had a heart-to-heart talk with my girlfriend last evening.

    have a soft spot in one's heart (for someone or something)
    - to be fond of someone or something
    My grandfather always had a soft spot in his heart for his youngest daughter.

    have one`s heart set on (something)
    - to want something very much
    The little boy has his heart set on getting a dog for his birthday.

    heart and soul
    - the core or total person
    The girl loved her boyfriend heart and soul.

    heart bleeds for (someone)
    - to feel sympathy for someone
    My heart bleeds for the family who lost their father in the accident.

    heart goes out to (someone)
    - to feel great sympathy for someone
    My heart goes out to the victims of the recent hurricane.

    heart is dead set against (something)
    - to be totally against something
    My mother's heart is dead set against my plan to go to art school.

    heart is in one's mouth
    - to feel very nervous or frightened or have strong emotions about something
    My heart was in my mouth when I saw the little boy standing on the ladder.

    heart is in the right place
    - to be kindhearted/sympathetic, to have good intentions (even if the results may be bad)
    Although the girl makes a lot of mistakes her heart is in the right place.

    heart is not in (something)
    - to not really want to do what you are doing
    The boy's heart was not in the swimming club so he quit the team.

    heart is set against (something)
    - to be totally against something
    Our principal is set against expanding the music program in our school.

    heart is set on (something)
    - to want something very much
    The little boy's heart is set on getting a dog for his birthday.

    heart misses/skips a beat
    - to be startled or excited from surprise/joy/fright
    My heart skipped a beat when I heard my name on television.

    heart stands still
    - to be very frightened or worried about something
    My heart stood still when the truck on the highway almost hit our car.

    heart to heart
    - candid, intimate
    Our conversation was heart to heart and we both felt very good afterwords.

    heartbeat away from (something)
    - to be the next person to take over someone's position if they die
    The young prince is a heartbeat away from becoming the next king of his country.

    heavy heart
    - a feeling of being weighed down with sorrow, a sad feeling
    We left the meeting with a heavy heart when we heard that our boss would soon leave the company because of illness.

    in one's heart of hearts
    - to know something is true although you may not want to admit it or believe it
    In my heart of hearts I knew that I would soon have to change jobs although I did not want to.

    know (something) by heart
    - to know something perfectly, to have memorized something
    The little boy knows many stories by heart.

    learn (something) by heart
    - to memorize something
    The children were forced to learn the poem by heart.

    lose heart
    - to feel discouraged because of failure, to lose the hope of success
    I tried not to lose heart even though I had failed my driver`s exam for the second time.

    not have the heart to do (something)
    - to be unwilling to say or do something that may hurt or upset others
    I did not have the heart to tell the woman that soon she may lose her job.

    open one`s heart to (someone)
    - to talk about one`s feelings honestly, to confide in someone
    The woman suddenly opened her heart to me when I began talking to her on the bus.

    pour one's heart out (to someone)
    - to tell all of one's hopes/fears/feelings to someone
    My friend poured her heart out to me when we went to the coffee shop last evening.

    search one`s heart/soul
    - to study one`s reasons and acts, to try to discover if one has been fair and honest about something
    I searched my soul to try and discover why my girlfriend had left me.

    set one's heart against (something)
    - to turn against something, to become totally against something
    From the beginning my friend set his heart against my proposal for having a birthday party for our teacher.

    set one's heart on (something)
    - to select something as one's goal
    The young runner set his heart on winning the marathon.

    sick at heart
    - very sad or upset about something
    The woman was sick at heart over the illness of her cat.

    strike at the heart of (something)
    - to do something that damages or destroys the basic idea or way of doing something that is very important to someone or to a group
    The decision to change the zoning laws struck at the heart of the citizen's ideas of how they wanted to live.

    take heart
    - to be encouraged, to be brave
    The father took heart in the fact that his son was still going to university even though he was failing most of his courses.

    take (something) to heart
    - to be strongly affected by something that someone says to you so you take it seriously or are upset by it
    I did not expect my friend to take my criticism to heart when I complained that he was always late.

    to one's heart's content
    - as much as one wants
    The little boy was able to play in the water to his heart's content.

    tug at (someone's) heartstrings
    - to make someone feel very sad or feel great sympathy for someone else
    Seeing the young boy and his little dog tugged at my heartstrings.

    warm the cockles of (someone's) heart
    - to make someone feel warm and happy
    The beautiful ending of the movie warmed the cockles of my heart.

    way to (someone's) heart
    - the best way to please someone or make them like you
    The way to my grandfather's heart was through his stomach as he always liked good food.

    wear one`s heart on one`s sleeve
    - to show one`s feelings openly
    The man wore his heart on his sleeve when he talked about his sick son.

    win (someone's) heart
    - to do nice things for someone to make him or her love you, something (music/book/art) has the qualities to make you like it
    The young man won the girl's heart by his kind and caring attitude toward her.

    with all one`s heart (and soul)
    - with all one's energy and feeling
    I tried with all my heart to get my friend a job at my company.

    young at heart
    - to do things that usually younger people enjoy doing (usually used for an older person)
    The older couple were young at heart and they had much fun together.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  8. #33
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию


    - Alcoholic's Anonymous - a group that helps people recover from alcohol abuse
    My boss has been going to AA meetings for over a year.

    - Anno Domini - used to mark time that comes after the commonly accepted beginning of the Christian era
    The ancient city was founded in 125 AD.

    - Annual General Meeting - the annual meeting of an organization
    My sister attended the AGM of the condominium owners last night.

    - Artificial Intelligence - used for robots etc.
    Several professors at our university have been researching AI for many years now.

    - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - a disease of the immune system
    Recently the number of AIDS patients has been increasing rapidly in many countries.

    - Amplitude Modulation - a type of radio frequency
    We don't listen to AM radio much because we don't like the songs that they play.

    - Any Other Business - used in meetings etc.
    The organizer of the meeting wrote AOB at the bottom of the meeting information sheet.

    - great, doing well
    He said that he was feeling AOK even after the truck had hit him.

    - All Point's Bulletin - used by the police when looking for a criminal
    The police put out an APB on the men who had robbed the bank.

    - As Soon As Possible
    Please finish the first draft of the letter and give it to me ASAP.

    - Absent Without Leave - often used in the military
    The military police were searching the area for the soldier who had gone AWOL.

    - Bachelor of Arts - from a university
    My brother has received a BA in economics from his university.

    - Bed and Breakfast - a small inn or hotel that serves breakfast
    My sister wants to open a small B&B when she quits her job.

    - Break and Enter - a criminal act of breaking into a house or building to steal something
    When I was going to university there was a B&E in my apartment.

    - Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato - a type of sandwich
    We went into the restaurant and ordered a BLT sandwich.

    - Body Odor - smell of sweat from the human body
    The BO from the man in the elevator was very bad.

    - Bullshit - lies or other information that is false
    We heard a lot of BS at the meeting last night which nobody believed.

    - Bachelor of Science - from a university
    My cousin has just received a BSc in computer science from his university.

    - Bring Your Own Bottle - used for a party or dinner where each person must bring something to drink
    I decided to have a dinner party at my house next week and told everyone that it was BYOB.

    - Chartered Accountant
    We went to see a CA in order to get our income tax finished on time.

    - Compact Disc
    The price of CDs has recently begun to decrease.

    - Chief Executive Officer
    My uncle was the CEO of a large computer company.

    - Central Intelligence Agency - US spy and security organization
    The CIA was involved in the efforts to free the hostage air force pilot.

    - Care Of - used when you want to send something to someone at the address of another person
    I didn't know my friend's address so I sent a letter to him C/O another friend of mine.

    - Cash On Delivery - used when a delivery person receives cash when they deliver something
    I decided to send away for some video cassettes and the company said that they would send them to me COD.

    - Certified Public Accountant
    The woman in our accounting department has been studying for her CPA exams for three months.

    - Do-It-Yourself
    I went to a DIY store and bought the materials to build a bed.

    - Disc Jockey
    My cousin worked in the summer as a disc jockey while he was going to university.

    - Deoxyribonucleic Acid - main constituent of the chromosomes of all organisms
    The large university has spent a lot of money in the study of DNA.

    - Driving Under the Influence
    The man was sent to jail for several months on a charge of DUI.

    - Digital Video Disc
    The sales of DVDs is increasing every year in most video stores.
    - Electrocardiogram - an electronic test of a person's heart
    My father was asked to take an ECG test by his doctor.

    - Exempli Gratia - the Latin which means for example
    The company has hundreds of small factories around the world - eg Italy, Mexico, Thailand and Korea.

    - Emergency Room - the place in a hospital which deals with emergency situations
    The victims of the accident were quickly taken to the ER.

    - English as a Second Language
    The ESL classes at the college have been held for almost ten years now.

    - Extrasensory Perception
    The movie was about a small boy who had the ability of ESP.

    - Estimated Time of Arrival
    What will your ETA be when you return home next month?

    - Federal Bureau of Investigation
    The killers were found in a nationwide search by the FBI.

    - Frequency Modulation - a type of radio signal
    The radio station that we listen to regularly is an FM station.

    - For Your Information
    I wrote FYI on the information bulletin and sent it to the other members of the staff.

    - Government Issue - stamped on US military equipment and often means US soldier
    The man went to the store and bought a GI Joe doll for his son.

    - Greenwich Mean Time - a place in England used as the standard for time around the world
    The rocket will be launched at 10:00 AM tomorrow GMT.

    - Gross National Product - the total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year
    The GNP of the country that I visited last year has been decreasing for several years.

    - General Practitioner - a general doctor
    I went to see a GP when I broke my leg last summer.

    - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    The rate of HIV infection among drug users is very high.

    - Headquarters
    The HQ of the company is located in a small town in Korea.

    - International Monetary Fund - an international agency that works to stabilize currencies etc.
    The IMF imposed very strict currency guidelines that many people were opposed to.

    - I Owe You - a signed paper saying that you owe money to someone
    I gave my friend an IOU when I bought his stereo.

    - Intelligence Quotient - a measure of a person's intelligence
    The IQ of the new student is very high.

    - Justice of the Peace
    They went to a JP when they decided to get married.

    - Knockout
    The boxer won the match in the fifth round by a KO.

    - Bachelor of Laws
    My brother received his LLB and will begin to practice law next week.

    - Long-Playing Record
    I recently decided to give all of my old LPs to a charity.

    - Liquid Petroleum Gas
    The truck carrying LPG was in an accident on the highway last night.

    - Master of Arts
    My cousin's wife has recently decided to study for her MA in economics.

    - Missing In Action
    According to some people in the United States there are still some MIA soldiers in Vietnam.

    - Master of Ceremonies
    My cousin was the MC for my sister's wedding.

    - Doctor of Medicine
    She received her MD when she was 26 years old and has been practicing medicine since then.

    - Member of Parliament - used in the United Kingdom and Canada etc.
    There were several MPs at the restaurant where we had dinner.

    - MPEG-1 audio layer 3 - a method to compress digital audio
    The three students listened to their MP3 players as they worked in the computer lab.
    - Master of Science
    The woman has an MSc in computer science and has been able to find a job easily.

    - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - the US space organization
    According to a spokesperson for NASA the rocket will be launched next week.

    - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    The members of NATO are gathering for an important meeting next month in Brussels.

    - Nota Bene - Latin for take notice or note well
    Our teacher told us to memorize the information in our text that is marked NB.

    - Old Age Pensioner
    At first I could not understand why I couldn't get the discount that was for OAPs only. Later I realized it was for senior citizens.

    - Organization of African Unity
    The OAU is working very hard to promote free trade between its various countries.

    - Overdose - on drugs
    The man died because of a drug OD.

    - Operating Room - in a hospital
    Before entering the OR the doctors carefully washed their hands.

    - Public Address System
    Every morning the children listened to the latest school information over the PA.

    - Politically Correct - language that is not harmful or insulting to others
    The university had a very strict policy that says that all material published in the school newspaper must be PC.

    - Personal Computer
    The PC industry has been growing rapidly in recent years.

    - Physical Education
    My PE class was held indoors during the winter months.

    - Doctor of Philosophy
    After receiving his Phd in history my friend was able to get a job at a university.

    - Please Leave On - used when you want to leave something on a blackboard or whiteboard
    Although the teacher wrote PLO on the blackboard the information was erased during the lunch break.

    - Post Meridiem - Latin for after noon
    The meeting started at exactly 1:00 PM.

    - Prisoner of War
    The negotiations regarding POWs continued for many years after the Vietnam war.

    - Public Relations
    With good PR the politician was able to easily gain the support of many people.

    - Postscript - written at the end of a letter when you want to add some extra information
    After finishing the main part of the letter I wrote PS to include something very important that I had forgotten.

    - Parent-Teacher Association
    We got home late last night after attending our son's PTA meeting.

    - Please Turn Over - written on a piece of paper to tell someone to look at the other side
    I wrote PTO on the last page of my essay to make sure that the professor would look at the last page.

    - Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Canada's national police force
    The movie was about the RCMP and it took place in northern Canada.

    - Requiescat In Pace (from the Latin) or Rest In Peace- used when talking about someone who is dead and sometimes written on a gravestone
    At the end of the movie RIP was written on the gravestone of the character who had been killed.

    - Respondez S'il Vous Plait - French for please reply
    The invitation said RSVP so I quickly sent off a note to say that I would be able to attend the party.

    - Son Of a Bitch - a swear word used in anger or when you want to insult someone
    The man called me a SOB when I drove in front of him in the parking lot.

    - international code signal of distress, call for help
    The sinking ship had been sending out an SOS signal but still nobody was able to come to their rescue.

    - Teaching Assistant
    After leaving university he was able to get a job as a TA at the junior college.

    - Tuberculosis
    For various reasons the number of TB cases has been increasing around the world recently.

    - To Be Announced - used when something will be announced later
    I looked in the television guide to see what the 7:00 movie would be but it only said TBA.

    - Thank Goodness (God) It's Friday
    The restaurant had a large TGIF sign on the door and all drinks were half price.

    - Technical Knockout
    Although the boxer didn't appear to win the fight he was awarded a TKO and won the boxing match.

    - Tender Loving Care
    With lots of TLC the house plants did very well under my sister's care.

    - Toilet Paper
    I went to the store and bought several rolls of TP.

    - Unidentified Flying Object
    The number of UFO sightings has increased dramatically recently.

    - Ultraviolet - a type of light ray
    We used lots of sunscreen in order to protect ourselves from UV rays.

    - Video Cassette Recorder
    We bought a new VCR after our old one began to have problems.

    - Video Display Unit
    The VDU at work was beginning to cause problems with my eyes so I went to an eye doctor.

    - Very High Frequency
    The television wasn't working because of a problem with the VHF connection.

    - Very Important Person
    The football player was given the VIP treatment when he went to visit his hometown.

    - Vice-President
    After serving faithfully as vice-president for many years my father was appointed to the position of company president.

    - Video Tape Recorder
    The VTR in the classroom was missing because someone was using it for a meeting.

    - Water Closet - toilet
    As soon as we entered the park we went directly to the sign that said WC.

    - Young Men's Christian Association
    The English classes at the YMCA were recommended to the students last year.

    - Young Women's Christian Association
    My friend stayed at the YWCA when she visited New York City last summer.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  9. #34
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Leg & Foot Idioms

    Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
    - the weak part of a person/place/system/argument which can easily be attacked or criticized
    The lack of skilled workers was the Achilles' heel of the government's plans to prepare for the Olympics.

    at one`s heels
    - close behind someone
    The large car was at my heels during my drive into town.

    back on one`s feet
    - to recover from sickness or trouble, to become independent again
    Our teacher was back on her feet shortly after her accident.

    balls of one's feet
    - the bottom of the feet just under the toes
    The balls of my feet were very sore after walking around all day.

    bound hand and foot
    - to have one's hands and feet tied up
    The bank manager was bound hand and foot by the three bank robbers.

    Break a leg!
    - Good luck! (an expression that is used in theater performances)
    "Break a leg!" the director called to the lead actor.

    bring (someone) to heel
    - to make someone obey you or pay attention to you again after they have stopped doing this
    The new supervisor quickly brought her employees to heel.

    bring (someone or something) to its/their knees
    - to have a negative effect or destroy someone or a group of people, to defeat someone/something
    The strike by the teachers quickly brought the school to its knees.

    charley horse
    - a cramp in one's arm or leg from straining oneself
    I got a charley horse after running this morning.

    cool one`s heels
    - to be forced to wait by someone in power or authority
    I was forced to cool my heels in the lobby for an hour while I waited for the job interview.

    cost an arm and a leg
    - to cost much money
    My father paid an arm and a leg for his car and he loves driving it.

    dead on one's feet
    - very tired, worn out
    I was dead on my feet when I returned from shopping all day.

    dig in one's heels
    - to refuse to change one's mind or course of action
    The man decided to dig in his heels and refuse to accept the offer to settle the dispute.

    dip one's toe in the water
    - to slowly start to do something new to see if you like it or if other people will approve of it
    I am doing some volunteer work at the hospital to try and dip my toe in the water of working in the medical field.

    - poorly dressed, looking poor
    A man who looked down-at-the-heels came to the small cafe for dinner.

    drag one`s feet/heels
    - to act slowly or reluctantly
    Our company is dragging their feet in making a decision to hire new workers.

    fall head over heels
    - to fall down (and maybe roll over)
    The little boy fell head over heels when he fell down in the park.

    fall head over heels in love (with someone)
    - to fall deeply in love with someone
    The young man fell head over heels in love with the girl in his English class.

    feet of clay
    - a hidden fault or weakness in a respected person
    The new manager has feet of clay and may not last very long in his new position.

    find one's feet
    - to become used to a new situation or experience
    I was able to easily find my feet when I started my new job.

    follow in (someone's) footsteps
    - to do what someone else has done (especially to do the same job as one's father or mother)
    The young man followed in his father's footsteps and decided to become an accountant.

    footloose and fancy-free
    - able to do whatever you want without any obligations
    The couple have no children and they are footloose and fancy-free.

    from head to toe
    - from the top of one's head to one's feet
    I dressed warmly from head to toe before I went outside.

    get a foothold (somewhere)
    - to get an initial position of support, to reach a starting point
    The small company was able to get a foothold in the breakfast cereal market.

    get a toehold (somewhere)
    - to get an initial position of support, to reach a starting point
    We were able to finally get a toehold in the textbook market.

    get cold feet
    - to become timid or afraid to do or try something
    I wanted to go to Europe with my cousin but he got cold feet and decided not to go.

    get off on the wrong foot
    - to make a bad start to a relationship or something else
    Unfortunately my relationship with my new teacher got off on the wrong foot.
    get one`s feet wet
    - to begin to do something for the first time
    We do not have to finish this job today but at least we can get our feet wet and start.

    get one's foot in the door
    - to take the first step in doing something
    I hope that I can get my foot in the door and join the new company.

    get one's sea legs
    - to become accustomed to a ship moving at sea, to become accustomed to something in general
    After a few days at the new job I was able to get my sea legs.

    get to one's feet
    - to stand up
    The audience got to their feet at the end of the concert.

    go down on one's knees/on bended knee
    - to show a lot of emotion when you are asking someone for something
    I was forced to go down on my knees and ask my supervisor for some free time from work.

    go toe-to-toe with (someone)
    - to try hard to beat someone in a fight/competition/argument
    Our lawyer went toe-to-toe with the lawyer from the other side.

    have a foot in both camps
    - to have an interest in or to support each of two opposing groups of people
    The new mayor has a foot in both camps of the development dispute.

    have a hollow leg
    - to be able to eat or drink a lot
    I think that my friend has a hollow leg. He never stops eating.

    have a lead foot
    - to drive too fast
    My friend has a lead foot and he has received many speeding tickets.

    have a leg to stand on
    - to have no support/excuse/evidence for something
    The criminal does not have a leg to stand on in his defense of his actions.

    have a leg up on (someone)
    - to have an advantage in your job/education etc. because someone gives you help or money
    The boy went to summer school which should give him a leg up on the other students in his class.

    have cold feet
    - to become timid or afraid to do or try something
    I think that my friend has cold feet and will not go to the party with me.

    have foot-in-mouth disease
    - to embarrass oneself by a silly mistake
    I think that my friend has foot-in-mouth disease. She is always making very stupid statements.

    have legs
    - (for an idea/plan/topic) to be likely to succeed or to continue
    The news story has legs. We will be talking about it for a long time.

    have one foot in the grave
    - to be near death
    Our neighbor has one foot in the grave and I do not expect him to live past this winter.

    have one's feet (planted firmly) on the ground
    - to have an understanding of what can be done in a certain situation, to have sensible ideas
    The new manager seems to have his feet on the ground and should have a sensible solution to our problems.

    have two left feet
    - to move in a very awkward way when you dance
    The man has two left feet and he is a very bad dancer.

    keep on one's toes
    - to stay alert and watchful
    The students were forced to keep on their toes by their new teacher.

    keep one's feet (firmly) on the ground
    - to remain firmly established
    The man is trying hard to keep his feet firmly on the ground with his new job and new apartment.

    kick up one`s heels
    - to have a good time, to celebrate
    We kicked up our heels last night and had a great time at the party.

    knee-high to a grasshopper
    - not very tall/old (usually used for a child)
    My grandfather told me many stories when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

    knock (someone) off their feet
    - to surprise or shock someone so much that they do not know what to do, to overwhelm someone
    The singer's voice was so beautiful that it knocked me off my feet.
    land on one's feet
    - to come out of a bad situation successfully
    I was able to land on my feet even though our company had recently gone bankrupt.

    let the grass grow under one`s feet
    - to be idle, to be lazy, to waste time
    My friend is never content to let the grass grow under his feet. He is always busy.

    light on one's feet
    - to be able to move quickly and gracefully
    The boxer is light on his feet and he wins many boxing matches.

    make one's toes curl
    - to make one feel uncomfortable
    The story of my friend's car accident made my toes curl.

    My foot!
    - I do not believe it (said after someone says something that you do not believe and you repeat the statement with the expression "My foot!")
    "My foot!" the man exclaimed when he learned that he would not be able to attend the meeting.

    on bended knee
    - with great humility
    I went to my neighbor on bended knee to ask him if I could borrow some tools.

    on foot
    - by walking
    We decided to go to the stadium on foot.

    on one's feet
    - standing up
    I was on my feet for several hours yesterday.

    on one`s heels
    - close behind, as a constant follower or companion
    The dog was on the heels of the small rabbit.

    on one`s toes
    - alert, ready to act
    The speaker kept the audience on their toes by asking many interesting questions.

    on (something's) last legs
    - something is almost worn out or finished
    My car is on its last legs and I will soon have to buy a new one.

    on the heels of (something)
    - soon after something
    There was a large rain storm on the heels of the wind storm.

    on tiptoe
    - standing or walking on the front part of the feet
    I stood on tiptoe to look into the construction site.

    pay an arm and a leg (for something)
    - to pay a lot of money for something
    The woman paid an arm and a leg for her new coat.

    play footsie (with someone)
    - to attract someone's attention by touching his or her foot under the table, to flirt with someone
    The couple at the restaurant were playing footsie under the table.

    pull (someone`s) leg
    - to fool someone with a humorous account of something, to trick or joke with someone
    The man was pulling my leg when he said that I could not enter the movie theater after the movie had started.

    put one's best foot forward
    - to try and make a good impression, to act one's best
    I tried to put my best foot forward during the job interview.

    put one's foot down (about something)
    - to object to something strongly, to refuse to do something, to refuse to allow something to happen
    My sister finally put her foot down and stopped paying for the gas for her daughter's car.

    put one's foot in one's mouth
    - to say something that is the wrong thing to say in a situation
    I put my foot in my mouth and said that I did not like fish just before my friend served me fish at the dinner party.

    put one's toe in the water
    - to slowly start to do something new to see if you like it or if other people will approve of it
    I plan to put my toe in the water to see if the new job is suitable for me.

    regain one's feet
    - to stand up again after falling, to become independent after financial difficulties
    I quickly regained my feet after almost falling on the sidewalk.

    set foot (somewhere)
    - to go or enter somewhere
    The chef has not set foot in her restaurant for several months now.

    set one back on one's heels
    - to surprise/shock/overwhelm someone
    The announcement on the school's loudspeaker set everyone back on their heels.

    shake a leg
    - to go fast, to hurry
    "Please try and shake a leg. We are already late for the concert."

    shoe is on the other foot
    - the opposite is true, places are changed
    My friend always has problems at school but now the shoe is on the other foot and I am the one who is having problems.

    shoot oneself in the foot
    - to make a mistake or a stupid decision that makes a situation worse
    The man shot himself in the foot when he refused to work the extra hours that his boss wanted him too.

    sit at (someone's) feet
    - to admire someone greatly, to be taught by someone
    I would love to sit at the feet of the famous painter.

    six feet under
    - dead (buried six feet under the ground in a grave)
    The criminal lives a bad life and if he does not change he will soon be six feet under.

    stand on one's own two feet
    - to be independent and self-sufficient
    My sister needs to do something to make her daughter stand on her own two feet.

    start off on the wrong foot
    - to begin something by doing something wrong
    I started off on the wrong foot and I have been unable to do my job well since.

    step/tread on (someone`s) toes
    - to do something that interferes with or offends someone else
    I do not want to tread on my supervisor's toes because he is not in a good mood today.

    stretch one's legs
    - to walk around after sitting down or lying down for a period of time
    The airplane passenger decided to stand up and stretch her legs.

    sweep (someone) off his or her feet
    - to overwhelm someone (with love etc.), to knock someone down
    The woman was swept off her feet when she met the young man at the party.
    tail between one`s legs
    - feeling beaten or humiliated (like a frightened dog as it walks away)
    The salesman was forced to leave the company with his tail between his legs after he lied about his sales figures.

    take a load off one's feet
    - to sit down and relax
    I sat down for awhile to take a load off my feet.

    take to one's heels
    - to run away
    The little boys took to their heels when the older boys approached.

    think on one's feet
    - to think/reason/plan while one is talking or doing something
    I had to think on my feet when the flood waters began to approach my house.

    throw oneself at (someone's) feet
    - to behave in a very humble manner
    I threw myself at my friend's feet and asked for forgiveness for the problems that I had caused.

    toe the line/mark
    - to follow the rules, to do what one is expected to do
    The team members were forced to toe the line when the new coach arrived.

    turn on one`s heel
    - to turn around suddenly
    The dog suddenly turned on his heel and ran away.

    under (someone's) feet
    - to annoy or interrupt someone when they are working
    The children were under the mother's feet while she was cooking dinner.

    vote with one's feet
    - to express one's dissatisfaction with something by leaving or walking away
    The students were voting with their feet when they began to withdraw from the science course.

    wait on (someone) hand and foot
    - to serve someone in every possible way, to do everything for someone
    I always wait on my sister hand and foot when she comes to visit me.

    with one's tail between one's legs
    - feeling beaten or humiliated like a frightened or defeated dog as it walks away
    The saleswoman left the sales meeting with her tail between her legs because she did not meet the sales target.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  10. #35
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Legal & Law

    after the fact
    - after something (a crime etc.) has occurred
    We were told, after the fact, that the company would not pay compensation to the fire victims.

    an act of God
    - an event or accident due to natural causes for which no human is responsible and which could not have been avoided by planning ahead (a storm, an earthquake, a volcano etc.)
    The insurance company refused to pay the money because they said that the forest fire was an act of God.

    assemble a case (against someone)
    - gather the evidence needed to make a legal case against someone
    The prosecution was unable to assemble a case against the man.

    assume liability
    - accept the responsibility for paying the cost of something
    The business refused to assume liability for the dangerous products.

    at arms length
    - at a distance, a transaction in which each person (who is not related to you) acts in their own self-interest
    We purchased the property at arm's length and were not involved in any management decisions.

    bail (someone) out
    - pay a sum of money that allows someone to get out of jail while waiting for a trial
    The family of the accused criminal paid much money to bail him out.

    beyond a reasonable doubt
    - a legal phrase meaning that something is almost certain
    The judge sent the man to jail because he believed, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he had committed the crime.

    bona fide
    - "in good faith" (from Latin), without any element of dishonesty or fraud
    The mediator asked the two sides in the dispute to make a bona fide effort to solve the dispute.

    a breach of promise
    - the breaking of a promise which may also be a breach of contract
    The couple was accused of breach of promise when they broke the contract to buy the condominium.

    a breach of the peace
    - causing a disturbance, violent or disorderly behavior
    The man was charged with breach of the peace when he began fighting with the store clerk.

    break the law
    - fail to obey the law
    The woman was forced to quit her job after it was discovered that she had broken the law.

    build a case (against someone)
    - gather the evidence needed to make a legal case against someone
    The legal team was working hard to build a case against the suspected car thief.

    burden of proof
    - the necessity to prove a disputed fact as required by the laws of evidence
    The burden of proof during the trial fell on the man who had accused his employee of theft.

    (do something) by the book
    - follow all the rules when you do something
    Our lawyer is very good and he does everything by the book.

    a case of mistaken identity
    - incorrectly identify someone
    The young man was arrested in a case of mistaken identity.

    causing a disturbance
    - an offence committed by fighting/screaming/shouting/swearing or being drunk in public
    Several of the fans were arrested for causing a disturbance after the football game.

    caveat emptor
    - "let the buyer beware" (from Latin), a buyer of something is responsible to examine the goods that he or she has purchased
    Caveat emptor is a good concept to remember when you are buying a used car.

    to cease and desist
    - a legal phrase which means to stop doing something and not start again - often used in the form of a cease and desist order
    The woman's husband was given a cease and desist order to stop bothering her.

    circumstantial evidence
    - indirect evidence
    My court case was difficult to win as most of my evidence was circumstantial evidence.

    citizen's arrest
    - an arrest which may be made by somebody without a warrant when somebody commits a crime
    The local politician tried to make a citizen's arrest of the violent beggar.

    civil action
    - legal action that deals with private or civil matters
    The couple decided to take civil action over their complaints about their neighbor's dog.

    civil law
    - the area of the law which deals with civil/private matters such as violations of contracts (different from criminal law)
    The lawyer had much experience in civil law and almost none in criminal law.

    class action lawsuit
    - a lawsuit on behalf of a group of persons in a similar situation or who have suffered a similar wrong
    The workers filed a class action lawsuit against the company for damage to their health.

    come by (something) honestly
    - get something honestly
    The woman came by a large amount of money honestly but many people wondered where it had come from.

    come clean (with someone/about something)
    - be completely honest with someone or confess something to someone
    The man decided to come clean with the police and he confessed everything about the crime.

    commercial law
    - the area of law that governs commerce/trade/merchandising
    The lawyer has specialized in commercial law since he first became a lawyer.

    common law
    - the law that is not written in statutes but is based on custom and court decisions of the past (most often with its origin in the old unwritten law of England)
    Through research into previous cases of common law we were able to make a decision on how to proceed with our case.

    common property
    - real property owned by a group of tenants in a condominium or subdivision which everyone has the right to use, land that is owned by the government which everyone can use
    The bicycles were common property and anyone in the apartment complex could use them.

    community property
    - property belonging jointly to a married couple or acquired during their marriage
    The couple decided to divide some of their community property and give it to their children before they left to do volunteer work overseas.

    comparitive negligence
    - in a civil lawsuit where the fault (negligence) of the two parties is taken into account in assessing damages
    The judge determined that it was a case of comparative negligence and the landlord and the tenant were both forced to pay damages.

    conclusive evidence
    - evidence that is so strong that it proves the point in question beyond reasonable doubt
    The witness offered conclusive evidence that led to the conviction of the criminal.

    conditional sale
    - a contract where the title to the goods being sold will not go to the purchaser until a certain condition is fulfilled
    The sale of the house was a conditional sale and I had to talk to my bank manager before the deal was complete.

    consecutive sentences
    - sentences that are given to someone and which run one immediately after another
    The criminal was given three consecutive sentences for the murder of the young girls.

    contempt of court
    - disobedience of the orders and authority of the court, disrespect for the court process
    The judge ordered the man to be held in contempt of court when he was several hours late for the trial.

    crack down on (someone or something)
    - enforce a rule or law more strictly
    The police recently decided to crack down on speeding cars.

    criminal law
    - the law that is concerned with crimes by people against the state/society with the function to punish the offender
    The university law department had one of the best criminal law libraries in the country.

    dangerous offender
    - a person who has been convicted of a violent or sexual crime and is a continuimg threat to others
    Several dangerous offenders escaped from the prison last week.

    disorderly conduct
    - disturbing the peace
    The football fans were charged with disorderly conduct after the fight during the game.

    disturbing the peace
    - disorderly/violent /threatening conduct, an interruption of the peace and tranquillity of the community
    Two men were arrested for disturbing the peace when they got into a fight in front of the shopping mall.

    draw up an agreement/contract
    - put something into writing, prepare a written statement
    I spent several hours with my lawyer trying to draw up an agreement to buy the small business.

    due process (of law)
    - the rights that each individual has to be protected by the law
    Although the man was accused of theft by his employer, he knew that he was entitled to due process of law and would have no problems proving his innocence.

    examination for discovery
    - an oral examination that is taken under oath in which each side to a lawsuit has the right to examine the other side's witnesses before a trial or hearing
    The man spent several hours in an examination for discovery session in connection with his case.

    expert witness
    - an expert or specialist whose opinions are used as evidence in a trial or hearing
    The lawyer called in an expert witness to discuss the handwriting of the accused man.

    extenuating circumstances
    - special circumstances that explain an irregular or improper way of doing something
    Because of extenuating circumstances, the man was able to avoid going to jail for stealing the money.

    false arrest
    - unlawful physical detention
    It was a case of false arrest when the man was arrested as a suspect in the robbery.

    false pretenses
    - intentionally misrepresent facts to cheat or defraud someone
    The woman was acting under false pretenses when she went to the bank and asked for a loan.

    false witness
    - a person who deliberately offers inaccurate evidence
    The man was accused of being a false witness after he testified at the trial.

    fee simple
    - absolute title or ownership of real estate
    The property was sold fee simple by the woman.

    for cause
    - reasons which the law accepts as justified
    The man was fired from his job for cause after several violations of his contract.

    free and clear
    - own something fully with no money owed or other restrictions on the item or property
    My parents own their home free and clear.

    give notice
    - inform an employer, employee, landlord or tenant that a contractual agreement will end
    The woman gave notice that she will leave her job next month.

    go into effect
    - a law or rule becomes effective or in use
    The new parking law will go into effect at midnight.

    go legit
    - begin a legitimate (honest) business after having been operating an illegal business
    The brothers decided to go legit and get the proper licenses for their small business.

    go on record
    - make an official statement rather than an informal one
    The mayor of the city plans to go on record as being opposed to the new convention center.

    goods and chattels
    - personal property (as opposed to land and buildings)
    All of the goods and chattels of the man were seized by the bank to pay for the bad loan.

    grace period
    - a period of time (often about 30 days) after the due date for something
    I was given a 30-day grace period in which to pay the speeding ticket.

    gray area
    - an area of a subject that is not clearly defined
    Smoking outside of public buildings is a gray area that the smoking law does not deal with.

    grounded in fact
    - based on facts
    The decisions that were made during the legal discussions were grounded in fact.

    grounds for (something)
    - a cause or reason for legal action such as a lawsuit
    The fact that the woman had lied to her employer was grounds for her being quickly fired from the company.

    have a brush with the law
    - have a brief experience or encounter with the law
    The man had a brush with the law when he was a teenager.

    have a case (against someone)
    - have lots of evidence that can be used against someone
    The police do not have a case against the young woman.

    (do not) have a leg to stand on
    - do not have the facts to support or win an argument or a legal charge that is made against you (usually used in the negative)
    The apartment manager tried to evict the young family but he didn't have a leg to stand on and he lost the case in court.

    have a run-in with (the law/someone)
    - have a bad or unpleasant encounter with the law/someone
    The couple had a run-in with the law when they were on their holiday.

    have (someone) dead to rights
    - prove someone absolutely guilty
    The police had the man dead to rights when they videotaped him stealing the car.

    have (someone) in one's pocket
    - have control over someone
    The businessmen have the mayor of the city in their pocket.

    have the right to (do something)
    - have the freedom or legal right to do something
    The lawyer did not have the right to ask personal questions during the trial.

    a hung jury
    - a jury that is divided and unable to agree on a verdict
    There was a hung jury after the trial of the pop star.

    implicate (someone) in (something)
    - suggest that someone is involved in something
    The president of the company was implicated in the scandal over the expense account.

    in abeyance
    - the temporary suspension of an activity or a ruling
    My grandfather's estate settlement was in abeyance while the lawyers looked at his will in more detail.

    in accordance with (something)
    - conforming to something
    The new contract was written in accordance with the new employment law.

    in arrears
    - late or overdue (usually for bills and money)
    My account at the department store was in arrears so the manager phoned me.

    in bad faith
    - insincerity, with bad or dishonest intentions, the intention to deceive someone
    The manager was acting in bad faith when she refused to give the documents to the other department.

    in consideration of (something)
    - after thinking about something
    In consideration of the amount of time that I had spent on the case I charged a lot of money for my services.

    in/have custody of (someone or something)
    - being guarded or protected by someone or some group
    The police put the man in custody last night.

    in debt
    - owing money
    The woman is in debt to the furniture store.

    in dispute
    - something that is in disagreement
    Most parts of the agreement are not in dispute.

    in effect
    - a law that is necessary to obey
    The new law has been in effect for three months now.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  11. #36
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Legal & Law

    in favor of
    - in agreement with
    The members of the panel voted in favor of postponing the meeting.

    in good faith
    - with good and honest intentions
    I went to the mediation session in good faith to try and resolve the dispute.

    in kind
    - in goods rather than in money
    We were paid in kind for our time planning for the convention.

    in lieu of (something)
    - instead of something
    In lieu of being paid for our overtime work we were given extra time off.

    in perpetuity
    - forever, eternally
    The man was promised by the city that he would receive a discount on his water bill in perpetuity.

    in person
    - personally, yourself
    The man was asked to appear in the courtroom in person.

    in plain English/language
    - in simple and easy to understand language
    The legal contract was written in plain English so that we could easily understand it.

    in private
    - secretly, not openly or in public
    The discussion between the two judges took place in private.

    in public
    - openly so others can see, not secretly
    The new smoking law does not permit smoking in public.

    in receipt of (something)
    - having received something
    My lawyer was already in receipt of the documents when he phoned me.

    in reference to (something)
    - concerning/regarding/about something
    The letter was in reference to my earlier request for legal advice.

    in (someone's) name
    - in someone's ownership, as someone's property
    We put the property in my name so that it would be easier to get a loan on it.

    in the act of (doing something)
    - while doing something
    The man was arrested in the act of stealing money from the cash register in the store.

    in the right
    - on the legal or moral side of an issue, not guilty
    I believed that I was in the right so I decided to take the case to court.

    in the wrong
    - on the illegal or wrong side of an issue, guilty
    The man was in the wrong and was easily found guilty by the court.

    in trouble with the law
    - due to be punished by the law
    The teenager has often been in trouble with the law.

    in trust of (someone)
    - under the responsibility or care of someone
    The money was given to the child in trust of his grandparents.

    invasion of privacy
    - the act of doing something so that someone loses his or her privacy
    Some people think that it is an invasion of privacy when there are video cameras in public places.

    invest someone with the power or legal right to (do something)
    - give someone the power or right to do something
    The police were invested with the power to enforce the decision of the court.

    jump bail
    - fail to appear in court and therefore give up the money that you paid for bail
    The criminal jumped bail and went to another city to hide.

    last will and testament
    - one's will (especially its latest edition) - a will is the legal term to describe what a person wants to do with his or her property after they die
    I went to a lawyer in order to write my last will and testament.

    - obeying the law
    The couple were law-abiding citizens who never had any problems with the law.

    a law unto oneself
    - someone who makes his or her own laws or rules
    The manager was a law unto herself and thought that she could do whatever she liked.

    lay down the law
    - state firmly what the rules or laws are for something
    We decided to lay down the law regarding time off from work without pay for our employees.

    a leading question
    - a question to a witness designed to suggest or produce the reply desired by the questioner
    The lawyer asked the witness a leading question but she didn't answer it in the way that the lawyer had expected.

    legal age
    - the age when a person can do things such as buy cigarettes or when they are responsible for their actions
    The young men were not of legal age and were unable to buy any cigarettes.

    let (someone) go
    - free someone from prison or from an arrest
    The courts decided to let the man go because there was no evidence to keep him in prison.

    lodge a complaint (against someone)
    - make a complaint against someone
    The man decided to lodge a complaint against the company that had built the apartment building.

    a matter of record
    - a fact or event that is kept officially as a legal record
    It was a matter of record how much the mayor had spent on the foreign trip.

    mineral rights
    - the right to take minerals or money from the minerals on one's property
    The farmer owned all of the mineral rights on his property.

    moral turpitude
    - behavior that is contrary to accepted rules of behavior
    The judge accused the lawyer of moral turpitude after his questionable tactics to defend his client.

    next of kin
    - someone's closest relative or relatives
    The police notified the next of kin of the woman who was killed in the car accident.

    null and void
    - worthless, canceled
    The check which was written by the company was null and void.

    of one's own free will/accord
    - by one's own choice
    The woman signed the contract to buy the car of her own free will.

    off the record
    - unofficial, informal
    The judge told the lawyers off the record what they could expect the lawsuit to settle for.

    offensive weapon
    - any weapon capable of being used to cause physical injury or harm
    The young man with the knife was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.

    on condition that
    - providing that
    The man was not sent to prison on condition that he do volunteer work in the community.

    on probation
    - serving a period of probation - probation is when a person who is guilty of a crime is allowed to be free but is supervised by the government
    The man was on probation for robbing a small store last year.

    on record
    - an official recorded statement or fact that everyone may know
    The businessman was on record as having refused to accept any illegal money.

    out on bail
    - released from jail after you pay the bail bond money - the bail bond is the money that you must pay to guarantee that you will appear in court
    The man was out on bail while he was waiting for his trial.

    out on parole
    - out of jail but being supervised by the police
    While the criminal was out on parole he was forced to meet with a social worker every two weeks.

    pay one's debt (to society)
    - serve a sentence for a crime (usually in prison)
    The man was forced to pay his debt to society by going to prison for three years.

    a peeping Tom
    - someone who looks into someone's window (usually a woman) and watches them
    There were several reports of a peeping Tom near our apartment building.

    penalty clause
    - a section in a contract specifing an amount to be paid if the contract is not fulfilled
    There is a penality clause in our apartment rental agreement if we decide to move out early.

    post mortem
    - a medical examination of a body made after death to determine the cause of death
    The authorities performed a post mortem on the dead man to try and determine the cause of his death.

    power of attorney
    - a legal document granting authority for one person to act as another's representative
    The woman was given power of attorney over her mother's business.

    a preliminary hearing
    - a hearing before a judge to determine if there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime
    The man appeared at a preliminary hearing to determine the nature of the crime.

    prima facie
    - "at first view" (from Latin), someting is assumed to be true in the absence of evidence to the contrary
    Prima facie it appeared that the man had enough evidence to take legal action against his employer.

    privy to something
    - have unique or special knowledge about something
    I was not privy to the conversation regarding the new business plan so I was unable to comment on it.

    punitive damages
    - extra damages awarded to someone in order to punish them and to deter others
    The patient was awarded a large amount of money as punitive damages in his lawsuit against the hospital.

    put (something) down in black and white
    - write something down, make or draw up a contract
    I put my strategy for the meeting down in black and white.

    quid pro quo
    - "something for something" (from Latin), mutual concessions made by the parties in a transaction
    The government and the teachers gave up some of their contract demands in a quid pro quo effort to solve their dispute.

    the responsible party
    - the party that is legally or morally obliged to do something or accept the blame for something
    The responsible party was forced to compensate the victims of his crimes.

    run afoul of the law
    - get into trouble with the law
    The young man ran afoul of the law and was taken into police custody.

    serve notice on (someone)
    - deliver a legal announcement or document to someone
    The company served notice on the union that they would be closing their factory next year.

    set (someone) free
    - release someone from prison or captivity
    The police set the man free when they decided that there was not enough evidence to keep him in prison.

    to show cause
    - to give a reason or explanation for something
    The lawyer was asked to show cause as to why the man was guilty of the crime.

    to show good faith
    - to demonstrate good intentions or good will
    We always show good faith when we meet the opposing side in our contract negotiations.

    to sign on the dotted line
    - to put your signature on a contract or other important document
    We went to the lawyer's office to sign on the dotted line of the contract to start the new business.

    signed, sealed and delivered
    - formally and officially sign something
    The contract was signed, sealed and delivered before we went home for the evening.

    to skip bail
    - to fail to appear in court and therefore give up the money that you paid for bail
    The amount of bail was set very high so the accused criminal would not skip bail.

    small/fine print
    - the part of a document or contract that may contain important information but is not easily noticed because the print is small
    It is a good idea to read the small print before you buy most products.

    stand one's ground
    - stand up for one's rights
    I stood my ground and refused to do anything that was not honest and the right thing to do.

    the straight and narrow
    - a straight and law-abiding route through life
    The young man was back on the straight and narrow after his discussions with the police officer and social worker.

    to stretch the truth
    - to misrepresent the truth (a little)
    The witness was stretching the truth when she told the judge her excuse for the crime.

    subject to (something)
    - depending on something
    The sale of the house is subject to our getting a report from the housing inspector.

    take effect
    - a law or rule becomes effective or in use
    There is a new law related to Internet advertising that will soon take effect.

    take the law into one's own hands
    - try to administer the law on your own
    The transit supervisor was taking the law into his own hands when he tried to arrest the man.

    take precedence over (someone or something)
    - have the right to come before someone or something else
    The protection of children and the family takes precedence over the laws regarding evicting people from an apartment after they have a baby.

    to the letter
    - precisely, exactly
    The lawyer always suggests that his clients follow the judge's decisions to the letter.

    - false and exaggerated, invented by fraud or criminal deception
    The business owner was arrested on trumped-up charges.

    turn a blind eye to (someone or something)
    - pretend not to see someone or something that may be troublesome
    The police often turn a blind eye to people when they cross the street on a red light.

    (to be) under a cloud (of suspicion)
    - to be suspected of doing something wrong or illegal
    The manager of the coffee shop was fired from her job under a cloud of suspicion.

    under age
    - below the legal age to do something
    The boy was under age and was not able to buy any cigarettes.

    under arrest
    - arrested by the police before being charged with a crime
    The man was placed under arrest for stealing a car.

    vicarious liability
    - the liability of one person through the act of another
    It was a case of vicarious liability when the man was charged because of his friend's behavior.

    with impunity
    - without risk of punishment
    The man was able to continue to abuse his position and clients with impunity.

    with no strings attached
    - with no obligations attached
    The man was forced to agree to the terms of the agreement with no strings attached.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  12. #37
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Medical Idioms

    at death's door
    - very near death
    The sales manager was at death's door after having a heart attack.

    back on one's feet
    - to be physically healthy again
    My mother is back on her feet after being sick for two weeks.

    black out
    - to lose consciousness, to faint, to pass out
    The football player blacked out after being hit by the other player.

    break out in (something)
    - to begin showing a rash or other skin disorder
    I broke out in a terrible rash after eating the raw shrimp at the restaurant.

    breathe one's last
    - to die
    The man breathed his last after a long illness.

    bring (someone) around
    - to restore someone to health or consciousness, to cure someone
    The medical workers were able to bring the man around after the accident.

    bring (someone) to
    - to restore someone to consciousness from sleep/anesthesia/hypnosis/fainting
    We tried hard to bring the woman to after the car accident.

    catch a cold
    - to get a cold
    I caught a bad cold last week and had to miss three weeks of work.

    catch one's death of cold
    - to become very ill (with a cold/flu etc.)
    The little boy was told to be careful in the rain or he would catch his death of cold.

    - an examination of a patient by a doctor
    I went to have my annual check-up last week.

    clean bill of health
    - a report or certificate that a person or animal is healthy
    The doctor gave me a clean bill of health when I visited him last month.

    come down with (something)
    - to become sick with something, to catch something
    My niece came down with a bad cold and was unable to visit me last week.

    couch doctor
    - a psychoanalyst who puts his patients on a couch
    The man was sent to see a couch doctor because of his his problems at work.

    a dose/taste of one's own medicine
    - the same treatment that one gives to others (usually a negative meaning)
    Our boss got a taste of his own medicine when people began to treat him badly like he treats others.

    draw blood
    - to make someone bleed, to get blood from someone
    The doctor decided to draw blood from the patient to check his blood sugar level.

    fall ill
    - to become sick or ill
    The man fell ill last winter and has not recovered yet.

    feel on top of the world
    - to feel very healthy
    I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job.

    flare up
    - to begin again suddenly (an illness or a disease)
    My mother's skin problem flared up when she started to use the new laundry soap.

    a flare-up
    - a sudden worsening of a health condition
    My father's arthritus flares up every winter.

    go under the knife
    - to be operated on in surgery
    The woman went under the knife at the hospital last evening.

    hang out one's shingle
    - to give public notice of the opening of a doctor's office etc.
    The doctor decided to hang out his shingle as soon as he finished medical school.

    have a physical (examination)
    - to get a medical check-up
    Our company sent all the employees to have a physical last week.

    head shrinker
    - a psychiatrist
    The man went to see a head shrinker after his recent problems at work.

    just what the doctor ordered
    - exactly what is needed or wanted
    A nice hot bath was just what the doctor ordered after the long day at work.

    look the picture of health
    - to be in good health
    My uncle looked the picture of health when I saw him last week.

    on the mend
    - healing, becoming better
    My grandfather is on the mend after he broke his leg last week.

    out cold
    - to be unconscious, to be in a faint
    When the patient entered the operating room he was out cold because of the anesthesia.

    over the worst
    - to be recovering from an illness
    My brother is over the worst since his skiing accident last month.
    pull through
    - to recover from a serious illness
    The car accident was very bad and I do not think that the driver will pull through.

    run a fever/temperature
    - to have a higher than normal body temperature
    The little boy is running a temperature and should stay in bed all day.

    run down
    - to be in poor condition
    My father worked very hard last month and has become run down.

    run some tests
    - to do some medical tests on a patient
    The doctor decided to run some tests on the patient.

    splitting headache
    - a severe headache
    I have been suffering from a splitting headache all morning.

    take a turn for the worse
    - to become sicker
    My aunt took a turn for the worse last week and she is still in the hospital.
    take (someone's) temperature
    - to measure someone's body temperature
    The nurse took my temperature when I went to the hospital yesterday.

    throw up
    - to vomit
    The woman threw up several times after eating the bad shellfish.

    under the weather
    - to be not feeling well
    My boss has been under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  13. #38
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию


    above par
    - more than average, above normal, more than the face value of a bond/stock/currency
    The currency was selling above par at the small exchange shop.

    almighty dollar
    - money when it is viewed as more important than anything else
    The man spent most of his life chasing the almighty dollar.

    ante up
    - to pay money, to produce a necessary amount of money
    I had to ante up a lot of money to get my car fixed.

    as phony as a three-dollar bill
    - phony, not genuine
    The man who was asking for donations for the charity was as phony as a three-dollar bill.

    as poor as a church mouse
    - very poor
    The young mother is as poor as a church mouse and she has little money to feed her family.

    as sound as a dollar
    - very secure and dependable
    The company president believes that his business is as sound as a dollar.

    at a premium
    - at a higher price than usual because of something special
    The tickets for the final basketball game were selling at a premium.

    at all costs
    - at any expense of time/effort/money
    We plan to send our child to a good school at all costs.

    back on one`s feet
    - to return to good financial health
    My sister is back on her feet after losing her job last year.

    balance the books/accounts
    - to make sure that all money is accounted for by using generally accepted accounting methods
    The small business owner works very hard to balance the books of her company.

    below par
    - lower than average, below normal, less than the face value of a bond/stock/currency
    The government bonds were selling at a price that was below par.

    bet one`s bottom dollar
    - to bet all that one has on something because you are sure that you will win
    I would bet my bottom dollar that the accounting manager will be late again today.

    bet on the wrong horse
    - to base one`s plans on a wrong guess about the results of something
    The businessman is betting on the wrong horse if he continues to support the other candidate for mayor.
    beyond one's means
    - more than one can afford
    The young man was living beyond his means before he got his first job.

    born with a silver spoon in one`s mouth
    - to be born to wealth and comfort, to be born rich
    The new student in our class was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never worked in his life.
    bottom dollar
    - one`s last dollar
    The man spent his bottom dollar on some new clothes to wear for his job interview.
    bottom line
    - the line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss
    The bottom line in the company's financial statement was much worse than expected.
    bottom line
    - the final result, the main point
    The bottom line was that we were unable to attend the conference because of our busy schedule.
    bottom out
    - to reach the lowest point
    The value of the company's stock has recently appeared to bottom out.

    bread and butter
    - one's income, the source of someone's food
    The man's business is his bread and butter and he works very hard to make it successful.

    break even
    - to have income equal to expenses
    Our company was able to break even after only six months of operation.
    break the bank
    - to win all the money at a casino gambling table, to use all of one's money
    The man broke the bank at the casino and walked away with a lot of money.
    bring home the bacon
    - to earn the family living, to earn a salary
    I have been working hard all month bringing home the bacon for my family.
    burn a hole in one`s pocket
    - to stimulate someone to spend money quickly
    The money was burning a hole in the man's pocket when he decided to go to the casino.
    buy off (someone)
    - to give money to someone to stop them from doing their duty
    The man tried to buy off the politician but he refused to agree to the plan.
    buy (something) for a song
    - to buy something cheaply
    I was able to buy my first house for a song.

    by check
    - by using a check
    I paid for the hotel room by check.

    can take (something) to the bank
    - a statement is true, something is guaranteed to be successful
    I believe that we can take the new business plan to the bank.

    - selling something for cash only and with no delivery
    We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.
    cash in (something)
    - to exchange coupons or bonds for their value in money
    I cashed in a large number of my savings bonds in order to get some money to buy a car.
    cash in on (something)
    - to make money from an opportunity
    The former basketball player cashed in on his popularity to open a very successful restaurant.
    cash in one`s chips
    - to exchange or sell something to get some money (from the chips used in a poker game)
    I decided to cash in my chips and go back to school.
    cash on the barrelhead
    - money paid in cash when something is bought
    I gave the salesman cash on the barrelhead for the used car.
    caught short
    - to not have enough money when you need it
    I was caught short and had to borrow some money from my father last week.
    - a person who will not spend much money, a stingy person
    My friend is a cheapskate and will not even go to a movie with me.
    chicken feed
    - a small amount of money
    The amount of money that I paid for the used car was chicken feed.
    chip in (money)
    - to contribute money for something, to pay jointly for something
    Everybody in our office chipped in some money to buy a wedding present for our boss.

    chisel (someone) out of (something)
    - to cheat someone to get money or something
    The criminal tried to chisel the small business owner out of much money.

    clean up
    - to make a lot of money, to make a big profit
    I cleaned up at the horse races last year and I still have some of the money left.

    cold hard cash
    - cash/coins/bills
    I paid for the stereo in cold hard cash.
    control the purse strings
    - to be in charge of the money in a business or a household
    My sister controls the purse strings in her family.

    cook the books/accounts
    - to illegally change information in the accounting books in a company, to write down false numbers in the accounting books in a company
    The accountant was cooking the books for more than one year before he was caught.
    cost a pretty penny
    - to cost a lot of money
    It is going to cost a pretty penny to get my car fixed.

    cost an arm and a leg
    - to cost a lot of money
    My new stereo system cost an arm and a leg.

    cross (someone's) palm with silver
    - to give money to someone in payment for a service
    We had to cross the apartment manager's palm with silver in order to rent the apartment quickly.

    cut one's losses
    - to reduce one's losses of money or something else
    The owners decided to sell the soccer team in order to cut their losses.

    cut (someone) a check
    - to write a check (usually used for a company which automatically produces a check with a computer)
    The company cut me a check to pay me for my extra work.

    cut (someone) off without a penny
    - to stop giving someone a regular amount of money, to leave someone no money in a will
    The wealthy businessman cut his son off without a penny when the young man refused to work hard.

    - a price that is lower than usual
    We went to a cut-rate furniture store to buy some new furniture for our apartment.
    - a person who never pays the money that he or she owes
    Recently, the government is trying to solve the problem of deadbeat dads who do not support their families.
    a dime a dozen
    - easy to get and therefore of little value
    Used computers are a dime a dozen and have very little value.

    dirt cheap
    - extremely cheap
    The land in the country was dirt cheap when we bought it.

    dollar for dollar
    - considering the cost
    Dollar for dollar the new hotel is the best bargain in this city for tourists.

    - having no money
    My friend was down-and-out for many years before he got a job and began to make money.
    draw interest
    - (for money) to earn interest while it is on deposit at a bank
    We put the money into our bank account so that it would draw interest.

    Dutch treat
    - a situation where each person pays his or her own share of the expenses
    The movie was a Dutch treat so I did not have to pay for my date.
    easy money
    - money that you do not need to work hard to get
    I was able to make some easy money from my job during the summer.

    face value
    - the value or price printed on a stamp/bond/note/paper money
    The face value of the stamp was very low but it was worth a lot of money.
    a fast buck
    - money that is earned quickly and easily (and sometimes dishonestly)
    The company tried to make a fast buck on the property but actually they lost a lot of money.

    feed the kitty
    - to contribute money to a special collection
    Everybody had to feed the kitty in order to collect money for the party.

    feel like a million dollars/bucks
    - to feel wonderful, to feel well and healthy
    Although I have been sick for a few weeks I feel like a million dollars today.
    flat broke
    - to have no money at all
    I am flat broke and do not have enough money to pay my rent.

    float a loan
    - to get a loan, to arrange for a loan
    I decided to float a loan to get some money to buy a new car.

    a fool and his money are soon parted
    - if a person acts unwisely with money he or she will soon lose it
    A fool and his money are soon parted and when the young man got the money from his father he soon spent it.

    foot the bill
    - to pay for something
    My sister will foot the bill for her daughter's education if she decides to go to university.
    for a song
    - at a low price, cheaply
    We bought the car for a song and will use it on our holidays.

    (not) for love or money
    - not for anything, not for any price (usually used in the negative)
    I would not want to have that man's job for love or money.

    for my money
    - used before you say something to show that it is your opinion
    "For my money, I believe that the new company policy will not be successful."

    for peanuts
    - for very little money
    The man had no money and was willing to work for peanuts.

    fork money out (for something)
    - to pay for something
    I had to fork much money out to get my car fixed.

    fork over (some money)
    - to pay money for something
    I forked over much money for the painting that is hanging on my wall.

    free and clear
    - (to own something) completely and without owing any money
    Our neighbor owns his house free and clear.

    from rags to riches
    - from poverty to wealth
    The man went from rags to riches with his hard work and effort.

    get a run for one's money
    - to receive a challenge, to receive what one deserves
    The man got a run for his money when he decided to volunteer for the cleaning project.

    get along on a shoestring
    - to be able to live on very little money
    The woman was forced to get along on a shoestring when she was a student.

    get one's money's worth
    - to get everything (or even a little more) that one has paid for
    We got our money's worth when we were able to spend the day at the water park.

    give (someone) a blank check
    - to let someone act as they want or as they think is necessary (like a check that has the amount left blank)
    The police department gave the new committee a blank check to try and solve the homeless problem.

    give (someone) a run for their money
    - to give someone a challenge, to give someone what they deserve
    The young candidate for the city park board gave the more experienced candidates a run for their money during the election.

    go broke
    - to lose all one`s money, to become bankrupt
    My uncle started a company last year but it quickly went broke.

    go Dutch
    - to share in the cost of a meal or some other event
    We decided to go Dutch when we went to the restaurant for dinner.

    go to the expense (of doing something)
    - to pay the cost of doing something
    I did not want to go to the expense of buying a new sofa for our apartment.

    going rate
    - the current rate
    The going rate for used bicycles is not very much.

    gravy train
    - a job or some work that pays more than it is worth
    The job was a gravy train and I made a lot of money when I worked there.
    grease (someone`s) palm
    - to pay for a special favor or for extra help, to bribe someone
    We had to grease the palm of the hotel manager to get a room.
    a handout
    - a gift of money (usually from the government)
    The bus company has received many handouts from the government.
    hard up
    - to not have much money
    The man is always hard up for money and he often wants to borrow some.

    have an itchy/itching palm
    - to ask for tips or money
    The hotel clerk has an itchy palm and he is always asking for money.

    have one's hand in the till
    - to be stealing money from a company or an organization
    The clerk had her hand in the till so we decided to fire her.

    have money to burn
    - to have very much money, to have more money than is needed
    My aunt has money to burn and she is always travelling somewhere.
    have sticky fingers
    - to be a thief
    The new employee has sticky fingers and many things in the store have disappeared.

    have the Midas touch
    - to have the ability to make money easily (King Midas turned everything that he touched into gold)
    My uncle has the Midas touch and every business that he starts makes a lot of money.

    (not) have two cents to rub together
    - to not have much money
    My friend does not have two cents to rub together and he is usually broke.

    He who pays the piper calls the tune
    - the person who pays for something has control over how the money is used
    He who pays the piper calls the tune and the owner of the sports team can decide who will play on the team.

    head over heels in debt
    - to be deeply in debt
    My cousin is head over heels in debt and has no money at all.

    heads or tails
    - the face of a coin or the other side of the coin
    The referee threw the coin to see if it would be heads or tails.

    highway robbery
    - the charging of a high price for something
    The amount of money that the company is charging for its services is highway robbery.
    hit pay dirt
    - to make a valuable discovery, to find the dirt in which much gold is found
    We hit pay dirt when we got the rights to distribute the new product.
    hit the jackpot
    - to make a lot of money suddenly (usually from gambling)
    We hit the jackpot at the casino and came home with a lot of money.

    honor (someone's) check
    - to accept someone's personal check
    The bank refused to honor my check for the apartment rent.

    ill-gotten gains
    - money acquired in a dishonest or illegal manner
    The ill-gotten gains of the politician were the subject of a large government inquiry.

    in clover
    - in a very good financial situation
    My aunt and uncle have been in clover since my uncle got his new job.

    in debt
    - owing money
    The man is in debt and owes much money to many people.

    in kind
    - in goods rather than money
    I paid for the work on my car in kind rather than with actual cash.

    in the black
    - to be profitable, to make money
    Our company has been in the black since it started.

    in the chips
    - with much money, wealthy
    My grandfather was in the chips after they discovered oil on his farm.

    in the hole
    - to be in debt, to owe money
    I think that we are now in the hole and our business is having trouble.

    in the money
    - to be wealthy, to suddenly get a lot of money
    I am in the money now that I won the lottery.

    in the red
    - to be unprofitable, to be losing money, to be in debt
    The company has been in the red for several months now and will soon go bankrupt.

    jack up (the price)
    - to raise the price of something
    The store jacked up the prices of their summer stock at the beginning of the summer.

    keep books
    - to keep records of money that is earned and spent
    Our accountant is keeping careful books of all the transactions in the company.

    keep the wolf from the door
    - to earn enough money to maintain oneself at a minimal level of existence
    The job does not pay very well but it is enough to keep the wolf from the door.

    - money paid illegally for favorable treatment
    The politician received several illegal kickbacks and he was forced to resign.

    last of the big spenders
    - a humorous way to describe someone who spends a lot of money for something (although he or she may not want to spend it)
    The man is pretending to be the last of the big spenders as he spends money on his family.

    lay away money
    - to save money
    I am trying hard to lay away enough money to buy a car.

    lay out (money)
    - to spend/pay money
    I had to lay out a lot of money to get my car fixed so now I do not have much money.

    layaway plan
    - a plan in which one pays some money as a downpayment and then pays a little more when one is able and the store holds the goods until the full price is paid
    We bought our furniture on the layaway plan at the store.

    let the buyer beware
    - let the person who buys something check to see if the product is in good condition or has no problems
    Consumers of electronic products should remember the motto of "let the buyer beware," when they buy something.

    live beyond one's means
    - to spend more money than you can afford
    The girl is living beyond her means and will soon have some serious financial problems.

    live from hand to mouth
    - to live on little money
    My friend has been living from hand to mouth and is now using his savings from his previous job.

    live high off the hog
    - to have the best of everything, to live in great comfort
    My mother and father have been living high off the hog since they won the lottery.

    live within one's means
    - to spend no more money than one has
    I try very hard to live within my means so that I do not have any financial pressure.

    - to have lots of money
    My uncle is loaded and he has lots of money.

    look like a million dollars
    - to look very good
    The woman looked like a million dollars when she went to accept the award.

    lose one`s shirt
    - to lose all or most of one`s money
    I lost my shirt in a small business and now I have no money.

    (not) made of money
    - to not have a lot of money (usually used in the negative to say that you do not have enough money for something)
    My friend is not made of money and he has difficulty paying for his children's education.

    make a bundle/pile
    - to make a lot of money
    I made a bundle on the stock market and decided to buy a house.

    make a check out to (someone)
    - to write a check with someone's name on it
    I made a check out to the man who repaired my bathroom.

    make a fast/quick buck
    - to make money with little effort
    The young man is very lazy and he is always trying to make a fast buck.
    make a killing
    - to make a large amount of money
    My sister made a killing when she worked overseas in the oil industry.
    make a living
    - to earn enough money to live
    The man works hard to make a living and support his family.

    make ends meet
    - to have enough money to pay one`s bills
    I have been having trouble making ends meet because the rent for my apartment is very high.

    make good money
    - to earn a large amount of money
    My friend makes good money at his new job.

    make/spend/lose money hand over fist
    - to make/spend/lose money fast and in large amounts
    My cousin has been making money hand over fist with her business.
    money burns a hole in (someone's) pocket
    - someone spends money very quickly, someone is stimulated to spend money quickly
    The money was burning a hole in my pocket so I went downtown to spend it.
    money doesn't grow on trees
    - money is valuable and you should not waste it
    Money doesn't grow on trees and it is necessary to work hard and manage it well.

    money is no object
    - it does not matter how much something costs
    Money is no object and I plan to stay in the best hotels during my holiday.
    (one's) money is on (someone)
    - you think that someone will win a competition/sports event etc.
    My money is on the young horse that is racing for the first time today.

    money is the root of all evil
    - money causes most problems/wrongdoings in life
    Many people believe that money is the root of all evil and that it causes people many problems.
    money talks
    - money gives one the power to get or do what he or she wants
    Money talks and when I go to a restaurant with my rich uncle we always get a very good table.

    nest egg
    - the money that someone has saved up
    I made a nest egg when I was working and I am now able to go to school.
    nickel and dime (someone)
    - to charge many small amounts of money (which eventually equal a large amount of money)
    The small repairs on my car are beginning to nickel and dime me.

    not for love nor money
    - not for anything (no matter what the amount/price)
    I will not meet with that woman for love nor money.

    on a dime
    - in a very small space
    I had to turn my car on a dime when I entered the parking lot.
    on a shoestring
    - with little money to spend, on a very low budget
    My cousin started his business on a shoestring but now it is very successful.
    on credit
    - to buy something using credit
    I bought the new stereo on credit.

    on sale
    - for sale at a discounted price
    The DVD's were on sale when I bought them.

    on the house
    - paid for by the owner of a business
    We went to the restaurant and all of the drinks were on the house.

    on the money
    - exactly the right place/time/amount of something, exactly the right idea
    Our supervisor's estimate of next year's budget is right on the money.

    on the take
    - to be accepting bribes
    The agent at the border crossing seems to be on the take.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  14. #39
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию


    out-of-pocket expenses
    - the actual amount of money that someone spends for something
    My out-of-pocket expenses for the business trip were very low.

    pad the bill
    - to add false expenses to a bill
    The plumber who was fixing our plumbing system was padding the bill so we got a new plumber.

    pass the buck
    - to make another person decide something, to put the responsibility or blame on someone else
    Our supervisor always passes the buck and he will never take responsibility for what he does.

    pass the hat
    - to collect money for something (sometimes by passing a hat around to put the money into)
    We passed the hat to collect some money for the party.

    pay a king's ransom (for something)
    - to pay a great deal for something
    I had to pay a king's ransom for a ticket to the final basketball game.

    pay an arm and a leg for (something)
    - to pay a high price for something
    I paid an arm and a leg for my car but I am not very happy with it.
    pay as you go
    - to pay for things as they occur (rather than on credit)
    I will have to pay as I go if I go to graduate school next year.

    pay in advance
    - to pay for something before you get/use it
    I must pay in advance for the bus company to deliver my boxes.

    pay off (someone)
    - to pay someone a bribe for something
    The owner of the store had to pay off the gang who were threatening him.

    pay off (something)
    - to pay the final payment for something
    I paid off my student loan after one year of work.
    pay one's own way
    - to pay the costs for something yourself
    The young girl paid her own way through college.

    pay the piper
    - to face the results of one's actions, to receive punishment for something
    I was forced to pay the piper when I realized that I had been late with my university essay.

    pay through the nose
    - to pay a very high price, to pay too much
    I paid through the nose when I had to buy gasoline in the small town.
    pay up
    - to pay now
    I had to pay up my parking tickets or I would lose my driving license.

    - a bribe
    The mayor received a payoff and was forced to resign from his position.
    pennies from heaven
    - money that you do not expect to get
    The money that I received from the government was like pennies from heaven and I was very happy.

    penny for one`s thoughts
    - a request to tell someone what he or she is thinking about
    "I will give you a penny for your thoughts," I said to my friend who was looking out of the window.
    a penny saved is a penny earned
    - saving money by not spending it is the same as getting money from working
    A penny saved is a penny earned and it is better to be thrifty sometimes than to only work more hours.

    penny-wise and pound foolish
    - to be careful or thrifty in small expenditures but careless or wasteful in large ones
    My friend is penny-wise and pound foolish and she economizes on small things but wastes all of her money on big things.
    pick up the tab/check
    - to pay the bill for something
    I picked up the tab for my sister and her three children at the restaurant.
    piggy bank
    - a small bank/container for saving money that is sometimes in the shape of a pig
    The small boy saved much money in his piggy bank.
    pinch pennies
    - to be careful with money, to be thrifty
    My grandmother always pinches pennies and never spends her money foolishly.
    play the market
    - to invest in the stock market
    My father likes to play the market and he sometimes makes a lot of money.

    pony up
    - to pay
    I had to pony up a lot of money to get my car repaired.
    pour money down the drain
    - to waste money
    The man is pouring money down the drain by always repairing his old car.

    put in one`s two cents (worth)
    - to add one's comments or opinion to a discussion
    I stood up in the meeting and put in my two cents worth before I was asked to sit down.
    put one's money where one's mouth is
    - to stop talking about something and do it, to stop talking and make a bet on something
    I was forced to put my money where my mouth is and go to Europe or stop talking about it.

    put the bite on (someone)
    - to try to get money from someone
    The boy often puts the bite on his father before the weekend.

    quick buck
    - some money earned quickly and easily
    The small company is only interested in making a quick buck and is not interested in product quality.

    quote a price
    - to say in advance how much something will cost
    I asked the salesman to quote a price for the new product.

    rain check
    - a promise to repeat an invitation at a later date
    I decided to take a rain check and will go to the restaurant with my friend another time.
    raise/up the ante
    - to increase your demands or the amount that you spend for something (the ante is the amount of money each player puts on the table before starting a game of cards/poker)
    The union raised the ante with the company when they said that they were going to go on strike.

    rake in the money
    - to make a lot of money
    We have been raking in the money at our restaurant since it opened.
    rake off (some money)
    - to steal a portion of a payment/money
    The cashiers were raking off some of the money from the store.

    red cent
    - a small sum of money
    I would not give a red cent for my neighbor's car.
    rolling in money
    - to have lots of money
    The man is rolling in money and he always has much money to spend.

    salt away (money)
    - to save money
    My uncle salted away thousands of dollars before he died.
    save up (for something)
    - to save money in order to buy something
    I am saving up for a new television set.

    scrape (something) together
    - to gather small amounts of money (usually with some difficulty) for something
    We scraped together some money and bought a present for my mother.
    scrimp and save
    - to spend little money in order to save for something
    The woman has been scrimping and saving to buy a new car.

    see the color of (someone's) money
    - to make sure that someone has enough money for something
    I will not give the man the product until I see the color of his money.

    set (someone) back
    - to cost a certain amount of money
    My friend asked me how much my new coat had set me back.
    shake (someone) down
    - to blackmail or extract money from someone
    The gang tried to shake down the owner of the small store.

    shell out (money)
    - to pay money for something
    My father shelled out a lot of money to get his house painted.
    sitting on a goldmine
    - to own something very valuable (and often not realize this)
    My sister is sitting on a goldmine with her collection of antiques.

    smart money is on (something)
    - people who know about money or business think that something is a good idea
    The smart money is on the government to introduce the new law this week.

    sock away (some money)
    - to save or store some money
    I am trying to sock away some money for my holiday.

    splurge on (something)
    - to spend more money than one might ordinarily spend
    We decided to splurge and go to a nice restaurant for dinner.
    square accounts with (someone)
    - to settle one's financial accounts with someone
    I went to the small store to square accounts with the owner.

    squirrel away (some money)
    - to save or keep some money
    I was able to squirrel away much money from my previous job.

    stone broke
    - to have no money, to be penniless
    My friend is stone broke and will not be able to come to the movie with us.
    strapped for cash
    - to have little or no money available
    I am strapped for cash at the moment so I will not be able to go with you on a holiday.
    strike gold
    - to find or do something that makes you rich
    The company was able to strike gold with their new product.

    strike it rich
    - to suddenly become rich or successful
    My grandfather struck it rich when he was young but when he died he had no money.

    take a beating
    - to lose much money
    My friend took a beating on the stock market and has now stopped buying stocks.

    take the money and run
    - to accept what is offered to you before the offer is gone
    I plan to take the money and run as I do not believe that I will get any more money for the settlement of my car accident.

    take up a collection
    - to collect money for something
    We plan to take up a collection for the wife of the dead manager.

    throw good money after bad
    - to waste additional money after already wasting money on something
    I do not want to throw good money after bad so I will not pay any more money to fix my car.

    throw money around
    - to spend a lot of money without worrying if you are wasting it
    The government is throwing much money around as they prepare for the large exhibition.

    throw money at (something)
    - to spend a lot of money for a project or something without thinking about how the money should be spent
    The city plans to throw a lot of money at the project to fix the stadium roof.

    tidy sum of money
    - a rather large amount of money
    I was able to get a tidy sum of money from the sale of my business.

    tighten one`s belt
    - to live on less money than usual
    We decided to tighten our belt and try to save up some money for a holiday.
    tightfisted/closefisted (with money)
    - to be very stingy with money
    My uncle is very tightfisted with money and does not want to spend any at all.

    time is money
    - time is valuable so do not waste it
    Time is money and I do not want to waste time talking to our supervisor because she always wants to argue with me.

    turn on a dime
    - to turn in a very tight turn, to change directions/circumstances in a short time
    The small car is very flexible and is able to turn on a dime.

    two bits
    - twenty-five cents, a quarter of a dollar
    The newspaper cost only two bits a copy.

    two cents (worth)
    - one's comments or opinion
    I gave my two cents worth when my supervisor asked me for my opinion.

    (not) worth a cent/dime/a red cent/a plugged nickel/two cents
    - to be not worth anything, to be not of any value
    The antique desk is not worth a dime although everyone thinks it is very valuable.

    worth its weight in gold
    - to be very valuable
    The new secretary is very smart and she is worth her weight in gold.

    worth one`s salt
    - to be worth what one is paid
    Our secretary is worth her salt and is a great asset to our company.

    cash Idioms

    - selling something for cash only and with no delivery
    We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.
    cash in (something)
    - to exchange coupons or bonds for their value in money
    I cashed in a large number of my savings bonds in order to get some money to buy a car.
    cash in on (something)
    - to make money from an opportunity
    The former basketball player cashed in on his popularity to open a very successful restaurant.
    cash in one`s chips
    - to exchange or sell something to get some money (from the chips used in a poker game)
    I decided to cash in my chips and go back to school.
    cash on the barrelhead
    - money paid in cash when something is bought
    I gave the salesman cash on the barrelhead for the used car.

    cold hard cash
    - cash/coins/bills
    I paid for the stereo in cold hard cash.

    strapped for cash
    - to have little or no money available
    I am strapped for cash at the moment so I will not be able to go with you on a holiday.

    check Idioms

    cut (someone) a check
    - to write a check (usually used for a company which automatically produces a check with a computer)
    The company cut me a check to pay me for my extra work.

    give (someone) a blank check
    - to let someone act as they want or as they think is necessary (like a check that has the amount left blank)
    The police department gave the new committee a blank check to try and solve the homeless problem.

    honor (someone's) check
    - to accept someone's personal check
    The bank refused to honor my check for the apartment rent.

    make a check out to (someone)
    - to write a check with someone's name on it
    I made a check out to the man who repaired my bathroom.

    rain check
    - a promise to repeat an invitation at a later date
    I decided to take a rain check and will go to the restaurant with my friend another time.

    dime Idioms

    a dime a dozen
    - easy to get and therefore of little value
    Used computers are a dime a dozen and have very little value.

    nickel and dime (someone)
    - to charge many small amounts of money (which eventually equal a large amount of money)
    The small repairs on my car are beginning to nickel and dime me.

    on a dime
    - in a very small space
    I had to turn my car on a dime when I entered the parking lot.

    turn on a dime
    - to turn in a very tight turn, to change directions/circumstances in a short time
    The small car is very flexible and is able to turn on a dime.

    (not) worth a dime
    - to be not worth anything, to be not of any value
    The antique desk is not worth a dime although everyone thinks it is very valuable.

    dollar Idioms

    almighty dollar
    - money when it is viewed as more important than anything else
    The man spent most of his life chasing the almighty dollar.

    as phony as a three-dollar bill
    - phony, not genuine
    The man who was asking for donations for the charity was as phony as a three-dollar bill.

    as sound as a dollar
    - very secure and dependable
    The company president believes that his business is as sound as a dollar.

    bet one`s bottom dollar
    - to bet all that one has on something because you are sure that you will win
    I would bet my bottom dollar that the accounting manager will be late again today.

    bottom dollar
    - one`s last dollar
    The man spent his bottom dollar on some new clothes to wear for his job interview.

    dollar for dollar
    - considering the cost
    Dollar for dollar the new hotel is the best bargain in this city for tourists.

    feel like a million dollars/bucks
    - to feel wonderful, to feel well and healthy
    Although I have been sick for a few weeks I feel like a million dollars today.

    look like a million dollars
    - to look very good
    The woman looked like a million dollars when she went to accept the award.

    penny/cent Idioms

    cost a pretty penny
    - to cost a lot of money
    It is going to cost a pretty penny to get my car fixed.

    cut (someone) off without a penny
    - to stop giving someone a regular amount of money, to leave someone no money in a will
    The wealthy businessman cut his son off without a penny when the young man refused to work hard.

    (not) have two cents to rub together
    - to not have much money
    My friend does not have two cents to rub together and he is usually broke.

    pennies from heaven
    - money that you do not expect to get
    The money that I received from the government was like pennies from heaven and I was very happy.

    penny for one`s thoughts
    - a request to tell someone what he or she is thinking about
    "I will give you a penny for your thoughts," I said to my friend who was looking out of the window.

    a penny saved is a penny earned
    - saving money by not spending it is the same as getting money from working
    A penny saved is a penny earned and it is better to be thrifty sometimes than to only work more hours.

    penny-wise and pound foolish
    - to be careful or thrifty in small expenditures but careless or wasteful in large ones
    My friend is penny-wise and pound foolish and she economizes on small things but wastes all of her money on big things.

    pinch pennies
    - to be careful with money, to be thrifty
    My grandmother always pinches pennies and never spends her money foolishly.

    put in one`s two cents (worth)
    - to add one's comments or opinion to a discussion
    I stood up in the meeting and put in my two cents worth before I was asked to sit down.

    red cent
    - a small sum of money
    I would not give a red cent for my neighbor's car.

    two cents (worth)
    - one's comments or opinion
    I gave my two cents worth when my supervisor asked me for my opinion.

    (not) worth a cent/a red cent/two cents
    - to be not worth anything, to be not of any value
    The antique desk is not worth a dime although everyone thinks it is very valuable.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  15. #40
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Mouth & Teeth Idioms


    acquire a taste for (something)
    - to develop a liking for a particular food/drink/or something
    Recently my friend has acquired a taste for expensive neckties.

    armed to the teeth
    - to be fully armed, to have many weapons
    The robbers were armed to the teeth when they robbed the bank.

    as scarce as hen's teeth
    - very scarce or nonexistent
    Cheap apartment rentals are as scarce as hen's teeth in this city.

    bad-mouth (someone or something)
    - to say bad things about someone or something
    The football player began to bad-mouth his coach.

    - a noisy/boastful/foolish talker
    The man is a bigmouth and he is always talking about what he is planning to do.

    bite off more than one can chew
    - to try to do more than you can deal with
    I am trying not to bite off more than I can chew so that I do not overwork myself.

    bite one's tongue
    - to try hard not to say something that you want to say
    I always bite my tongue when I am talking with my sister so that I do not say the wrong thing.

    bite (someone's) head off
    - to speak to someone in an angry way
    My sister bit my head off when I asked her a question.

    bitter pill to swallow
    - an unpleasant fact that you must accept
    It was a bitter pill to swallow but the fact is that we lost the legal case.

    born with a silver spoon in one`s mouth
    - to be born to wealth and comfort, to be born rich
    The boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never worked in his life.

    button one`s lip
    - to stop talking, to be quiet
    "Please button your lip so we can hear what the speaker is saying."

    by the skin of one`s teeth
    - by a narrow margin, barely
    We were able to catch the train but only by the skin of our teeth.

    by word of mouth
    - orally, from person to person by speaking
    I learned about the holiday next week by word of mouth.

    cat get`s one`s tongue
    - one is not willing to talk because of shyness
    The cat got the woman's tongue and she was not able to say anything.

    cause tongues to wag
    - to give people something to gossip or talk about
    The actions of our boss are causing tongues to wag.

    chew (someone) out
    - to scold someone
    The girl began to chew her boyfriend out in the supermarket.

    chew the fat/rag
    - to chat or talk informally with one's friends
    I stopped to chew the fat with an old friend from high school.

    clam up
    - to close one's mouth, to shut up
    The students clammed up when they saw the teacher.

    cough (something) up
    - to produce something (information/money) that someone is trying to force you to produce
    We asked our friend to cough up some money for the restaurant meal.

    cut one's eyeteeth on (something)
    - to have much experience with something, to have done something since one was very young
    My cousin cut his eyeteeth on fixing computers and now he is an expert at it.

    cut one's (own) throat
    - to experience certain failure
    The man cut his own throat when he suddenly quit his job.

    down in the mouth
    - depressed and unhappy
    My friend looked down in the mouth after he finished work yesterday.

    down the hatch
    - something is swallowed
    The cough medicine went down the hatch as soon as I gave it to my little boy.

    eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
    - a system of punishment where you punish someone in the same way that they hurt you
    The citizens wanted an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when they learned about the child's murder.

    fight (someone or something) tooth and nail
    - to fight against someone or something with great energy
    The citizens fought the government tooth and nail over the government plans for the new airport.

    find one's tongue
    - to be able to talk
    The man could not find his tongue when he was asked to speak at the banquet.

    foam at the mouth
    - to be very angry (a sick dog foams at the mouth)
    The girl's father was so angry that he was almost foaming at the mouth.

    force (something) down (someone's) throat
    - to force someone to do or agree to something that he or she does not want
    I wish that my friend would not force her ideas down my throat.

    give one's eye teeth (to do something)
    - to want to do something very much
    The little boy would give his eye teeth to have a little puppy.

    give (someone) a tongue-lashing
    - to give someone a severe scolding
    The mother gave her daughter a tongue-lashing when she got home from school.

    give voice to (something)
    - to speak out about something
    The small organization gives voice to many of the poor people in the city.

    gnash one's teeth
    - to grind one's teeth
    I often gnash my teeth when I am sleeping.

    grit one's teeth
    - to grind one's teeth together in anger or from stress or determination
    I grit my teeth and began to clean up after the students' party.

    guard one's tongue
    - to be careful of what one says
    I always have to guard my tongue when I am speaking with my friend's parents.

    have a big mouth
    - to be a person who gossips or tells secrets
    The woman has a big mouth and can never keep a secret.

    have a say/voice (in something)
    - to have a part in making a decision
    I want to have a say in the decision of whether or not we must begin to work in the evenings.

    have a sweet tooth
    - to like to eat sweet foods
    The girl has a sweet tooth and she loves chocolate.

    hold one`s tongue
    - to be silent, to not talk
    "Please hold your tongue," the teacher said to the young boy.

    keep a civil tongue
    - to speak decently and politely
    I tried to keep a civil tongue during my argument with the store clerk.

    keep a stiff upper lip
    - to be brave, to face trouble bravely
    We tried to keep a stiff upper lip when the company announced that they would close our office.

    keep one`s mouth shut
    - to be/stay silent
    I tried hard to keep my mouth shut during the boring speech.

    laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
    - to change from being happy to being sad
    The woman was laughing out of the other side of her mouth when she learned that she would not be promoted.

    leave a bad taste in one`s mouth
    - to leave a bad feeling or memory with someone
    The way that the company treated us left a bad taste in our mouth.

    lick one's chops
    - to show one's eagerness to do something or eat something (by licking one's lips)
    The salesman began to lick his chops when he saw the potential customers at the business convention.

    lick one's lips
    - to show eagerness to do something or eat something
    The little boy began to lick his lips when he saw the candy in the window.

    lie through one's teeth
    - to lie in a bold manner
    The man in the restaurant began to lie through his teeth during the criminal investigation.

    like pulling teeth
    - to be very difficult to do
    It was like pulling teeth to try and get the boy to lend us his bicycle.

    lips are sealed
    - one will not tell a secret
    My lips are sealed and I will not tell anybody the secret.

    live from hand to mouth
    - to live in poor circumstances, to have little money
    The man has been living from hand to mouth for many years now.

    long in the tooth
    - old
    The man was feeling a little long in the tooth and he did not have much energy.

    loosen (someone's) tongue
    - to relax someone and make them say something that they normally would not say
    I went to the coffee shop with my friend where I tried to loosen his tongue.

    - a noisy/boastful/foolish talker
    My friend is a loudmouth and he is always making plans but he never does anything with them.

    lower one's voice
    - to speak more softly
    The teacher asked the student to lower his voice.

    make one`s mouth water
    - to make someone want to eat or drink something that one sees or smells
    The smell of the fish cooking in the restaurant made my mouth water.

    melt in one`s mouth
    - to taste very good, to be very tender (for meat)
    The pasta served at the new restaurant melted in our mouths.

    no skin off (someone's) teeth
    - of no interest/concern/trouble to someone
    It is no skin off my teeth whether my friend come's to the restaurant with us or not.

    not open one's mouth
    - to not say anything at all
    The man in the movie theater was told not to open his mouth at all.

    on everybody's lips
    - many people are talking or thinking about the same thing
    The wedding scandal with the famous actress is on everybody's lips.

    on the tip of one`s tongue
    - almost able to remember something that you have forgotten
    My former teacher's name is on the tip of my tongue and I will soon remember it.

    pay lip service to (someone or something)
    - to support someone or something by words but not by actions
    The politician paid lip service to the proposal to build a new subway system but he did not really want one.

    pull (someone's) tooth out
    - to take someone's tooth out (usually done by a dentist)
    I went to the dentist so he could pull my tooth out.

    put one`s foot in one`s mouth
    - to get into trouble by saying something embarrassing or rude
    My colleague put his foot in his mouth when he told everyone that he did not like the new manager.

    put one's money where one's mouth is
    - to stop saying that you will do something and actually do it
    The man always talks about helping other people but he never does anything. We finally told him to put his money where his mouth is and do something.

    put some teeth into (something)
    - to increase the power of something
    The government finally put some teeth into the new law.

    put the bite on (someone)
    - to try to get money from someone
    I plan to put the bite on my friend in order to get some money for the weekend.

    put words into (someone`s) mouth
    - to speak for another person without permission
    My boss put words into my mouth when he told me what he thought I wanted to do.

    ram (something) down (someone's) throat
    - to force someone to do or agree to something that they do not want
    The lawyer rammed the settlement down my throat even though I was not happy with it.

    read (someone's) lips
    - to listen carefully and believe what someone is saying
    The supervisor told everybody to read his lips and listen carefully to what he was saying.

    run off at the mouth
    - to talk excessively
    The girl is always running off at the mouth when she is with her friends.

    say a mouthful
    - to say something of great importance or meaning, to say a lot
    The little boy said a mouthful when he talked about the history material.

    set one's teeth on edge
    - to be unpleasant and to give one an uncomfortable feeling
    The idea that we would have to leave our apartment immediately set my teeth on edge.

    set tongues wagging
    - to cause people to start gossiping
    The things that the woman does during her free time always sets tongues wagging at the office.

    a sharp tongue
    - a way of talking/speaking to others that is unkind/bad/critical
    The woman has a sharp tongue and she says some very unkind things to others.

    shoot one's mouth off
    - to talk too much, to boast, to tell someone's secrets
    The young man began to shoot his mouth off in the supermarket.

    shove (something) down (someone`s) throat
    - to force someone to do or agree to something that is not wanted
    I do not like him because he is always trying to shove his ideas down my throat.

    show one's teeth
    - to show one's anger or strength as a warning to someone not to argue or fight with you
    Our supervisor showed his teeth when I began to argue with him about my job.

    Shut your mouth!
    - Please be quiet and close your mouth!
    "Shut your mouth," I said to the man talking loudly in the library.

    sink one`s teeth into (something)
    - to have something real or solid to think about or struggle with, to take a bite from some kind of food
    I was finally able to sink my teeth into the problem and find a solution.
    I sank my teeth into the apple and took a bite.

    slip of the tongue
    - a mistake of saying something that one did not want to say, an error of speech
    I made a slip of the tongue when I told the unpopular woman that we will have a party soon.

    speak with a forked tongue
    - to tell lies, to try to deceive someone
    The man speaks with a forked tongue and you cannot believe what he says.

    straight from the horse's mouth
    - direct from a source that has authority and is dependable
    I heard about the party straight from the horse's mouth.

    take the words out of (someone`s) mouth
    - to say what someone else was just going to say
    My friend took the words out of my mouth when he said that he wanted to get something to eat.

    teething problems
    - difficulties and problems experienced in the early stages of a project/activity
    The project has many teething problems that we must deal with.

    throw one's voice
    - to project one's voice so that it appears to be coming from some other place
    The performer likes to throw his voice when he entertains children.

    tongue in cheek
    - jokingly, insincerely, mockingly, not really meaning something
    The comment by our teacher was tongue in cheek and she did not mean it.

    tooth and nail
    - fiercely, (fighting) as hard as possible
    We fought tooth and nail to build the new wing of the hospital.

    watch one's mouth/tongue
    - to not say something, to not be rude
    The boy was told by his teacher to watch his tongue.

    zip one's lip
    - to not talk, to not tell a secret
    I told my friend to zip his lip and stop arguing with me.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  16. #41
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Number Idioms

    - combined, all the necessary features of something in one unit
    Many DVD players have a recording and playing function all-in-one.

    all in one breath
    - spoken rapidly while one is very excited
    I told my friend about the accident all in one breath.

    all in one piece
    - safely, without damage
    The piano arrived at its destination all in one piece.

    all rolled up in one
    - combined in one person or thing
    The man is president and vice-president all rolled up in one.

    as busy as a one-armed paperhanger
    - very busy
    I was as busy as a one-armed paperhanger during the last two weeks.

    as one
    - as if a group were one person
    The crowd stood as one and began to cheer during the game.

    as phony as a three-dollar bill
    - phony, not genuine
    The woman's excuses are as phony as a three-dollar bill and I do not believe any of them.

    at first
    - initially, at the beginning
    At first we had no plans for the weekend but finally we decided to go to a movie.

    at one time
    - at a time in the past
    At one time the man had no money but now he is very rich.

    at one with (someone)
    - to share the same view as others, to be in agreement with others
    The members of the committee are at one with me over my decision to cancel the meeting.

    at sixes and sevens
    - in a state of confusion
    The workers were at sixes and sevens after the announcement that the company was going out of business.

    at the eleventh hour
    - at the last possible moment
    At the eleventh hour the city and the garbage collectors settled their contract dispute.

    back to square one
    - back to where one started
    We were forced to go back to square one in our efforts to change the name of the company.

    bat a thousand
    - to be extremely successful at something
    Recently, I have been batting a thousand in my attempts to sell the new product.

    by the dozen
    - twelve at a time, in a group of twelve
    The children were eating the donuts by the dozen.

    by the dozens
    - many, by a large number
    The fans came by the dozens to see the famous athlete.

    cast the first stone
    - to be the first to criticize or attack someone
    I told my friend that he should be careful not to cast the first stone in an argument.

    catch forty winks
    - to take a nap, to get some sleep
    I drove all night until I was very tired so I decided to stop and catch forty winks.

    cut both/two ways
    - to be capable of having two opposite effects, to produce advantages and disadvantages
    My decision to complain to our boss could cut two ways and cause him to be happy or angry with me.

    deep-six (someone or something)
    - to get rid of or dispose of someone or something
    I decided to deep-six some of the old comics that I had collected.

    dime a dozen
    - cheap and common, lots of something
    Used paperback books are a dime a dozen at the used bookstore.

    divide (something) fifty-fifty
    - to divide something into two equal parts
    We decided to divide the money that we earned fifty-fifty.

    do a number on (someone or something)
    - to damage or harm someone or something
    The young man did a number on the car that he borrowed from his uncle.

    do (someone) one better
    - to do something superior to what someone else has done
    I decided to do my friend one better and volunteer for three weeks rather than two weeks.

    dressed to the nines
    - to be dressed in one's best clothes
    The woman at the concert was dressed to the nines.

    eleventh-hour decision
    - a decision that is made at the last possible minute
    The sport's federation made an eleventh-hour decision about suspending the star player.

    every once in a while
    - occasionally, infrequently
    Every once in a while I try and play tennis with my friend.

    feel like a million (bucks/dollars)
    - to feel great, to feel well and healthy
    I feel like a million dollars today and I plan to go swimming.

    (I/you/he) for one
    - as one example, even if the only one
    I for one do not believe that our boss will change the company policy related to new staff.

    for one thing
    - for one reason (among others)
    "It is not possible to use the old building. For one thing it will not pass a fire inspection."

    forty winks
    - a short sleep during the day
    When I arrived home I lay down and had forty winks.

    get (someone's) number
    - to find out someone's telephone number
    I plan to get the man's number from one of his friends.

    get the third degree
    - to be questioned in great detail about something
    When the boy returned from school he got the third degree from his mother.

    Give me five!
    - Hit me with your hand to show that you are happy about something.
    "Give me five!" I said after I scored a goal in the game.

    give (someone) the third degree
    - to question someone in great detail about something
    The policeman gave the young man the third degree when they saw him on the street.

    give three cheers for (someone)
    - to give praise or approval to someone who has done well
    The crowd gave three cheers to the team after they won the final game.

    go fifty-fifty (on something)
    - to divide the cost of something in half
    I decided to go fifty-fifty on a new camera with my friend.

    have one too many
    - have too much alcohol to drink
    The man had one too many so his friends would not let him drive home.

    have (someone's) number
    - to get the key information to be able to understand someone
    "I have that man's number. He is a liar and cannot be trusted."

    have two strikes against (someone)
    - to have a number of things that are working against you and where success becomes more difficult (in baseball you are finished batting after three strikes)
    The man already had two strikes against him when he went to apply for the job.

    hole in one
    - a golf ball that is hit into the hole with only one shot
    The golfer got a hole in one during his first round of golf.

    hundred and one
    - very many
    I can think of a hundred and one reasons why the new employee is not capable of doing his job.

    hundred to one chance/shot
    - a small chance that is not likely to bring success
    My friend only has a hundred to one shot at getting the job that he has applied for.

    in one ear and out the other
    - ignored, not listened to or not heard
    The teacher told the students about their homework but it went in one ear and out the other.

    in one fell swoop
    - in one incident, as one event
    In one fell swoop my friend got a new car, a new job and a new girlfriend.

    in round figures/numbers
    - an estimated number, a number that has been rounded off to an easier/shorter number
    The mechanic told us in round figures how much it will cost to fix our car.

    in two minds about (something)
    - to be undecided about something
    My niece is in two minds about whether or not she will visit me this summer.

    in two shakes of a lamb's tail
    - very quickly
    "Wait one minute. I will help you in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

    it takes two to tango
    - if a problem or an argument involve two people then both people are responsible for the problem
    It takes two to tango and my friend should not blame me for all of our problems.

    kill two birds with one stone
    - to achieve two aims with one effort or action
    If I take the course now I may be able to kill two birds with one stone and receive credit for it in the future as well.

    know a trick or two
    - to know a special way to deal with a problem
    My father knows a trick or two about making model boats.

    lesser of the two
    - the smaller of two things, the one with the least amount
    I ordered the food and when the two plates arrived I took the lesser of the two.

    lesser of two evils
    - the less bad thing of two bad things
    I did not want to take the job but it was the lesser of two evils because having no job was even worse.

    like two peas in a pod
    - very close or intimate, very similar
    The two girls are like two peas in a pod and are very good friends.

    look after number one
    - to only look after or think about oneself
    My neighbor only looks after number one and he will not help me at all.

    look like a million dollars
    - look very good
    My mother looked like a million dollars when she left the hospital.

    million and one
    - very many
    There were a million and one things to do at the festival.

    million dollar question
    - an important but difficult question
    The million dollar question is whether we should buy a new computer or not.

    million miles away
    - to not be paying attention to something, to be distracted and daydreaming
    I was a million miles away and I did not hear anything that the teacher said.

    nine-day wonder
    - someone or something who briefly attracts a lot of attention
    The man was a nine-day wonder but he was soon forgotten by most people at his former company.

    nine times out of ten
    - almost always
    Nine times out of ten if you have a computer problem it is something small that can be easily fixed.

    nine-to-five attitude
    - an attitude towards work where someone does not do anything beyond the minimum that is required of him or her
    The man has a nine-to-five attitude and he is not doing very well as a salesperson in his company.

    nine-to-five job
    - a routine job in an office that involves standard office hours (usually 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM)
    My father always worked at a nine-to-five job.

    no two ways about (something)
    - no alternative, certain
    The manager said that there are no two ways about it and the worker must improve or he will be fired.

    not give two hoots about (someone or something)
    - to not care at all about someone or something
    I do not give two hoots if my friend comes to visit me or not.

    not one iota
    - not even a tiny bit
    "I do not like him - not one iota."

    not touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole
    - to not want to be involved with someone or something under any circumstances
    I would not touch that problem with a ten-foot pole.

    a number of (things or people)
    - some things, some people
    A number of people complained about the food in the restaurant.

    number one
    - oneself
    My friend only thinks about number one and never about anybody else.

    on all fours
    - on one's hands and knees
    The man was on all fours looking for his car keys.

    on cloud nine
    - very happy about something
    My sister has been on cloud nine since she won the money in the contest.

    on the one hand
    - from one point of view or opinion
    On the one hand I do not want to go to the conference but on the other hand I really must go.

    once in a while
    - occasionally, infrequently
    We only go to that small Mexican restaurant once in a while.

    one after another
    - one thing or person follows another
    The customers came one after another to look at the new computer operating system.

    one and all
    - everyone
    One and all were invited to the party.

    one and only
    - the only person or thing, unique
    Our university has the one and only medical imaging system in the country.

    one and the same
    - exactly the same
    Doing my job at home or at the company is one and the same to me and to my company.

    one at a time
    - individually
    The children went to the front of the classroom one at a time.

    one by one
    - individually, one at a time
    The children entered the school building one by one.

    one for the (record) books
    - a record-breaking act
    The athlete's performance in the race was one for the record books.

    one for the road
    - one last drink (usually of alcohol) before one leaves for home
    We decided to stay at the party and have one for the road before taking a taxi home.

    one good turn deserves another
    - if someone helps you then you should help them in return
    One good turn deserves another so I was happy to help my friend move after he had helped me.

    one heck/hell of a (someone or something)
    - the emphasis that someone or something is very good or very bad
    The man is one heck of a runner and he has won many races.

    one in a hundred
    - one among one hundred of something
    About one in a hundred of the products are defective.

    one in a million
    - unique, one of a very few
    Our coach is one in a million. He is fantastic.

    one in a thousand
    - one out of one thousand
    The chance of getting the job is about one in a thousand.

    one jump/step ahead of (someone or something)
    - one step in advance of someone or something
    My boss is always one jump ahead of the rest of the employees.

    One man's meat is another man's poison.
    - something that one person likes may not be liked by another person
    One man's meat is another man's poison and everybody dislikes the food that my friend likes.

    a one-night stand
    - an activity that lasts only one night
    The rock band played several one-night stands last month.

    One person's trash is another person's treasure.
    - something that one person considers of no value may be considered valuable by somebody else
    One person's trash is another person's treasure and my friend likes to look at my old things before I put them in the garbage.

    one of the boys
    - an accepted member of a group
    Our boss tries to be one of the boys but actually nobody likes him.

    one of these days
    - soon, before long, someday
    One of these days they plan to open a new movie theater but we have already been waiting many years.

    one of those days
    - a bad day where many things go wrong
    It was one of those days and from early morning things went wrong.

    one of those things
    - something is unfortunate but it must be accepted
    My aunt's sudden illness is one of those things and there is nothing we can do about it.

    one or two
    - a few, a small number
    There were only one or two people at the meeting so it was postponed until later.

    one sandwich short of a picnic
    - not very smart
    The janitor is one sandwich short of a picnic and he makes many mistakes.

    the one that got away
    - a fish that you did not catch, an opportunity that you missed
    My father said that he has caught many fish but the biggest one was the one that got away.

    one thing leads to another
    - doing one thing or one event will set the stage for something else
    One thing led to another and suddenly it was too late to catch the bus home.

    one to a customer
    - each person can receive only one of something
    The items were sold at only one to a customer.

    one up on (someone)
    - to have an advantage over someone
    I am one up on my friend because he is still looking for a job while I have already found one.

    one way or another
    - somehow
    One way or another I will phone my friend this evening.

    one's days are numbered
    - someone is facing death or dismissal from something
    The salesman has made many mistakes and his days are numbered at work.

    one's lucky number comes up
    - someone is lucky or has good fortune
    My lucky number finally came up and I was chosen to go to Los Angeles to represent our company at the conference.

    one's number is up
    - something bad will happen to someone
    I think that the manager's number is up and he will soon be fired from his job.

    one's opposite number
    - someone who has the same position as oneself in another company or organization
    I spoke with my opposite number in the other company but we could not finalize the sale.

    put in one's two cent's (worth)
    - to add one's comments to a discussion
    I decided not to put in my two cents worth to the discussion about money.

    put two and two together
    - to make a correct guess, to figure something out from the information that you have
    We were able to put two and two together and discover who was sending the unwanted messages.

    quick one
    - a single drink of alcohol taken before one does something else
    We stopped for a quick one on the way home from work.

    round off a number
    - to change a number to the next higher or lower whole number
    The number was 4.4972 but we rounded it off to 4.5.

    seventh heaven
    - a situation of great happiness
    The woman has been in seventh heaven since she moved to the new department.

    six feet under
    - dead and buried
    My uncle has been six feet under for over five years now.

    six of one and half a dozen of the other
    - there is little difference between two things/situations
    "Whatever you do is no problem for me. It is six of one and half a dozen of the other."

    sixth sense
    - a power to know or feel that things are beyond the five senses of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch
    The woman has a sixth sense and she seems to know what everyone is thinking.

    split (something) fifty-fifty
    - to split/divide something into two equal parts
    We split the profits from our business fifty-fifty.

    stand on one's own two feet
    - to be independent and self-sufficient
    The boy learned early how to stand on his own two feet.

    a stitch in time saves nine
    - any damage or mistake should be corrected immediately in order to prevent it from getting worse
    "You should repair your car before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine."

    take care of number one
    - to only think about or take care of oneself
    The man takes care of number one and never thinks about anyone else.

    take five
    - to take one brief (about five minutes) rest period
    The city workers stopped to take five after working hard all morning.

    tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
    - to scold someone, to become angry at someone
    I plan to tell my neighbor a thing or two about his dog when I see him.

    ten to one
    - very likely
    I think that ten to one our secretary will come to work late again today.

    That makes two of us.
    - The same thing is true for me.
    "I do not want to go to the meeting."
    "That makes two of us," I replied.

    there is more than one way to skin a cat
    - there is more than one way to do something
    There is more than one way to skin a cat and my friend and I decided to solve the problem in two different ways.

    think twice (before doing something)
    - to consider carefully whether one should do something
    I told my cousin to think twice before he decides to quit his job.

    thousand and one
    - very many
    I can think of a thousand and one reasons why I do not want to travel with my friend.

    three R's
    - the three basic skills in school - reading, (w)riting, (a)rithmetic
    Many people believe that teaching the three R's is the most important role for schools.

    three sheets to the wind
    - drunk
    The man walked down the street with three sheets to the wind.

    two bricks shy of a load
    - to be not very smart or clever
    The man is two bricks shy of a load and he is very hard to deal with.

    two can play that game
    - you can treat another person in the same way as they have treated you
    The man told his boss that two can play that game and if the boss was too strict then he would be inflexible as well.

    two heads are better than one
    - two people working together can achieve better results than one person working alone
    Two heads are better than one when you are trying to solve a difficult problem.

    two of a kind
    - people or things that are of the same type or are similar in character/attitude etc.
    The boys are two of a kind and they love to spend time together.

    two-time (someone)
    - to cheat on one's partner by seeing someone else
    The couple separated when the man began to two-time his wife.

    two wrongs don't make a right
    - you cannot justify doing something wrong or bad just because someone else did the same thing to you
    Two wrongs don't make a right and if someone does something bad you should not try and hurt them as well.

    two's company, three's a crowd
    - two people (usually a couple on a date) are happier when nobody else is around
    My friend wanted to come with my girlfriend and I but I told him that two's company and three's a crowd so he stayed home.

    one Idioms

    - combined, all the necessary features of something in one unit
    Many DVD players have a recording and playing function all-in-one.

    all in one breath
    - spoken rapidly while one is very excited
    I told my friend about the accident all in one breath.

    all in one piece
    - safely, without damage
    The piano arrived at its destination all in one piece.

    all rolled up in one
    - combined in one person or thing
    The man is president and vice-president all rolled up in one.

    as busy as a one-armed paperhanger
    - very busy
    I was as busy as a one-armed paperhanger during the last two weeks.

    as one
    - as if a group were one person
    The crowd stood as one and began to cheer during the game.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  17. #42
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Number Idioms

    at one time
    - at a time in the past
    At one time the man had no money but now he is very rich.

    at one with (someone)
    - to share the same view as others, to be in agreement with others
    The members of the committee are at one with me over my decision to cancel the meeting.

    back to square one
    - back to where one started
    We were forced to go back to square one in our efforts to change the name of the company.

    do (someone) one better
    - to do something superior to what someone else has done
    I decided to do my friend one better and volunteer for three weeks rather than two weeks.

    (I/you/he) for one
    - as one example, even if the only one
    I for one do not believe that our boss will change the company policy related to new staff.

    for one thing
    - for one reason (among others)
    "It is not possible to use the old building. For one thing it will not pass a fire inspection."

    have one too many
    - have too much alcohol to drink
    The man had one too many so his friends would not let him drive home.

    hole in one
    - a golf ball that is hit into the hole with only one shot
    The golfer got a hole in one during his first round of golf.

    hundred and one
    - very many
    I can think of a hundred and one reasons why the new employee is not capable of doing his job.

    hundred to one chance/shot
    - a small chance that is not likely to bring success
    My friend only has a hundred to one shot at getting the job that he has applied for.

    in one ear and out the other
    - ignored, not listened to or not heard
    The teacher told the students about their homework but it went in one ear and out the other.

    in one fell swoop
    - in one incident, as one event
    In one fell swoop my friend got a new car, a new job and a new girlfriend.

    kill two birds with one stone
    - to achieve two aims with one effort or action
    If I take the course now I may be able to kill two birds with one stone and receive credit for it in the future as well.

    look after number one
    - to only look after or think about oneself
    My neighbor only looks after number one and he will not help me at all.

    million and one
    - very many
    There were a million and one things to do at the festival.

    not one iota
    - not even a tiny bit
    "I do not like him - not one iota."

    on the one hand
    - from one point of view or opinion
    On the one hand I do not want to go to the conference but on the other hand I really must go.

    one after another
    - one thing or person follows another
    The customers came one after another to look at the new computer operating system.

    one and all
    - everyone
    One and all were invited to the party.

    one and only
    - the only person or thing, unique
    Our university has the one and only medical imaging system in the country.

    one and the same
    - exactly the same
    Doing my job at home or at the company is one and the same to me and to my company.

    one at a time
    - individually
    The children went to the front of the classroom one at a time.

    one by one
    - individually, one at a time
    The children entered the school building one by one.

    one for the (record) books
    - a record-breaking act
    The athlete's performance in the race was one for the record books.

    one for the road
    - one last drink (usually of alcohol) before one leaves for home
    We decided to stay at the party and have one for the road before taking a taxi home.

    one good turn deserves another
    - if someone helps you then you should help them in return
    One good turn deserves another so I was happy to help my friend move after he had helped me.

    one heck/hell of a (someone or something)
    - the emphasis that someone or something is very good or very bad
    The man is one heck of a runner and he has won many races.

    one in a hundred
    - one among one hundred of something
    About one in a hundred of the products are defective.

    one in a million
    - unique, one of a very few
    Our coach is one in a million. He is fantastic.

    one in a thousand
    - one out of one thousand
    The chance of getting the job is about one in a thousand.

    one jump/step ahead of (someone or something)
    - one step in advance of someone or something
    My boss is always one jump ahead of the rest of the employees.

    One man's meat is another man's poison.
    - something that one person likes may not be liked by another person
    One man's meat is another man's poison and everybody dislikes the food that my friend likes.

    a one-night stand
    - an activity that lasts only one night
    The rock band played several one-night stands last month.

    One person's trash is another person's treasure.
    - something that one person considers of no value may be considered valuable by somebody else
    One person's trash is another person's treasure and my friend likes to look at my old things before I put them in the garbage.

    one of the boys
    - an accepted member of a group
    Our boss tries to be one of the boys but actually nobody likes him.

    one of these days
    - soon, before long, someday
    One of these days they plan to open a new movie theater but we have already been waiting many years.

    one of those days
    - a bad day where many things go wrong
    It was one of those days and from early morning things went wrong.

    one of those things
    - something is unfortunate but it must be accepted
    My aunt's sudden illness is one of those things and there is nothing we can do about it.

    one or two
    - a few, a small number
    There were only one or two people at the meeting so it was postponed until later.

    one sandwich short of a picnic
    - not very smart
    The janitor is one sandwich short of a picnic and he makes many mistakes.

    the one that got away
    - a fish that you did not catch, an opportunity that you missed
    My father said that he has caught many fish but the biggest one was the one that got away.

    one thing leads to another
    - doing one thing or one event will set the stage for something else
    One thing led to another and suddenly it was too late to catch the bus home.

    one to a customer
    - each person can receive only one of something
    The items were sold at only one to a customer.

    one up on (someone)
    - to have an advantage over someone
    I am one up on my friend because he is still looking for a job while I have already found one.

    one way or another
    - somehow
    One way or another I will phone my friend this evening.

    quick one
    - a single drink of alcohol taken before one does something else
    We stopped for a quick one on the way home from work.

    take care of number one
    - to only think about or take care of oneself
    The man takes care of number one and never thinks about anyone else.

    number one
    - oneself
    My friend only thinks about number one and never about anybody else.

    ten to one
    - very likely
    I think that ten to one our secretary will come to work late again today.

    there is more than one way to skin a cat
    - there is more than one way to do something
    There is more than one way to skin a cat and my friend and I decided to solve the problem in two different ways.

    thousand and one
    - very many
    I can think of a thousand and one reasons why I do not want to travel with my friend.

    two heads are better than one
    - two people working together can achieve better results than one person working alone
    Two heads are better than one when you are trying to solve a difficult problem.

    two Idioms

    cut two ways
    - to be capable of having two opposite effects, to produce advantages and disadvantages
    My decision to complain to our boss could cut two ways and cause him to be happy or angry with me.

    have two strikes against (someone)
    - to have a number of things that are working against you and where success becomes more difficult (in baseball you are finished batting after three strikes)
    The man already had two strikes against him when he went to apply for the job.

    in two minds about (something)
    - to be undecided about something
    My niece is in two minds about whether or not she will visit me this summer.

    in two shakes of a lamb's tail
    - very quickly
    "Wait one minute. I will help you in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

    it takes two to tango
    - if a problem or an argument involve two people then both people are responsible for the problem
    It takes two to tango and my friend should not blame me for all of our problems.

    kill two birds with one stone
    - to achieve two aims with one effort or action
    If I take the course now I may be able to kill two birds with one stone and receive credit for it in the future as well.

    know a trick or two
    - to know a special way to deal with a problem
    My father knows a trick or two about making model boats.

    lesser of the two
    - the smaller of two things, the one with the least amount
    I ordered the food and when the two plates arrived I took the lesser of the two.

    lesser of two evils
    - the less bad thing of two bad things
    I did not want to take the job but it was the lesser of two evils because having no job was even worse.

    like two peas in a pod
    - very close or intimate, very similar
    The two girls are like two peas in a pod and are very good friends.

    no two ways about (something)
    - no alternative, certain
    The manager said that there are no two ways about it and the worker must improve or he will be fired.

    not give two hoots about (someone or something)
    - to not care at all about someone or something
    I do not give two hoots if my friend comes to visit me or not.

    one or two
    - a few, a small number
    There were only one or two people at the meeting so it was postponed until later.

    put in one's two cent's (worth)
    - to add one's comments to a discussion
    I decided not to put in my two cents worth to the discussion about money.

    put two and two together
    - to make a correct guess, to figure something out from the information that you have
    We were able to put two and two together and discover who was sending the unwanted messages.

    stand on one's own two feet
    - to be independent and self-sufficient
    The boy learned early how to stand on his own two feet.

    tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
    - to scold someone, to become angry at someone
    I plan to tell my neighbor a thing or two about his dog when I see him.

    That makes two of us.
    - The same thing is true for me.
    "I do not want to go to the meeting."
    "That makes two of us," I replied.

    two bricks shy of a load
    - to be not very smart or clever
    The man is two bricks shy of a load and he is very hard to deal with.

    two can play that game
    - you can treat another person in the same way as they have treated you
    The man told his boss that two can play that game and if the boss was too strict then he would be inflexible as well.

    two heads are better than one
    - two people working together can achieve better results than one person working alone
    Two heads are better than one when you are trying to solve a difficult problem.

    two of a kind
    - people or things that are of the same type or are similar in character/attitude etc.
    The boys are two of a kind and they love to spend time together.

    two-time (someone)
    - to cheat on one's partner by seeing someone else
    The couple separated when the man began to two-time his wife.

    two wrongs don't make a right
    - you cannot justify doing something wrong or bad just because someone else did the same thing to you
    Two wrongs don't make a right and if someone does something bad you should not try and hurt them as well.

    two's company, three's a crowd
    - two people (usually a couple on a date) are happier when nobody else is around
    My friend wanted to come with my girlfriend and I but I told him that two's company and three's a crowd so he stayed home.

    three Idioms

    as phony as a three-dollar bill
    - phony, not genuine
    The woman's excuses are as phony as a three-dollar bill and I do not believe any of them.

    give three cheers for (someone)
    - to give praise or approval to someone who has done well
    The crowd gave three cheers to the team after they won the final game.

    three R's
    - the three basic skills in school - reading, (w)riting, (a)rithmetic
    Many people believe that teaching the three R's is the most important role for schools.

    three sheets to the wind
    - drunk
    The man walked down the street with three sheets to the wind.

    two's company, three's a crowd
    - two people (usually a couple on a date) are happier when nobody else is around
    My friend wanted to come with my girlfriend and I but I told him that two's company and three's a crowd so he stayed home.

    five Idioms

    Give me five!
    - Hit me with your hand to show that you are happy about something.
    "Give me five!" I said after I scored a goal in the game.

    nine-to-five attitude
    - an attitude towards work where someone does not do anything beyond the minimum that is required of him or her
    The man has a nine-to-five attitude and he is not doing very well as a salesperson in his company.

    nine-to-five job
    - a routine job in an office that involves standard office hours (usually 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM)
    My father always worked at a nine-to-five job.

    take five
    - to take one brief (about five minutes) rest period
    The city workers stopped to take five after working hard all morning.

    six Idioms

    at sixes and sevens
    - in a state of confusion
    The workers were at sixes and sevens after the announcement that the company was going out of business.

    deep-six (someone or something)
    - to get rid of or dispose of someone or something
    I decided to deep-six some of the old comics that I had collected.

    six feet under
    - dead and buried
    My uncle has been six feet under for over five years now.

    six of one and half a dozen of the other
    - there is little difference between two things/situations
    "Whatever you do is no problem for me. It is six of one and half a dozen of the other."

    nine Idioms

    dressed to the nines
    - to be dressed in one's best clothes
    The woman at the concert was dressed to the nines.

    nine-day wonder
    - someone or something who briefly attracts a lot of attention
    The man was a nine-day wonder but he was soon forgotten by most people at his former company.

    nine times out of ten
    - almost always
    Nine times out of ten if you have a computer problem it is something small that can be easily fixed.

    nine-to-five attitude
    - an attitude towards work where someone does not do anything beyond the minimum that is required of him or her
    The man has a nine-to-five attitude and he is not doing very well as a salesperson in his company.

    nine-to-five job
    - a routine job in an office that involves standard office hours (usually 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM)
    My father always worked at a nine-to-five job.

    on cloud nine
    - very happy about something
    My sister has been on cloud nine since she won the money in the contest.

    a stitch in time saves nine
    - any damage or mistake should be corrected immediately in order to prevent it from getting worse
    "You should repair your car before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine."

    million Idioms

    feel like a million (bucks/dollars)
    - to feel great, to feel well and healthy
    I feel like a million dollars today and I plan to go swimming.

    look like a million dollars
    - look very good
    My mother looked like a million dollars when she left the hospital.

    million and one
    - very many
    There were a million and one things to do at the festival.

    million dollar question
    - an important but difficult question
    The million dollar question is whether we should buy a new computer or not.

    million miles away
    - to not be paying attention to something, to be distracted and daydreaming
    I was a million miles away and I did not hear anything that the teacher said.

    one in a million
    - unique, one of a very few
    Our coach is one in a million. He is fantastic.

    number Idioms

    do a number on (someone or something)
    - to damage or harm someone or something
    The young man did a number on the car that he borrowed from his uncle.

    get (someone's) number
    - to find out someone's telephone number
    I plan to get the man's number from one of his friends.

    have (someone's) number
    - to get the key information to be able to understand someone
    "I have that man's number. He is a liar and cannot be trusted."

    in round figures/numbers
    - an estimated number, a number that has been rounded off to an easier/shorter number
    The mechanic told us in round figures how much it will cost to fix our car.

    look after number one
    - to only look after or think about oneself
    My neighbor only looks after number one and he will not help me at all.

    a number of (things or people)
    - some things, some people
    A number of people complained about the food in the restaurant.

    number one
    - oneself
    My friend only thinks about number one and never about anybody else.

    one's days are numbered
    - someone is facing death or dismissal from something
    The salesman has made many mistakes and his days are numbered at work.

    one's lucky number comes up
    - someone is lucky or has good fortune
    My lucky number finally came up and I was chosen to go to Los Angeles to represent our company at the conference.

    one's number is up
    - something bad will happen to someone

    I think that the manager's number is up and he will soon be fired from his job.

    one's opposite number
    - someone who has the same position as oneself in another company or organization
    I spoke with my opposite number in the other company but we could not finalize the sale.

    round off a number
    - to change a number to the next higher or lower whole number
    The number was 4.4972 but we rounded it off to 4.5.

    take care of number one
    - to only think about or take care of oneself
    The man takes care of number one and never thinks about anyone else.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  18. #43
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Relationship & Love

    ask for someone's hand in marriage
    - ask someone to marry you
    After dating his girlfriend for several years he finally asked for her hand in marriage.

    attracted to (someone)
    - feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone
    I was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.

    blind date
    - a date where the two people have never met before
    I went on a blind date in university but it did not work out very well.

    break someone's heart
    - cause someone emotional pain
    The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he was no longer in love with her.

    break up
    - end a relationship
    They broke up after dating for more than three years.

    crazy about (someone)
    - think that another person is wonderful
    My cousin has been crazy about the bank manager for many months now.

    date someone
    - go on or have a date with someone
    My sister has been dating her boyfriend for over two years now.

    dig someone
    - like someone a lot (dig someone is not a commonly used idiom now)
    She really digs the boy in her chemistry class.

    double date
    - a date where two couples get together to do something
    It was a good idea to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different.

    dump someone
    - end a relationship by telling someone that you don't want to see him or her
    The woman dumped her boyfriend after they began to have many fights.

    fall for (someone)
    - fall in love with someone
    She always seems to fall for the wrong person and is never happy.

    fall in love (with someone)
    - begin to feel love for someone
    He fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later.

    find Mr. Right
    - find the right or perfect person
    She is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she hasn't had any luck.

    first love
    - the first person that one falls in love with
    Her first love was with a boy in her high school art class.

    get along with someone
    - have a good friendly relationship with someone
    The woman gets along with her friends very well.

    get back together
    - return to a relationship or marriage after breaking up
    The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months last winter.

    get engaged
    - decide to marry someone
    He got engaged to his wife several years before they actually got married.

    get hitched
    - get married
    My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend.

    get serious
    - a relationship becomes serious and long-term
    The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious.

    give someone (or something) a second chance
    - try to save a relationship by forgiving and welcoming the other person back
    The girl's boyfriend left her for several months but when he wanted to come back she was happy to give him a second chance.

    go dutch
    - a date where each person pays half of the expenses
    In university many of the students had little money so they often went dutch when they were on a date.

    good together
    - two people who get along well with each other
    They are very good together and nobody has ever seen them argue.

    go out with someone
    - go on a date or be dating someone
    I have been going out with a woman from my hiking club for several months now.

    go steady
    - date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)
    The two students have been going steady for three years now.

    have a crush (on someone)
    - have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)
    The young girl had a crush on her teacher in junior high school but of course it was an impossible situation.

    have a thing for (someone)
    - be attracted and care a lot about someone
    She seems to have a thing for the new guy who just started to work at her company.

    head over heels in love with someone
    - be very much in love with someone
    My friend is head over heels in love with the accountant in his new company.

    hit it off (with someone)
    - get along well with someone (usually from the beginning)
    I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now.

    hung up on someone
    - be obsessed with another person
    The young woman has been hung up on a member of her tennis club for many months now.

    interested in (someone)
    - have a romantic interest in someone and possibly want to date that person
    My sister has been interested in one of the students in her university biology class for many months now.

    kiss and makeup
    - become friends again after a fight or argument
    After they have a fight the couple is always very quick to kiss and make up.

    leave someone for someone else
    - end a relationship with your partner and start a relationship with someone else
    The man left his wife for his secretary but soon discovered that his life was worse than before.

    love at first sight
    - fall in love with someone (or something) the first time that one sees him or her
    When I saw the woman at the party it was love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her.

    made for each other
    - two people who get along extremely well
    Although we had some differences we got along very well together and seemed to be made for each other.

    make eyes at someone
    - look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find them attractive
    The man became angry when he thought that his girlfriend was making eyes at someone else at the party.

    make up
    - when two people forgive each other after an argument or begin to see each other again after ending a relationship
    The couple had a big fight at the restaurant but they quickly made up and things quickly got back to normal.

    a match made in heaven
    - a couple who get along perfectly
    When the two people finally got together it was a match made in heaven and everyone thought that they would stay together forever.

    meet/find the right girl/guy
    - find the right partner, the one to marry
    When she moved to Madrid she joked that she would never return home if she met the right guy.

    on the rocks
    - a relationship or a marriage that is experiencing problems
    They are experiencing many problems at the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks.

    the one (for someone)
    - the right partner, the one to marry
    As soon as I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was probably the one for me.

    one and only
    - the only person that one loves
    She was his one and only and he felt lost when the relationship ended.

    patch up a relationship
    - repair a broken relationship
    Although the couple had been fighting and wanted to separate they managed to patch up their relationship and are now very happy together.

    perfect couple
    - two people who appear to get along perfectly
    Our neighors have always seemed to be the perfect couple.

    pop the question
    - ask someone to marry you
    He put much thought into his possible wedding before he actually decided to pop the question.

    puppy love
    - infatuation (strong feelings of love) between school-age children or teenagers
    The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world but everyone knew that it was only puppy love.

    say "I do"
    - get married (during a wedding ceremony it is common to say "I do" when you agree to marry your partner)
    He loved the woman very much and was hoping that she would say "I do" as soon as they could make the wedding arrangements.

    seeing someone
    - be dating someone on a regular basis
    The woman was not seeing anyone when she met a man who she liked at the party.

    set a date
    - decide on a date for a wedding
    After thinking about marriage for a long time they have finally decided to set a date.

    settle down
    - establish a regular routine after getting married
    After dating dozens of women the young man finally decided to settle down.

    split up
    - two people in a relationship decide to end their relationship
    My sister's daughter and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years.

    steal someone's heart
    - cause someone to fall in love with you
    She quickly stole the heart of the man who was working beside her at her office.

    take one's vows
    - get married and take your wedding vows (promises)
    They were taking their vows down at the county courthouse when I came for a visit.

    those three little words
    - the words "I love you"
    After several months of dating the young man finally said those three little words to his girlfriend.

    tie the knot
    - get married
    After dating for several years the young couple suddenly decided to tie the knot.

    true love
    - a genuine feeling of romantic love
    It seemed like true love until we began to fight all of the time.

    unrequited love
    - love that is not returned, one-way love
    The woman was in love with the president of her company but from the beginning it was a case of unrequited love.

    walk down the aisle together
    - get married (in this case in a Christian church where many weddings take place and where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar)
    They get along very well and they have finally decided to walk down the aisle and begin their life together.

    walk out on
    - abandon your partner and end a relationship
    The man walked out on his wife and their small baby and nobody knew the reason why.

    whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear
    - romantic, intimate talk
    The movie was rather romantic and most of the scenes had the actor whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the actress.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  19. #44
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

    По умолчанию

    Sports Idioms

    across the board
    - applying to all (in horse racing a bet where an equal amount of money is placed on a horse to finish in any top winning position)
    The workers received an across the board wage increase and most of them were happy.

    arrow in one's quiver
    - have a number of resources or strategies that one can follow
    His ability with languages was another arrow in his quiver and helped him in his business life.

    at this stage of the game
    - at some point, at some time during an activity
    At this stage of the game I don't think that we should spend more money on the project.

    back the wrong horse
    - make the wrong choice, support the wrong thing (from horse racing)
    The students backed the wrong horse in the election for school president and were very surprised at the winner.

    ball is in someone's court
    - it is that person's turn to act next (from tennis or a similar game)
    We made an offer to buy the business and now the ball is in the owner's court to accept our offer or not.

    ballpark estimate/figure
    -a guess in a certain area or range
    We were given a ballpark estimate as to how much it would cost to buy the business.

    bat a thousand
    - be successful in everything that you do
    The salesman was batting a thousand during his sales trip to Europe.

    beat the gun
    - do something before the ending signal of a game etc.
    We were able to beat the gun and applied before the final deadline to get the free basketball tickets.

    behind the eight ball
    - at a disadvantage (from the black ball which is numbered eight in the game of pool)
    Our friend was behind the eight ball when he discovered that he was last in line to register for his classes.

    beyond one's depth
    - in water that is too deep, do something that is too difficult
    The executives appeared to be beyond their depth when they chose to pick a fight with the unions.

    blow the whistle on someone
    - reveal information about someone (from sports where the referee blows a whistle when someone does something wrong)
    The secretary blew the whistle on her boss for his responsibility in wasting much money in his department.

    bounce something (an idea) off someone
    - test someone's reaction to an idea
    I bounced my idea for the new restaurant off my friend.

    call the shots
    - control something, make the rules (from calling the shots in billiards/pool)
    My friend has been calling the shots in his company for several years now.

    carry the ball
    - be in charge (from carry the ball in American football)
    The director decided to let his assistant carry the ball on the assignment for the new sale's contract.

    clear a hurdle
    - overcome an obstacle (from a hurdle in a race)
    We finally cleared a major hurdle in our effort to get a license to sell our products.

    come out of left field
    - be completely unexpected
    His idea about going to Turkey came right out of left field.

    cover all of one's bases
    - thoroughly prepare for or deal with a situation
    He covered all of his bases before going to the job interview and performed very well.

    (be) cricket
    - fair play, gentlemanly conduct (usually used in the negative)
    The way that the government treated the union leaders was not cricket.

    dive right into something
    - begin to do something without hesitating
    When university started some of the students decided to dive right into their studies.

    down/out for the count
    - defeated, unconscious (in boxing a boxer who is on the ground must get up before the count of ten or he will lose)
    The political candidate seemed to be down for the count when no major figures supported him.

    down to the wire
    - at the very last minute (from the wire at the end of a horse race)
    The election went down to the wire but in the end the President was re-elected to another term in office.

    draw first blood
    - the first point or advantage gained in a contest (often in boxing or fighting with swords)
    The heavyweight champion drew first blood in the boxing match but in the end was defeated by his opponent.

    drop the ball
    - make an error or mistake, handle things badly
    The government dropped the ball on their decision to expand the airport runway without consulting the local residents.

    first out of the gate
    - be the first person to begin a project
    He was first out of the gate in the effort to raise money for the new concert hall.

    first past the post
    - winning a race by being the first to reach the finishing line (in a horse race)
    The young horse was first past the post and won a large amount of money in the race.

    get off to a flying start
    - have a very successful beginning
    The meeting got off to a flying start when the company directors announced that they had won a large contract.

    get one's feet wet
    - start a new project cautiously
    Before getting my feet wet I spent many months studying the plans for the new project.

    get the ball rolling
    - begin
    We got up early to get the ball rolling on our project.

    get to (reach) first base with someone or something
    - make an advance with someone or in some undertaking (from first base in baseball)
    I spent several hours talking about changing my work hours but I wasn't able to get to first base with my boss.

    get two/three strikes against someone
    - get several things against one, be in a situation where success in unlikely (in baseball a batter is finished after three strikes)
    His absence from work and being late were serious problems. He now had two strikes against him. Any more problems and he would have to be fired.

    go to bat for someone
    - support or help someone (in baseball you sometines substitute one batter for another)
    The young woman's teacher went to bat for her when she was having problems with the school administration.

    go to the mat
    - argue strongly on behalf of someone or something
    The coach would always go to the mat for his players when they were having problems.

    hand the torch/baton to someone
    - hand over a particular duty or responsibility to someone (from the baton or torch that is passed from one runner to the next in a relay race)
    The president of the company handed the torch to his son when he decided to retire.

    hard to call
    - hard to decide or determine something (referees in sports sometimes have to make difficult decisions)
    The election was hard to call and nobody knew who was going to win.

    have had a good innings
    - have enjoyed a long period of positive action or opportunity (from cricket where an innings is the time that a team spends batting and a good innings is when they score a lot of runs)
    The team had a very good innings and won the match easily.

    have the inside track
    - have an advantage (if you have the inside track in running a race you have an advantage)
    I had the inside track when I applied for the job at the bank.

    hit someone below the belt
    - unfair, not following the rules (from hitting low in boxing)
    It was a case of hitting someone below the belt when the girl stole her best friend's boyfriend from her.

    hit the bull's-eye
    - achieve your goal perfectly
    We hit the bull's-eye when our sales target was met for the year.

    in full swing
    - full capacity, greatest activity
    The basketball season was in full swing when we decided to buy season's tickets.

    in someone's corner
    - on someone's side, supporting someone (in a boxing match each boxer has his own corner)
    The young man gained confidence when he realized that there were many people in his corner.

    in the ballpark
    - in a particular area or range (from a baseball field)
    The value of my business was not in the same ballpark as what I had been offered so I decided not to sell it.

    in the bullpen
    - a baseball player is in a special area getting ready to pitch in a game
    The new pitcher practiced in the bullpen while he waited for a chance to enter the game.

    in the homestretch
    - be close to completion
    The project to build the new bridge is now in the homestretch.

    in the running
    - to be a candidate (from horse racing when two horses are running evenly)
    The lawyer is in the running for a job on the city school board.

    in the same league as someone
    - be at the same level as someone
    The boys soccer team was not in the same league at their opponents.

    jockey for position
    - try to put yourself in a better position at the expense of others (as a jockey would do in a horse race)
    The salesmen started to jockey for position as soon as they learned that the sales manager was leaving the company.

    jump the gun
    - start before the starting signal or before you should start (as in a race)
    My friend jumped the gun and applied for the job before applications were being accepted.

    keep one's eye on the ball
    - remain alert, keep one's attention focused on the ball or the matter at hand
    He was told that during the meeting he must keep his eye on the ball and concentrate on the matter at hand.

    keep the ball rolling
    - maintain the momentum of an activity
    My friend is always able to keep the ball rolling when we are gathered for dinner and everyone becomes silent.

    kick off
    - kick the ball and start the game in American football, begin, start
    They kicked off the campaign to raise money for the hospital with a large fund raising event at a restaurant.

    know the score
    - know the facts about something
    The new secretary doesn't really know the score about how the company operates.

    level playing field
    - a situation where everyone has an equal chance at success
    We were able to achieve a level playing field with the other schools when the government made some new rules regarding the competition.

    make it to first base
    - successfully taking the first step with someone or when doing something
    I was not able to make it to first base in my attempt to have my boss change my work schedule.

    make the cut
    - meet or come up to a required standard (from golf where a player must do equal or better than a certain score to continue)
    The young player did not make the cut and was unable to join the team that year.

    meet one's match
    - encounter one's equal
    The boxer finally met his match when he was offered the fight with the other wrestler.

    miss the cut
    - fail to come up to or meet a required standard (from golf where a player must do equal or better than a certain score to continue)
    After several successful tournaments the golfer missed the cut and could not enter the next tournament.

    move the goalposts
    - unfairly change the conditions or rules of something that you are doing
    Although we followed the rules when applying for the license, the government officials moved the goalposts and our application was rejected.

    neck and neck
    - exactly even (as in a horse race)
    The two candidates were running neck and neck in the election until the last ballots were counted late in the evening.

    nip and tuck
    - almost even or tied
    The two horses were running nip and tuck for most of the race but finally the younger horse won the race.

    not in the same league
    - much inferior to someone
    Our soccer team was not in the same league as the Brazilian players who we met at the tournament.

    odds are against one
    - there is little chance that you will succeed
    The odds were against the boy joining the team but he tried very hard anyway.

    off and running
    - make progress in something from the beginning (from horses who run quickly from the start of a race)
    The two candidates were off and running in the race to become mayor of the city.

    off base
    - wrong, unrealistic
    The general was off base with his estimate about how many soldiers were needed for the battle.

    off to a running start
    - start with a good fast beginning
    Everyone was off to a running start when the campaign to collect money for the new hospital began.

    on a par with
    - equal in importance or quality to something or someone (par is the usual number of strokes that are needed to get around a golf course)
    The recent scandal involving steroids in sports was on a par with other major scandals of several decades ago.

    on side
    - supporting or part of the same team as someone else
    We finally got the directors on side in our bid to host the local basketball championships.

    on the ropes
    - in a desperate situation or near defeat (from boxing where the losing boxer is forced back against the ropes)
    The boxer was on the ropes and it seemed impossible for him to win the match.

    on your marks
    - used to tell runners in a race to get into the correct starting position
    The race began as soon as the judge yelled, "on your marks, get set, go."

    out in left field
    - offbeat, unusual (as in the back and left side of a baseball field)
    Our teacher's ideas are usually out in left field and everyone is surprised to hear them.

    out of one's league
    - not equal to or in the same class as someone (a league is a group of sports teams that compete against each other)
    The artist was totally out of his league when he went to Paris and tried to enter the art world.

    out of the running
    - eliminated from a contest, no longer being considered
    Our friend was out of the running for the director's job so she decided to return to school and continue her education.

    paddle one's own canoe
    - do something alone, be independent
    The company director was left to paddle his own canoe when the other members of the company resigned their positions.

    par for the course
    - what is normal or expected in a given situation (in golf par is the usual number of strokes needed to go around a golf course)
    A bad attitude at work is par for the course for that supervisor and it is something that management must deal with.

    pass the torch/baton to someone
    - hand over a particular duty or responsibility to someone (from the baton or torch that is passed from one runner to the next in a relay race)
    The head of the soccer association passed the torch to his director after spending many years in the sport.

    play ball (with someone)
    - cooperate with someone
    The young men refused to play ball with the police and were taken to the police station for questioning.

    play by the rules
    - follow the generally accepted rules of something
    The team members refused to play by the rules so they were asked to leave the tournament.

    play fair
    - avoid cheating
    The boxer was an honorable athlete and always played fair when he was in the boxing ring.

    play hardball with someone
    - behave in an extremely determined way to get what you want (hardball and softball are from the game of baseball)
    The owners of the football club decided to play hardball when they began negotiating with the top player.

    pump iron
    - exercise with weights
    Her brother has been pumping iron for more than two years now.

    put in one's oar
    - give help, give advice without being asked
    We were doing very well until our supervisor came along and put in his oar. We would have done better without him.

    rally around someone or something
    - join together to support someone or something
    The city rallied around the basketball team when they went to the national championships.

    rest on one's oars
    - relax one's efforts
    The negotiating team decided to rest on their oars and wait until their partners had a chance to consider the offer.

    right off the bat
    - at the very beginning, immediately (like the ball leaving a baseball or cricket bat)
    After arriving at the resort, we were told right off the bat that we would have to pay extra to use the pool and the training room.

    roll with the punches
    - adapt to difficult circumstances (from boxing where a boxer moves away or rolls from a punch to lessen its impact)
    My sister is able to roll with the punches and can handle the many problems in her work very well.

    run interference
    - intervene on behalf of someone to protect them from something (from American football)
    They ran interference on their top salesman to protect him from the scandal.

    safe bet
    - a certainty (a horse that is expected to win a race)
    It was a safe bet that we would win the large contract if we bid for it.

    saved by the bell
    - rescued from a bad situation at the last minute (as in the bell at the end of each round in a boxing match)
    We were saved by the bell when the meeting ended before we had to deliver our badly prepared presentation.

    score points with someone
    - gain the favor of someone
    The salesman always worked extra hours in order to score points with his boss.

    send someone to the showers
    - send a player off the field and out of a game
    The referee sent the top player to the showers after he refused to stop arguing.

    set the pace
    - establish the speed or pace of something
    The runner set the pace for the other runners during the marathon.

    smooth sailing
    - something is working out well and has no problems
    After we left the city it was smooth sailing on the highway until we got to our destination.

    sporting chance
    - some possibility of success
    The tennis player was not given a sporting chance to win the tournament but still she tried very hard to win.

    sport of kings
    - horse racing
    Horse racing has been the sport of kings for many years.

    steal a base
    - sneak from one base to another in baseball
    The young baseball player won an award for stealing the most bases in one year.

    sticky wicket
    - an awkward situation (from cricket where rain has made it difficult to bat on the field)
    The rain had made a sticky wicket out of the field and neither side was able to play very well.

    strike out
    - fail
    The criminal struck out in his attempt to change the punishment that he had received from the judge.

    tackle a problem
    - attack a problem with much effort (from American football where one player tackles another player)
    All of the members of the sales team gathered to tackle the problem of decreasing sales.

    take one's eye off the ball
    - fail to keep one's attention focused on the ball or the matter at hand
    He took his eye off the ball for only a second and the other team quickly scored a goal.

    take the chequered flag
    - finish first in a race (from the flag that is used in car racing when the winner finishes the race)
    The Brazilian driver took the chequered flag for the third time this year.

    take the wind out of one's sails
    - become discouraged and lose one's enthusiasm
    It took the wind out of his sails when he was told that he was not doing a good job.

    team player
    - someone who works well with others to achieve some goal
    The man is a team player and works well with all of the other members of the staff.

    test the water
    - check to see if a plan will work before you start
    The fruit juice company tested the water before they began to sell the lemon fruit juice.

    "That's the way the ball bounces."
    - that's life, there is nothing you can do about something
    The man replied, "That's the way the ball bounces", when he told his friend about the job that he had lost.

    throw in the towel/sponge
    - admit defeat, stop fighting (in a boxing match a towel is thrown into the ring to admit defeat)
    The candidate threw in the towel early in the evening of the election when it became impossible for her to win.

    throw one's hat into the ring
    - be willing or decide to enter a contest or take up a challenge
    The young woman decided to throw her hat into the ring for the election for school president.

    throw/pitch someone a curve
    - pitch a curve in baseball, confuse someone by doing something unexpected
    My friend threw me a curve when he changed the dates of our plan to go on a holiday together.

    too close to call
    - so evenly balanced that it is not possible to predict the outcome (in a contest, race, election)
    The game was too close to call until the last few minutes of the game.

    toe the line
    - accept the authority or policies of a particular group (competitors in a race line up with their toes on the starting line)
    The worker refused to toe the line and was fired from his job.

    touch base with someone
    - briefly meet or make contact with someone
    I touched base with my uncle before he left on his trip to Mexico.

    two strikes against someone
    - do two things that are wrong or bad and have only one more to do to cause you serious trouble ( from baseball where a batter is finished after three strikes)
    The young boy had two strikes against him when he went to hear the judge's decision about his crime.

    up to par
    - at an expected or usual level or quality (par in golf is the usual number of strokes used to get around a golf course)
    The product was not up to par and was sent back to the factory for further improvement.

    whole new ball game
    - a new set of circumstances (from a new game of baseball)
    The election had become a whole new ball game when the main candidate quit because of a scandal.

    win by a neck
    - succeed by a small amount (in horse racing a horse may win by the length of its head only)
    The race was very close but at the end the young horse pulled ahead and won the race by a neck.

    win by a nose
    - win by a very small amount (the narrowest margin that a horse can win in a horse race)
    There was a dispute as to who won the horse race but the judges settled the matter and declared that one of the horses had won the race by a nose.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  20. #45
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    Starting to discuss the English Grammar, from time to time, now Lexy and me decided to look through The Complex Object

    The Complex object-Сложное дополнение, is always translated into Russian like:

    I want you (him, her, them, us) -Я хочу, чтобы ты (он, она, они, мы).. TO DO smth
    I expect you (him, her, them, us)- Ожидаю, что ты (он, она, они, мы)...TO DO smth
    U would like you (him, her, them, us)- Хотел бы, чтоб (он, она, они, мы) TO DO smth
    При переводе с русскоко на англ, заметь, слово чтобы НИКОГДА не переводится на английский!

    Он хочет, чтобы мы сегодня приняли участие в игре- He wants us to take part in the game.

    All in all, the whole construction of the Complex object goes like:

    местоимение в им. падеже(I, you, he, she, it, they )+ один из трех глаголов want/expect/would like/+ местоимение в Дат. падеже you, me, her, him, us, them+ TO DO something.

    Именно с этими тремя глаголами строится сложное дополнение, при которых используется инфинитив с частицей to (work, play, come, etc)

    После глаголов SEE, HEAR, FEEL, NOTICE, WATCH инфинитив употребляется БЕЗ чатицы to:
    I felt somebody touch my shoulder
    She noticed a man open the door
    Jane heard somebody call her name

    После глаголов SEE, HEAR, FEEL, NOTICE, WATCH русский перевод чуток меняется; вместо "чтобы" звучит "как":
    Я заметил, как кт-то коснулся моего плеча
    Она заметил, как кто-то открывал дверь
    Джейн услышала, как кто-то позвал ее

    После глаголов SEE, HEAR, FEEL, NOTICE, WATCH употребляется не только инфинитив без частицы to, но и герундий:

    I saw a woman entering the house
    She noticed her brother taking the envelope
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  21. #46
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    Напишу несколько интересных фраз, в обсуждении переведем, потом перенесу перевод, очень смешные некоторые, другие помогут немного представить образ мышления англичан, разговорную речь )

    Sorry doesn't cut it!
    It gives me cold chills just to think of it!
    Like a cornered wild cat

    He doesn't have the sense God gave a goat

    We are going to slip his mind completely!

    He was swearing a blue streak!

    a sore loser

    to be in an all-fired hurry

    She is a bit of a space case

    That's what counts!

    Holy cats!

    I'll rip his face off!

    He like a fish needs a bicycle!

    He was in a world of pain

    It’s time to put his feet to fire!

    He is bored out of his mind!

    I blew all my money...

    Neither one of us quiet people

    my throat swelled with emotion

    She leaked our plans to them, she is a leaky vessel!

    It’s coming down heavy on us!

    I feel like sticking my tongue out at you!

    My memory screwed up some

    I’m gonna stomp your guts!
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 09.10.2010 в 17:18.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  22. #47
    Ветеран форума
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    3 апреля в Государственном Кремлевском Дворце, состоялась церемония вручения всеармянской национальной премии «ТАШИР-2011».


    «ТАШИР-2011» - это не просто концерт армянских артистов, но и национальная премия, которая вручается за выдающиеся заслуги в области армянского шоу-бизнеса. Самые яркие и талантливые представители армянской эстрады собрались на концертной площадке и подарили зрителям великолепный концерт.

    В 2011 году премия «ТАШИР-2011» была более интересной, красочной и представительной.

    Зрителей ждала насыщенная концертная программа, юмористические номера и неожиданные сюрпризы!

    В номинациях премии «ТАШИР -2011» были представлены:

    - Тата Симонян

    - Дживан Гаспарян

    - Нунэ Есаян

    - Шушан Петросян

    - Размик Амян

    - Арман Оганесян

    - Арменчик

    - Эмми

    - Люсина

    - а также звезды российской и мировой эстрады.

    Впервые, за всю историю проведения церемонии, специальные гости вечера:

    - Лара Фабиан
    - Comedy Club
    - Manollo & Gipsygitanes
    - Тото Кутуньо
    - Стас Михайлов и другие мировые звезды.

    Ведущими национальной премии “TASHIR 2011”

    1. Гарик Мартиросян
    2. Ксения Собчак
    3. Николай Басков
    4. Оксана Фёдорова
    5. Марк Сагателян
    6. Вера Брежнева

    Всеармянская национальная премия «ТАШИР-2011» это уникальная возможность молодым и талантливым армянским певцам, участвовать в номинации "Прорыв года" и получить признание и популярность во всем мире.

    Ведущими церемонии были самые яркие представители армянского и российского шоу бизнеса.

    Церемония «ТАШИР - 2011» транслировалась в прямом эфире телеканала «Армения » в 176 странах мира!
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 09.04.2011 в 17:45.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  23. #48
    Ветеран форума
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    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

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    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  24. #49
    Ветеран форума
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    Лето и осень- самое время для путешествий и новых впечатлений.
    Немалое удовольствие доставляет и фотографирование красивых пейзажей, исторических мест, которые посещаешь:


    Живописные и исторические места Армении

    http://s46.radikal.ru/i111/1107/81/ff5ad712f3f0.jpg - Жемчужина Армении, озеро Севан, богатое форелем . Дивный закат

    http://s42.radikal.ru/i097/1107/9a/4bebf89838a0.jpg - маленький парк в моем городке. Весна.

    Дилиджан: бесконечные леса

    - " Ясное (Прозрачное) Озеро" высоко и далеко в горах, окруженное густыми лесами со всех сторон

    http://s55.radikal.ru/i147/1107/2a/5052b9f6bfe3.jpg - Утки на Озере

    http://s54.radikal.ru/i145/1107/c0/257550942517.jpg - В горы, на пикник

    http://i063.radikal.ru/1107/ae/6317611fd0cft.jpg - Церковь "Кечарис", Цахкадзор, знаменитый спортивный зимний курорт
    http://i078.radikal.ru/1107/ec/80a1300e749b.jpg - Знаменитый водопад Джермук, здравница

    http://s59.radikal.ru/i163/1107/84/deb5cfd1077d.jpg - Озеро в горах Сюника. Рядом с Сатанинским мостом
    http://i026.radikal.ru/1107/9e/724b07a79866.jpg - Комплекс Татев, высоко в горах, у канатаходки (самой большой или самой высокой в мире)
    http://i050.radikal.ru/1107/0e/dc5b940b81a1.jpg - Внутри церкви...красота!
    http://i050.radikal.ru/1107/bd/edd3a3c7f90b.jpg - памятник архитектуры. Солнечные часы. Татев, Горис.

    http://s004.radikal.ru/i206/1107/7d/f67fd264cfbe.jpg - Ресторан "Эдем" в области Вайк, недалеко от комплекса церквей "Нораванк"
    - оглушающий "водопад"-река через ресторан, впадает в реку Арпа
    Последний раз редактировалось Alina; 03.07.2011 в 14:59.
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

  25. #50
    Ветеран форума
    Репутация: 1788
    Аватар для Alina
    FC Bayern,FC Valencia,ЦСКА, Inter

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    Египет, Каир.
    Незабываемые впечатления.

    Окунуться в совсем иной колорит, традиции и обычаи; порой- смешные, порой- поражающие...и манящией своей красотой, необычайностью и экзотикой...

    http://i056.radikal.ru/1107/57/88282994ef03.jpg - Загадочный, безоблачный Каир. Река Нил. Вид с 16-ого этажа отеля
    http://s60.radikal.ru/i170/1107/93/647f6fc83c96.jpg - Огромный парк отеля Каир-Мариотт. Вид сверху.
    http://s11.radikal.ru/i183/1107/39/659b92214d05.jpg - Каир, Нил

    http://s57.radikal.ru/i157/1107/57/c5aac3ccb572.jpg - Пальмы. Закат

    http://s08.radikal.ru/i181/1107/96/00df22cf91dc.jpg - Каир. Католическая церковь

    http://i022.radikal.ru/1107/18/8a3d3872c0c9.jpg - Каир. Замок какого-то миллионера (может, шейха? )

    http://s002.radikal.ru/i199/1107/2b/3c69c9f679ff.jpg - Гиза. Пирамиды на закате дня

    http://s12.radikal.ru/i185/1107/03/d0baad0b0d55.jpg - Великий Сфинкс, гордый и непоколебимый веками...
    http://s48.radikal.ru/i121/1107/8f/fc4f0fe168f5.jpg - На фоне пирамиды Хефрена
    http://s44.radikal.ru/i106/1107/1d/f9ec6ad14c58.jpg - На пирамиды опускается ночь..

    http://s11.radikal.ru/i184/1107/03/23e1855e8e31.jpg - Однo из чудес света- Пирамида Хеопса


    http://s43.radikal.ru/i101/1107/be/e5c8f42374be.jpg - Грандиозное "Sound and Light" шоу у пирамид ночью...

    http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/1107/d0/3e3394f8df50.jpg - Знаменитый Каирский Музей
    Фотографировать СТРОГО запрещалось!!! Все фоты- с мобилы:
    Боже,какой MIA SAN MEISTER мужчина!!..

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